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Wii U launch and Rockstar

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#1 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 15 November 2011 - 03:30 AM

this needs to happen! we all know nintendo has lost a lot of hardcore players. i dont really like the word hardcore... i prefer loyal gamers that want a more mature experience on their nintendo console. Rockstar games is one of the best developers out there right now. all of their games seem to have critical and commerical success. i dont think it has to be GTA V... i would prefer a new IP built from the ground up for Wii U. i think nintendo needs to make this happen within the Wii U launch window. i think if rockstar releases a mature game with fresh ideas, and next gen graphics that will give Wii U a springboard out the starting gates.

#2 Crackkat



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Posted 15 November 2011 - 11:23 AM

highly unlikely to happen for launch. rockstar said whether or not gta5 will come to wii u depends on economic opportunity. meaning they will wait to see how sales go. so basically theyre probably not gonna do anything until after the launch. maybe it will happen later though :) depends again on sales
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#3 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 15 November 2011 - 12:12 PM

I have to agree with Crakkat. From what I have seen of Rockstar, they have never released a game on launch. If they are going to release a game for the Wii U it will most likely be Grand Theft Auto V. All that matters to me is that they put a AAA game on the Wii U to support it.
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#4 Randomite


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Posted 16 November 2011 - 05:18 PM

Please tell me I am not the only one who would rather see a sequel to Bully, don't get me wrong I do like GTA I just think Bully is a great game and if they use the same engine to power GTA IV or whatever happens to be new at the time I really do think it will be an amazing alternative to GTA.

#5 Crackkat



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Posted 17 November 2011 - 08:34 AM

Please tell me I am not the only one who would rather see a sequel to Bully, don't get me wrong I do like GTA I just think Bully is a great game and if they use the same engine to power GTA IV or whatever happens to be new at the time I really do think it will be an amazing alternative to GTA.

i never got to play that game much, but from the small amounts i did play, it was pretty good so i back you on this one :)
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#6 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 08:01 PM

I respectfully disagree. nintendo needs to make this happen. without a true 3rd party hardcore title in the launch window that ps360 doesnt have and cant run.... the so call hardcore nintendo is trying to win back is going to laugh at this console. just my opinion.

#7 Randomite


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Posted 18 November 2011 - 08:59 AM

I respectfully disagree. nintendo needs to make this happen. without a true 3rd party hardcore title in the launch window that ps360 doesnt have and cant run.... the so call hardcore nintendo is trying to win back is going to laugh at this console. just my opinion.

The thing is, I don't think we will see a third party exclusive from launch from companies such as Rockstar, Bethesda etc etc. The reason being these companies have had commercial sucess on the 360 and PS3, it would be a huge risk to put all their eggs into one basket so to speak. That being said I can see SEGA or Capcom possibly doing such a thing, mainly due in part to their sucess on the Wii with exclusive games...Which brings me to the point where I'd sugest Virtual Fighter VI...I say this is for the following reasons.

1) There is still a massive void in market for a fighting game on the Nintendo console. Don't get me wrong I like Smash Brothers but in terms of depth the VF series is one of the most deepest fighting games (if not the deepest) created in most recent times.
2) There is still a huge VF following around the world, myself included...Should the game be made exclusive to one console I am fairly certain the following will also be inclined to pick up a console.

#8 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 21 November 2011 - 04:49 PM

Sorry, you're going to have to wait. Rockstar already said so, it's going to see how sales go after launch. But I'm very sure it will come. ;)
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#9 Finesthour


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 06:05 PM

I don't see it turning out well if they try to be a console.

If they can manage to handle the games xbox and ps3 runs, it could be interesting.

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#10 Waller


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 08:52 PM

If they can manage to handle the games xbox and ps3 runs, it could be interesting.

Wii U is at least 3 times PS3.

Or maybe I misinterpreted your post.

Anyway, never really cared about Rockstar, but the more devs who take part in the Wii U, the better right?

Edited by Wall Vader, 09 December 2011 - 08:54 PM.


#11 Medu


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 08:01 AM

Sorry, you're going to have to wait. Rockstar already said so, it's going to see how sales go after launch. But I'm very sure it will come. ;)

So here is what will happen.

A: Wii U sales under perform and there will be no GTA for Wii U.

B: Wii U will sell well next year so Rockstar will decide to bring GTA out for Xmas 2013, a year late and will sell 300k copies as everyone that wants already has an Xbox/PS3/PC anyway. Rockstar will proclaim that 3rd party titles don't sell on Nintendo consoles.

#12 Turboblaze


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 08:53 AM

They will likely release GTA V sometime during the Wii U`s early life cycle if it booms sales, or perhaps they could release the new Max Payne on it instead/as well. Any Rockstar game is good for me.

#13 Deadly Virus

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 11:06 AM

It needs to be there for launch or I doubt it will do well. If it releases the same time as 360/PS3 versions then plenty of people will buy it due to the Wii U's extra power and touch screen features. If not, then people who otherwise would have bought the U version would buy it for another platform instead and have no real reason to buy it again. I've heard that GTA V may be releasing around April or May next year though, so having it released the same day as the other systems might not be possible. Launch title maybe?

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#14 Nin10dude712


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 03:21 PM

The irony about all of this is that if they provide the games for it, it WILL sell! 3rd parties are stupid (some).
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#15 Deadly Virus

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Posted 11 December 2011 - 01:09 PM

The irony about all of this is that if they provide the games for it, it WILL sell! 3rd parties are stupid (some).

They can't be sure about that though. On the Xbox and PS3 they know that there are thousands of older gamers that will be buying GTA V on day one, so it's perfectly safe to release the game on those systems. But a main GTA game has never been released on a Nintendo console before. How can they be sure that there's a market for the game amongst Nintendo fans? Of course we all know it will sell, but Rockstar doesn't want to go through the effort of porting the game, adding the touch screen features etc. if it's not going to turn a significant profit.

Luckily though I don't think we're going to have too many cases of this. Porting games from 360 to Wii U is very easy so that should attract a lot of third party devs to the system.

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#16 Nin10dude712


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 01:36 PM

They can't be sure about that though. On the Xbox and PS3 they know that there are thousands of older gamers that will be buying GTA V on day one, so it's perfectly safe to release the game on those systems. But a main GTA game has never been released on a Nintendo console before. How can they be sure that there's a market for the game amongst Nintendo fans? Of course we all know it will sell, but Rockstar doesn't want to go through the effort of porting the game, adding the touch screen features etc. if it's not going to turn a significant profit.

Luckily though I don't think we're going to have too many cases of this. Porting games from 360 to Wii U is very easy so that should attract a lot of third party devs to the system.

I meant the Wii U. Software sells hardware, if they provide the software, the Wii U will sell.
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#17 Gamer



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Posted 11 December 2011 - 04:28 PM

I never really liked the games from Rockstar, except Read Dead Redemption,

I would love to see a sequal for that!

#18 MartinF


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Posted 14 December 2011 - 02:39 PM

The phone of GTA IV in the controller screen of Wii U. Simply awesome. :blink:

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