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Truth to Nintendo Fusion?

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#1 MorbidGod


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 08:36 PM

So, Iwata recently talked about their next hardware. And the comments he said, appears to talk about having one platform across multiple devices. Similar to how, for the most part, one app will work on the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5S. And he also said there might be one, two or three devices they make. That this will solve their current problem, because right now they aren't big enough to make and support games across three platforms. However, if they made the games for one platform across multiple devices, that could be a win win for consumers and Nintendo. He even mentioned the Wii U, stating that the next generation will use the architecture as the Wii U, and then started elaborating further by giving the iOS and Android examples.

Now, what I get from all this is frightening and exciting at the same time. Exciting, because this means we might see more devices from Nintendo and software droughts - something we all talk about - will be less. Frightening because of the next point.

Which is ... Nintendo could, in theory, launch a new console. A more powerful console in the near future. Lets call it, for simplicity's sake, Wii UX. This new console will feature a new look. An improved GamePad, maybe sporting a HD screen. Be backwards compatible with Wii U. Be cable of graphics far beyond what the Xbox One and PS4 are capable of. And yet, every game available to The Wii UX is also available to the Wii U, but downscale. Similar to how on PC gaming, both a low end PC and high end PC are capable of playing the same games. Just downscale.

With this new model, we might see yearly hardware updates. And maybe like the iPhone updates, every two years see a big jump in power whereas year to year marginal updates. This to me is exciting but scary because, one ... I don't know how people will take to this. They aren't abandoning the Wii U or their consumer base here. Just like Dell isn't abandoning their consumer base by releasing a new more powerful computer. But because the paradigm is so fixed on one console for five years, I don't know how the market will handle this. In response, Sony and Microsoft will likely follow suit, because they'll be forced too. If that happens then Nintendo will be fine. The second reason this scares me is he doesn't know what form factors this will take on. Meaning, Nintendo might go just home console. Or just handheld. Or just tablet based. I'd say probably not the last two, because I don't think handheld or tablets can play Wii U games.

What do you think? This is coming from and http://arstechnica.c...r-its-future/2/

Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#2 nbond3040



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Posted 07 February 2014 - 08:56 PM

hopefully not

#3 Mitch



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Posted 07 February 2014 - 09:02 PM

If they start releasing a $300-500 console every year I will no longer be a console gamer...


I'll stick to solely PC, and upgrade individual parts at my own pace and leisure.

#4 GAMER1984



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Posted 07 February 2014 - 09:45 PM

I think there is a lot more truth to it than people think. I think people look at the specs and dismiss it after that. Not taking the specs into consideration they are working on new console and further in development than just oh Wii U is out now lets start working on a new console. Its in developers hands I believe Nintendo has learned their lesson with Wii U. their next console is going to be what Wii U should have been.

#5 Gnomishek



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Posted 07 February 2014 - 10:06 PM

I think Iwata made it clear that they have a concept in mind and they will work on that.

It doesn't mean Nintendo will ditch the Wii U. They won't. Don't expect to hear about the new console until at least 2016.

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#6 MorbidGod


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 12:01 AM

I think Iwata made it clear that they have a concept in mind and they will work on that.
It doesn't mean Nintendo will ditch the Wii U. They won't. Don't expect to hear about the new console until at least 2016.

But this wouldn't be ditching the Wii U. It would be making a new console, but allowing the Wii U to play those same games that the new console would play.

If they start releasing a $300-500 console every year I will no longer be a console gamer...

I'll stick to solely PC, and upgrade individual parts at my own pace and leisure.

Why would you do that? You could still buy a new console every five years if you'd like to. Because the Wii U would play every game, even games made for newer hardware. So why would you leave Nintendo for PC? Especially that this model is closer to the way PC's work.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#7 grahamf


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 12:39 AM

But this wouldn't be ditching the Wii U. It would be making a new console, but allowing the Wii U to play those same games that the new console would play.

Why would you do that? You could still buy a new console every five years if you'd like to. Because the Wii U would play every game, even games made for newer hardware. So why would you leave Nintendo for PC? Especially that this model is closer to the way PC's work.

You're basically expecting developers to build games for completely new consoles, yet having to make sure their games work on prior consoles. Guess what? They will develop for the lowest common denominator, if they develop for Nintendo at all.



#8 Raiden


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 12:51 AM

If you release multiple consoles at once you would be doing the same mistake that SEGA made that made them bankrupt. Don't compete with yourself.Also loses trust with developers and fans besides the financial issues it would cause.

#9 Hunter



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Posted 08 February 2014 - 01:00 AM

If you release multiple consoles at once you would be doing the same mistake that SEGA made that made them bankrupt. Don't compete with yourself.Also loses trust with developers and fans besides the financial issues it would cause.





I know that I would feel cheated if Nintendo brought out a new console so soon. I paid £300+ for my wii u and then they go and release something better? If there is some truth to the fusion we won't be hearing about it for at least a few more years.

#10 Gnomishek



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Posted 08 February 2014 - 01:05 AM

It's gonna be merely a guess, but I assume that the next gen Nintendo console won't be BC. Based on what Iwata said we can conclude that it will be entirely new ecosystem (unless they change their mind over time, and I don't think they will - all seems logical) and I would also suppose that the hardware will use the very same PC-like architecrure that underlies PS4 and XOne to ensure 3rd parties support. This would eliminate the possibility of the Wii U emulation.

We shall see.

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#11 grahamf


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 01:06 AM

If the Gamecube is any indication we have at east four years until the next console is launched.



#12 GAMER1984



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Posted 08 February 2014 - 01:39 AM

It's gonna be merely a guess, but I assume that the next gen Nintendo console won't be BC. Based on what Iwata said we can conclude that it will be entirely new ecosystem (unless they change their mind over time, and I don't think they will - all seems logical) and I would also suppose that the hardware will use the very same PC-like architecrure that underlies PS4 and XOne to ensure 3rd parties support. This would eliminate the possibility of the Wii U emulation.

We shall see.


It will be somehow. Iwata just said the next console will absorb Wii U architecture. So in someway this next console will be BC because I think the gamepad is here to stay. they will just update it in some fashion for the next console.

#13 iEatTacos


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 02:29 AM

That would not be cool. Please don't do it, Nintendo.

#14 Chrop



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Posted 08 February 2014 - 05:10 AM

No one seems to be thinking that this could potentially be Nintendo's next gen console, the one they bring out in 7 years or so after all the current ones start to get outdated.

It is Nintendo, they do sometimes do odd things 

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#15 MorbidGod


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 06:29 AM

No one seems to be thinking that this could potentially be Nintendo's next gen console, the one they bring out in 7 years or so after all the current ones start to get outdated.
It is Nintendo, they do sometimes do odd things

I originally thought that, until they clarified some of their statements.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#16 Scumbag



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Posted 08 February 2014 - 06:43 AM

If the Gamecube is any indication we have at east four years until the next console is launched.

Took the words out my mouth. I wouldn't want a new Nintendo console that soon, think there's more potential yet to come with what we have.

#17 Nollog


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 09:56 AM

They definitely will release an android-friendly platform, by that I mean similar parts as that of android tablets and phones, as both console and handheld form factors, possibly more formats too like a phone or tablet.
I'm not expecting anything that far out of gaming though, neither should you.

They'll have to do that to keep size and affordability down for the handheld, and tablet cpus and gpus are getting to a level where they can look like a proper console game, without having the extra power and better architecture for the job.
I doubt the fusion fake carp is anything like their target spec, but they should aim high imo.

But this wouldn't be ditching the Wii U. It would be making a new console, but allowing the Wii U to play those same games that the new console would play.

Why would you do that? You could still buy a new console every five years if you'd like to. Because the Wii U would play every game, even games made for newer hardware. So why would you leave Nintendo for PC? Especially that this model is closer to the way PC's work.

Babe, if they could make the Wii U play all the new games, they wouldn't bother making a new platform which is expressly aiming at "compile once, run on all hardware nintendo make". It would be a third pillar until the wii u dies, i can't imagine nintendo would end support for wii u so early though, in all liklihood they'd start off by replacing the 3ds, then in 2018, replace the wii u with the third pillar. I guess it wouldn't be a third pillar in that case though, unless it was a third pillar to 3ds, but i don't see the 3ds continuing much longer after a new portable with current android-like power.
hopefully nintendo can get to grips with switching from ppc to armish(i don't even know what they use in phones nowadays) code.

Edited by Nollog, 08 February 2014 - 10:03 AM.

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#18 AdmiralClassy


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 10:50 AM

For some reason I hate the idea of ninty fusion.


I don't like the idea of them merging their handheld and console together and hope this isn't actually what happens. 


It also doesn't sound too viable to make something strong enough to be a console that keeps up with the others whilst also being portable and having a good price.

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#19 MorbidGod


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 11:26 AM

They definitely will release an android-friendly platform, by that I mean similar parts as that of android tablets and phones, as both console and handheld form factors, possibly more formats too like a phone or tablet.
I'm not expecting anything that far out of gaming though, neither should you.

They'll have to do that to keep size and affordability down for the handheld, and tablet cpus and gpus are getting to a level where they can look like a proper console game, without having the extra power and better architecture for the job.
I doubt the fusion fake carp is anything like their target spec, but they should aim high imo.

Babe, if they could make the Wii U play all the new games, they wouldn't bother making a new platform which is expressly aiming at "compile once, run on all hardware nintendo make". It would be a third pillar until the wii u dies, i can't imagine nintendo would end support for wii u so early though, in all liklihood they'd start off by replacing the 3ds, then in 2018, replace the wii u with the third pillar. I guess it wouldn't be a third pillar in that case though, unless it was a third pillar to 3ds, but i don't see the 3ds continuing much longer after a new portable with current android-like power.
hopefully nintendo can get to grips with switching from ppc to armish(i don't even know what they use in phones nowadays) code.

I'm only going on what Iwata himself is saying, but what he is saying is vague. But it's not impossible. PC games do this all ready. Sony is sort of doing this with some games (buy a game for the PS3 and get it for Vita). So it's not hard to believe Nintendo couldn't do this, or somehow expand on it.

For some reason I hate the idea of ninty fusion.

I don't like the idea of them merging their handheld and console together and hope this isn't actually what happens.

It also doesn't sound too viable to make something strong enough to be a console that keeps up with the others whilst also being portable and having a good price.

If you read what Nintendo actually says, he states the console and handhelds wouldn't necessarily be the same physical device. But did state that the games being released on one platform, would be available on the other platform(s) as well.

Which, this is why I said I don't know how I feel about wha I am hearing. It appears, at least here, customers don't want what Nintendo seems to be describing.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#20 Nollog


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 11:31 AM

I'm only going on what Iwata himself is saying, but what he is saying is vague. But it's not impossible. PC games do this all ready. Sony is sort of doing this with some games (buy a game for the PS3 and get it for Vita). So it's not hard to believe Nintendo couldn't do this, or somehow expand on it.

What do PC games do? Every game runs up on x86 and software layers like directx or opengl for advanced graphic work.
I wonder why it's so easy to develop p4 and pv games side-by side, i've never given it any thought.
You think Nintendo are just going to make a firmware update for wii u what makes them a cpu and gpu middlemens?

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