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#1 Jack



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Posted 12 November 2011 - 10:59 PM

Just want to say hello to everyone, never was a fan of the Wii but the Wii U has got my attention, finally what the Wii should have been from the start.
My one concern with the Wii U  ( some people might think its nothing ) is the white color of the console, will it come in different colors like Black?
My grubby hands think the White tablet controller will get dirty quickly and overall just plain don't like the color, it's not a deal breaker but I would like to have options.
I'm onboard for the ride just hope it meets all expectations.
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#2 Garolymar



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Posted 12 November 2011 - 11:05 PM

Hiya, and welcome to the WiiU forums. Knowing Nintendo they'll most likely release colored versions later on in the systems life cycle for holidays and special milestones to boost sales as they always seem to do.

So, since you weren't a fan of the Wii what types of games did you partake in this generation? What's your favorite game genre and what is your most anticipated game at the moment?
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#3 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 13 November 2011 - 04:31 AM

It's good to see someone interested in Nintendo, although I LOVED the Wii. The only reason I hated Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 is that they didn't have Zelda. :P Also, if your REALLY want a black Wii U tablet, just paint it black. :P Just kidding. But in all seriousness, it won't be out until 1-3 years later as we have seen on the Wii and GameCube. They just won't think about it. Plus, I like the color white better than black. Anyway, be sure to read the rules (only 2-4 minutes) and check out the Chat. If you need any help, contact Feld0 or AMAC.
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#4 Jack



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Posted 13 November 2011 - 06:16 AM

Hiya, and welcome to the WiiU forums. Knowing Nintendo they'll most likely release colored versions later on in the systems life cycle for holidays and special milestones to boost sales as they always seem to do.

So, since you weren't a fan of the Wii what types of games did you partake in this generation? What's your favorite game genre and what is your most anticipated game at the moment?

My older brothers had a 360 and PS3, both very good consoles with great games.
Favorite game of all time would be the God of War series but i like all genres as long as it's a good quaility title, most anticipated game would Metal Gear Solid: Rising know that Uncharted 3 and Skyrim are out.
Please don't hurt since none are Nintendo titles, but i do have a 3DS :P...most anticipated game for that is Mario Land 7 and Shinobi
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it

#5 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 13 November 2011 - 10:46 AM

Welcome to the forums. and don't worry about liking other games besides Nintendo games. I hope you enjoy your time here.
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#6 Garolymar



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Posted 13 November 2011 - 11:03 AM

My older brothers had a 360 and PS3, both very good consoles with great games.
Favorite game of all time would be the God of War series but i like all genres as long as it's a good quaility title, most anticipated game would Metal Gear Solid: Rising know that Uncharted 3 and Skyrim are out.
Please don't hurt since none are Nintendo titles, but i do have a 3DS :P...most anticipated game for that is Mario Land 7 and Shinobi

*Puts away weapon* Nah, srsly though all three are good for a reason, different strokes for different folks and all. I'm actually glad that someone who previously owned Xbox and PS3 games like that decided to take interest in the WiiU, it's a little glimmer of hope that those who weren't really into Nintendo because the lack of 3rd party may take interest in the WiiU when it comes out.
Or something to that extent,
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#7 Starrgrl24



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Posted 13 November 2011 - 03:09 PM

Hello there! welcome to the forums! I actually enjoyed the Nintendo Wii O.o mostly because of games such as Kirby's Epic Yarn, Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Donkey Kong Returns, Legend of Zelda, Metroid Prime Corruption, etc. First party mario games, usually. :P I do admit though, Xbox 360 have some great games! My brother owns one, so I have a little bit of experience with it. My own problem with PS3 and 360 is that...they gotta do something other than FPS. >.> Well...they do, but FPS remains extremely popular. Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay here. :)

#8 PK-Gaming



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Posted 13 November 2011 - 04:09 PM

Hi,Welcome to the forums.I played my Wii but not as much as my 360 though.MGS Rising looks very good and I'm defintly getting but It's not my most antipacted title though. That goes too Bioshock Inifite.If you need any help ask the guides if you like.
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#9 Brian6330


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Posted 13 November 2011 - 04:14 PM

Welcome to the forums Jack!
Judging by your name, it's your irl name, isn't it?
There's too many Smith's...

Yeah, a Black Wii U would be nice.

If I may ask, why'd you not like the Wii?

Anyways, I'm the lead guide and mod of the Introduction Central section. I watch over guides and content in this section.

If your brothers have a PS3 and Xbox 360, tell 'em to check out Fancy Pants and Rayman Origins. Fancy pants is a downloadable game, Rayman Origins a new game :D

So, how'd you find us?

I'm so sorry for not answering earlier, but no water here and other stuff...

Anyways, I hope to see tons of posts from you and don't hesitate to ask anyone a question.


#10 Jack



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Posted 13 November 2011 - 11:08 PM

Well Brian6330 let me tell you a little story :P
The thing was that I was going to get a Wii at first but it was at that time when it was almost imposible to get one ( shortages, not enough units to go around ) and in my area they were sold out basically everywhere so instead I got a PS3....( please no haters just wanted a console to game on and decided the PS3 had more games that I liked, Uncharted, MGS, blah, blah, blah you get the point) the whole situation of not being able to get one sort of soured my whole attitude with NINTENDO, not that the Wii is bad becuase it does have some great games and and is boat loads of fun ( my buddy has one ) so I really didn't see the need to get my own 1..I had my own PS3 to take care of my console fix 2.. I game on my laptop too :)
So to make a long story short the few games that I did like I can/could play at my buds house and I couldn't justify getting my own just to play a handful of titles that appealed to me......but  now the Wii U is chance for me to jump on the Nintendo bandwagon again... but I do have to see more, the little we know about the Wii U so far is pretty darn good and it seems that it will have much more 3rd party support this time than last gen.
Tablet style controler is still a big question mark for me but I do love what I see so far just, maybe CES 2012 we can get a little more info as to what exactly we are going to get spec wise with the console and see what resolution the the tablet controler will have and how good the panel they use on it is.
There still iso a lot of unknows as to what features the console will have so I will end this post with another question
Would you be able to play a whole game with just the tablet controler as the main screen?
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#11 Waller


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Posted 14 November 2011 - 12:06 AM

Would you be able to play a whole game with just the tablet controler as the main screen?

Yes, you can.

Welcome, John Jack Smith! I'm waller, "the-one-who-used-to-be-called-Waller-but-changed-it-for-the-sake-of-comedy" of this forum.
That sure was a big title, lol. Curse myself and my need of changing my title in every single introduction.

Anyway, no one is going to hate on you, everyone here is very respectful of other peoples likes and dislikes. Just look at the APDF, lol.

I don't have a Wii for the same reason as you, low stock. I'm trying to get a Wii, though, there are too many epic games that I lost due to not having it, and I feel like I have already played everything there is to play on my Xbox. What I have not played, on my future high-end PC that I'll probably never have I'll play.

So, a little info about myself. I'm an active member of this forum (duh), but that's not all there is to myself, lol. I'm an "artist" as stated by a certain member, but I would rather not call myself that. It makes me feel like I'm showing off or something, so I'll just leave it as "Pencil user".
I play the piano, only a begginer, though. Do you play any instrument, Jack? Also, can I call you Jack? ... No? Ok, I'll call you Smith.

My favorite genre are JRPG's. What is your favorite genre? Also, what is your favorite game? Mine would have to be Tales of Symphonia (Subject to change).

Well, Mr. Smith, hope to see you around!


#12 MLdragoMaster


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Posted 14 November 2011 - 10:52 AM

Welcome to the Wii U Forums!
I see you've got some very interesting views, and you might make interesting topics. Need help? Ask me and he other guides, or Mod AMAC and Admin Feld0. I hope you have a very enjoyable time here :)
Come to the chat whenever you like :)

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#13 Andy


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Posted 14 November 2011 - 01:07 PM

Welcome to the Wii U forums, Jack Smith. I'm glad that your reason for not caring much for the Wii is better than the "IT'S NOT IN HD!!!! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!" argument that some people use. I was sort of in the reverse of your situation. I originally wanted a PS3, but my parents couldn't afford it at it's launch price("599 US Dollars!"). However, my dad got me the last Wii our local Walmart had in stock, along with a copy of Twilight Princess, for my birthday in 2007; and I've been in love with the system ever since. I was also kind-of sore at Sony for a while, but I am starting to pick up some more games for my PS3. Amazing how differing life situations can put two people into situations that are so opposite, yet very similar at the same time. lol
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#14 Jack



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Posted 14 November 2011 - 11:07 PM

Thanks for all the kind words guys, glad to see some good attitudes about gaming in general without having to use console wars sterotype that goes on in some forums.
@ Waller
thanks for the answer, even though it might not be ideal or give you the  whole Wii U experiance knowing this answers some of my questions but I'm getting more stoked about the Wii U the more I read about it.
Sadly my artistic talent never evolved past the stick figure stage :P anyway what kind of ART are you into?
And yes Jack is fine :)
Just one last thing...what is this whole A.P.D.F thing all about Im to new to know whats going on but it does have my attention.
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#15 Waller


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Posted 15 November 2011 - 01:56 AM

Thanks for all the kind words guys, glad to see some good attitudes about gaming in general without having to use console wars sterotype that goes on in some forums.
@ Waller
thanks for the answer, even though it might not be ideal or give you the whole Wii U experiance knowing this answers some of my questions but I'm getting more stoked about the Wii U the more I read about it.
Sadly my artistic talent never evolved past the stick figure stage :P anyway what kind of ART are you into?
And yes Jack is fine :)
Just one last thing...what is this whole A.P.D.F thing all about Im to new to know whats going on but it does have my attention.

About the APDF: http://thewiiu.com/t.../page__hl__sign
That thread has everything you need to know about our organization.

Well, I'm a drawer and a Blender user. (Don't know what Blender is? Check this. It was made with Blender)

And I guess that's enough self promotion. xD


#16 Crackkat



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Posted 16 November 2011 - 02:39 PM

welcome bro!! dw there are no fanboy wars here at all (as far as ive seen :P). many of us here have other consoles and play other games, you're not going to get hate for that. anyway, if you ever have any doubts or questions about wii u, message me please, the amount of research i've done on this console is ridiculous :P i think im literally 100% up to date with all the info thats publicly available, and so far im thinking it has potential to dominate the next gen, and i mean that dead seriously.
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#17 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 22 November 2011 - 11:02 AM

well actualy the white colour was only to apeal to all ages (this is what Nintendo said) so that you know if it was pink the male gamers may feel left out.

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