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#1 Sigurd27



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Posted 09 February 2014 - 01:02 PM

Hello all!


Just a couple things, I am not new to nintendo, I grew up on one and still play my snes almost daily (own over 100 titles on it)

Did not get a wii as I was not into the movement to play controllers.

Am not interested in a ps4 or x1 for at least another year.


I am going to get a wii u to tide me over and I have been wanting to play the new marios and dk's

for a long time now! So eager for new mario kart.

Anywho, I will be getting a wii u no matter what, I am here tho because I want to hear from owners

the good and the bad of the system right now and personal opinons....


Please give me anything.


Thank you!!




EDIT, I should also say, I am looking for anything info on the system, game reviews, controller reviews, console controller durabilty,

litte qwerks about the system, its online. is it loud, anything and everything please.

Edited by Sigurd27, 09 February 2014 - 01:13 PM.

#2 nbond3040



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Posted 09 February 2014 - 01:30 PM

The WiiU's online infrastructure could use some work if you've used xbox live or psn you will be a little disappointed. Welcome to teh Forums

#3 Akazury


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Posted 09 February 2014 - 02:14 PM

First off all welcome to the forums.

Now for the good, the bad and everything in between. In my opinion it's a geeat machine. It's silent, the eshop is filled with great indie titles and full games aswell as VC, the online platform doesn't compare to Xbox/Playstation. Miiverse is universally accessable and is well integrated in the games, from taking pictures in Pikmin to sending messages in a bottle it's very open. The competitve online is lackluster tho. Nintendo is slowley building from an device based to an account based system more like MS/Sony which would mean Vc games wouldn't have to be bought seperatly, the first steps taken was adding NNID to the 3Ds and merging eshop balances.

Controller wise I recommend getting a U pro controller for multiplayer games and shooters, with it's 80 hours battery life it's here to stay. The gamepad however has a short batterylife of eight(?) hours. While most games just use it as an secondary screen for inventory/maps their are a few games that use it well (zombiU and W101). The off-tv play is a big plus for me but due to the short batterylife not always ideal. It might seem big but it reallys is comfortable. If your used to the 360 controller the new button layout might take some getting used to.

As for the games, first-party games excell on the system but that's Ninty for ya. This also means that third party support is nowhere near as good as on the other platforms. My personal library contains both first and third party games ranging from Batman, AC and CoD to Pikmin, Windwaker HD and ZombiU, with more on the way.

I hope this covers all of it and once again welcome to the forums.

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#4 iEatTacos


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Posted 09 February 2014 - 02:24 PM

Welcome to the forums, buddy, and the Wii U is a nice machine. The good would be It offers some pretty awesome games that you can only find on Wii U (Pikmin 3, Wind Waker, Super Mario 3D World, Wonderful 101, just to name a few). The bad would be less than desirable 3rd party support.

#5 Ecorsbie


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Posted 15 February 2014 - 07:41 AM

I would definitely concur with the lackluster of 3rd party support.  However, the new mario kart is going to be killer.  The graphics are insane.  I like the fact that you can add a hard drive to the system..  I wish that we had more sports games.  I am a dedicated Nintendo fan since 1985 and I am really struggling if I should buy another system for sports games or should I hold out and maybe nintendo will get good sports games.  Over all the system is a great system.  I think it will get better this year with some great titles coming in 2014.

#6 Happy Monk

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 12:17 PM

Indeed, a lack of sports games is disappointing.

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#7 Slim Shady

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 05:42 PM

Welcome. Is EARTHBOUND one of those snes games you own? Love that one.

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Walk up to these hot chicks and im all like

"Sup ladies, my names Slim Shady.

I'm the lead singer in D12 baby"

#8 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 15 February 2014 - 07:32 PM

Hello all!


Just a couple things, I am not new to nintendo, I grew up on one and still play my snes almost daily (own over 100 titles on it)

Did not get a wii as I was not into the movement to play controllers.

Am not interested in a ps4 or x1 for at least another year.


I am going to get a wii u to tide me over and I have been wanting to play the new marios and dk's

for a long time now! So eager for new mario kart.

Anywho, I will be getting a wii u no matter what, I am here tho because I want to hear from owners

the good and the bad of the system right now and personal opinons....


Please give me anything.


Thank you!!




EDIT, I should also say, I am looking for anything info on the system, game reviews, controller reviews, console controller durabilty,

litte qwerks about the system, its online. is it loud, anything and everything please.


I can say the system is overall good you won't be disapointed with it (minus the lag between apps and the homemenu)


Games... games...


The good: The Wii U has great games like mario and zelda :D


The bad?: Not enough games...


Honestly, I would wait until another price drop happens or another year because most likely Nintendo will pull the plug on it soon...


Oh, and welcome to the forums! I hope you like it here! :)

Edited by YoshiWiiUGamer9, 15 February 2014 - 07:33 PM.



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#9 Mewbot


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Posted 15 February 2014 - 09:19 PM

Hey, in my opinion, the online infrastructure is both better and worse than the competitors offerings. It has some great features like videochat and miiverse, but it also lacks some seemingly obvious features that should have been there at the start (cross game voicechat, where for art thou?).

The controllers are also the same, better and worse at the same time. The gamepad is brilliantly light, comfortable, and handy. But its battery life is short, and the triggers are digital. Then there's the pro controller, which fixes the battery life (fixes it feels like an understatement, its battery life is 40 times that of the GamePad's), is even lighter, and even MORE comfortable. Definitely more comfortable than a 360 controller, even more comfortable than a PS4 or One controller (opinion), but still has digital triggers. I'm personally fine with digital triggers, though.

Same thing again with the games, the first party is many, many, many times better than any other console's. But, the 3rd party often runs worse (hopefully they work out how to code for it eventually), and is sometimes missing from the console altogether (EA....).

People act as though it's all negative with the Wii U, but every negative has an equal or greater positive.


So that was my opinion on the console. I expect you'll enjoy it. Everyone I know that has played it has enjoyed it. The thing is, you need to own it to appreciate the things like offscreen play and the TV remote feature (seriously, we haven't used the actual TV remote in months).


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#10 Sigurd27



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Posted 16 February 2014 - 12:25 AM

Welcome. Is EARTHBOUND one of those snes games you own? Love that one.

I found it at a local flea market, no box or book, front lable is torn, 40 bucks. =)


thank you for the replys everyone!

I will be getting my wii u shortly, ill pick up a pro controller or two and a couple games.

I would still be getting this system as I miss playing nintendo games and want in on the new ones, so the lack of 3rd party is

workable for me. Not really why I want it.


Does anyone know about the 3ds games coming to the tablet thing tho?

Whats news on that?


Also, how does online purchasing work for nintendo? points? credit card?

If I get wii games, and play them onthe wii u can I use the pro controller?

or would I have to use wii remotes? (trying to avoid the motion control)

#11 Akazury


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Posted 16 February 2014 - 12:58 AM

3Ds games aren't coming to the VC for a long while. DS games have been announced tho. The Eshop works via an credit card that you can link to your account or you can buy eShop cards which you'll then add to your wallet.
The U is backwards competable, on starting the Wii mode you are promted that you'll need a wiimote to browse through the menu. From there on out it depends on the game how to use the wiimote. The Wii has his own line of accesories like the classic controller and while in most cases these work with the U I'm not sure if it works the other way around.

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#12 Rockodoodle


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Posted 25 February 2014 - 07:42 PM

I'm very happy with my purchase.  Got mine last april and then picked up a 3ds in August b/c I had so much fun with Nintendo stuff. And then.... took the plunge and bought a Zelda bundle over Xmas for when I go to my GF's house....


I'm actually okay with the 3rd party support- BUT it has all but gone except for Watch Dogs, which will be delayed, project cars, Batman and maybe a few other movie ones.  Deal is, I've got all the shooters I want/need with Mass Effect, Resident Evil, COD, Deus Ex, Splinter Cell.  I'm a bit disappointed about Madden, but that's not a title that you need to refresh every year.  I have AC3- no real desire to get AC4 anytime too soon.


IMO, Rayman (not an exclusive but the best version), Donkey Kong, Mario 3d World alone justify the purchase.  I've also had a blast with Tekkin, Sonic and All Stars Transformed Racing, Need for Speed and a few others (Zen Pinball- Star Wars, Marvel, Edge, Castlestorm and Dungeons and Dragons have been fun eShop games).


The gamepad is a really cool controller and also good to surf while watching TV or even to watch Netflix while somebody else is watching TV.  very durable too as my brother threw it across the room a while back and it didn't even scratch.

Edited by Rockodoodle, 25 February 2014 - 07:43 PM.

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