It's too early to judge the ps4 or X1 simply because they don't have a year under their belts, so right now ps4 is winning but who knows how's going to turn out a year later. Still as of right now the X1 has the better games with Forza5, TitanFall, and Killer Instinct but that doesn't seem to be changing the tide towards them(probably the price which did hurt my pocket lol).
Now the wiiu is what it is a 1st party system with the occasional port but I don't see that changing and like the X1 it has better games than the ps4.
The PS4 has some games but nothing that truly compares to those of WiiUs and X1, still it has a ton of potential with its power behind it and it's awesome controller. Also maybe Infamous which is the first big game this year for the ps4 is coming out this week so idk maybe that will prove and justify why everyone is purchasing it.
Still like I said a year from now maybe the ps4 has that key exclusive that wows us or maybe it's the wiiu or X1.
Depends where you are coming from.
Forza 5 was a very poor showing and a downgrade from 4 from what I could tell (I own 2, 3 and 4). But most of all, they didn't make my expensive racing wheel compatible that I had only just bought.
Killer Instinct, I don't care about fighting games.
Titanfall, I don't care about any game which is online only.
However I actually quite enjoyed Knack, some aspects of it felt like an old Rare game - although not the same overall quality not awful like someone people were saying. Also when playing it in 1080p you realise it IS a next-gen game, its just the choice of art style doesn't show it off how you expect. The way the camera pulls away as Knack gets bigger - that needed 1080p to work as it would be really hard to see what is going on otherwise.
When it comes to multi-platorm, PS4 was a no brainer because why pick the lesser powered console? If I was going ONLY for power then of course my PC easily matches or slightly beats PS4, but I like the ease of console gaming. I just don't find myself booting up PC games that often even though I have a decent collection.
I'm looking forward to Drive Club, a racing game actually using next-gen graphical features like proper raytraced lighting. Despite what some people say, the look of a racing game makes a HUGE difference to how fun it is to play. One reason I got bored with Forza was its so clinical, the environment feels so fake as its identical every time. This got worse in Forza 5 because the extra resolution just make it more obvious when things aren't animated or reflecting/lit properly, etc. When you are trying to simulate reality you want those little graphical details that make the world feel alive and different every time.
As someone said above, Microsoft pushed me away. I LOVED Xbox 360 for many years but with neither console backwards compatible, and Sony seeming to make the biggest effort to bring some of the catalog over, I had no good reason to stay. Had they at least brought over my huge Xbox Live Arcade catalog I would probably have gone for Xbox One.
Edited by Alex Atkin UK, 16 March 2014 - 03:14 PM.