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owning a wiiu is fun but buying it is a disaster

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#21 Alex Atkin UK

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Posted 10 February 2014 - 07:01 AM

I'm not happy about the money i invested in my WiiU at launch.


How I feel also. 


As I have ranted about before, I got the Premium for the extra memory and it annoys me that I still ended up having to use a USB memory stick because its the only way to get top speed on downloads.


I also never got any benefit from the bonus scheme because of the rip-off prices of buying games on the store and the poor download speeds (even using an external HDD) meant it wasn't worth it.


I feel I was conned into getting the Premium when it offers nothing over the basic really.  Also had I known all the games were going to be delayed, I might have waited.  At least on the 3DS we got the ambassador scheme which I felt was a fair apology, on Wii U we got nothing.

Edited by Alex Atkin UK, 10 February 2014 - 07:04 AM.

Sheffield 3DS | Steam & XBOX: Alex Atkin UK | PSN & WiiU: AlexAtkinUK


How to improve the Wii U download speed.

#22 Ghost



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Posted 10 February 2014 - 07:04 AM

Being a first adopter kinda sucked but yea I'm proud to some extent. 

#23 Mahmoodinho98


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 12:35 PM

Can someone please lock this thread

#24 grahamf


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 03:11 PM

I've been happy with mine. I did get the basic so i needed a small 16gb flash drive, but only now am I close to needing a proper external drive (or I might just get this).


I mostly got it because my Wii's drive was starting to make scary noises and upgrading to a Wii U was the easiest way to make sure i keep all of my stuff and saves. having access to the entire Wii library makes the limited Wii u games acceptable.



#25 Rockodoodle


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 03:54 PM

I feel similarly..... I bought the Wii U for Mario Kart and Donkey Kong- plus whatever else Nintendo puts out that I might eventually like.  I wasn't going to buy 3d World, but the reviews were too good to pass up.  Been playing it for a about six weeks and I'm half way through it.  I've had a great time playing it- probably haven't had this much fun playing a game in forever. 


I've been able to pick up games for 40 percent to 80 percent off on Amazon and have a ton of games that I haven't even opened.....





I bought a Wii U on the promise of X & Bayonetta 2. I bought a few games ahead of time to tide me over.Took me months to get enough money for the system. Little did I know my Amazon wishlist would be swamped with Wii U games 3rd and 1st party. Little did I know Nintendo could get me interested in a Mario game again as I have not liked a game in the series since 64 yet 3D world looks to combine everything I used to love about the series. Little did I know I would be playing Earthbound and be one of my fave games ever and within a month own a bunch of merchandise on Mother series. Little did I know I would be buying so many digital games on the system and top t off be super hyped for a racing game NOT a kart game.


To be frank Wii U has overwhelmed me and I can't keep up. I cannot speak for every Wii U owner but for me I feel overwhelmed with the system and to me that's a good problem to have. I think some people out there calming Wii U has nothing need to expand their horizons or look harder or both. The system has plenty to offer now and a whole lot more in the future.

#26 NayNay


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Posted 22 February 2014 - 03:55 AM

Hey guys,


new to forum, but wanted to add to this thread.


I have had each Nintendo since the NES, but have held off so far with Wii U until i had more a concrete selection of games. There are some great games already for sure, but not ones that really appeal to me personally. but the tipping point has come.


Now that DK / Kart / Smash Bros are on the horizon, and 3d world and a few others have dropped, plus quite a few others are out for it, im ready to get involved.


Like someone else said, im actually overwhelmed, as i have made a list of the virtual console games im going to download, and it is really going to be an orgy of classic games, playable on a the gamepad while i watch sport or just late at night in bed. i am honestly so excited.


im not a raging fanboy, but someone who has some common sense and can enjoy more than one console at once. i like my PS3 for games like the uncharted series and some sports titles as well as the blu ray player, and i love my Nintendo for the rest of my gaming. once the Ps4 has a really good line up of games that i want, i will pick one of those up too.


I had a couple of questions though as someone mentioned feeling ripped of for going premium over basic?


what is exactly the difference aside from the 32gb v 8gb? i think the premium comes with some stuff that is pretty negligible like a HDMI cable and plastic charging stands or something. and is usually bundled with much better games. but is there any hardware difference? someone mentioned download speed being affected?


i was planning on getting the premium unless there is a good reason not too.

Edited by NayNay, 22 February 2014 - 03:56 AM.

#27 SailtheSeas


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Posted 22 February 2014 - 01:13 PM

I don't think there is much difference between the two consoles apart from the size of the flash storage drive.


I would say go for the Premium console, but I would wait until June/July time because Nintendo may release a Mario Kart 8 bundle which would be a mega bundle. 

#28 NayNay


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Posted 22 February 2014 - 06:30 PM

cheers mate.


i wasnt really impressed with the last couple of mario karts.


didnt have the same feel of speed as the SNES original, i dont know, just didnt quite deliver what i was after. i played a DS version at some point and that was awesome actually.


the bundle right now is New Super Mario plus Luigi DLC and of course nintendoland.


Thought that they would do a DK bundle also, but as yet have not 

#29 SailtheSeas


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Posted 25 February 2014 - 08:17 AM

I suppose you could buy a bundle that appeals to you right now, some retailers seem to be dropping the price of the Wii U on their own accord, so if you shop around you might pick up a 'bargain'.

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