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Lets face it: MS Messed up with Xbox One

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#1 MorbidGod


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 03:03 PM

So, let's face it. Everything from the reveal to the launch of the console, Microsoft has sent mixed messages and they still haven't communicated their vision with Xbox One just yet. Is it a gaming machine? Is it a all in one entertainment machine? Is it a way for the government to get cameras inside our homes? What exactly is the Xbox One?

So, we know history. We don't need to go over all these mistakes. But, we should look at options MS has to fix the perception of the Xbox One without any major changes.

Option one: Xbox One Kinnect 2.0 privacy concern. Privacy nuts like me hate this idea of a camera because it's so easy for someone to hack it. There is a saying. If it's connected to the web it can be hacked.

So how can you fix it? Add a built in firewall - hardware would have been best but software works too - to turn off all network connections when in sleep mode. This way, you know no one is watching you.

Have a light on the kinnect or system to indicate networking and camera is actively being used by an application.

That's the first step. The next step is talk about games and only games. If the kinnect is mentioned, it's about a game. Start focusing on your exclusive titles and why having an Xbox One will be a worth while purchase.

And that's what they need to do. In my opinion!
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#2 Raiden


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 03:05 PM

Well they also need exclusives that are not avail also on PC and get this resolution mess figured out.

#3 Gruff



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Posted 18 March 2014 - 03:08 PM


I know how I avoid the Kinect camera from being hacked. Not having ONE.

Villager.jpgBleh eh eh.

#4 Happy Monk

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Posted 18 March 2014 - 03:14 PM


I know how I avoid the Kinect camera from being hacked. Not having ONE.

Everything about the Kinect annoys me. Especially the name.

Bring the noise.

#5 Gruff



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Posted 18 March 2014 - 03:17 PM

Everything about the Kinect annoys me. Especially the name.

I think it's a pretty cool piece of technology, but I don't like whaling my arms around and stuff like that. Somewhat the same with the Wii remote, depending on the game (Like boxing on Wii sports).


Edit: My sister's husband has one and she has to cover it with something when they don't use it.

Edited by Villager, 18 March 2014 - 03:22 PM.

Villager.jpgBleh eh eh.

#6 Scumbag



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Posted 18 March 2014 - 03:19 PM

Totally agree, MS have messed up. The privacy thing with Kinect is worrying and when using the stupid/pointless device there is a constant distraction you feel that someone is watching you.


They need too scrap it asap, there is a huge difference between the pure gaming console that was 360 and this Bone which just doesn't know what it is.

#7 iEatTacos


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 04:21 PM

I agree. The disaster at reveal is what swayed me over to PS4. To this day Xbone still doesn't know what it is. Crazy stuff

#8 xile6



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Posted 18 March 2014 - 05:23 PM

while i dont own an x1 i dont think its that bad. Its just not my taste.

I picked the ps4 over the x1 because the ps4 is meant for straight gaming.


the x1 imo is trying to put to much into one thing and there half assing each thing. I remember reading that dev where making x1 games in 720 due to the os using alot of ram.


And on the camera. Its basic just unplug it or put tape on it.

I use to do that with laptops with webcams. I knew how to get to them so didnt want people getting into mines lol.

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#9 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 06:03 PM

I find it cute how they thought people actually play video games while standing with the Kinect. LOL.



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#10 Nintyfan86



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Posted 18 March 2014 - 06:27 PM

In a way, they made the same mistakes as Nintendo. They misread the market and presumed the Kinect casuals would re-purchase, and the hardcore would remain loyal. I have to cut it short, but there it is. 


If it had better hardware, this conversation would probably be different. 

#11 Nollog


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 06:33 PM

They're doing great.
They will out-pace Sony in about a year or so most likely.

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#12 MorbidGod


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 08:42 PM

I think it's a pretty cool piece of technology, but I don't like whaling my arms around and stuff like that. Somewhat the same with the Wii remote, depending on the game (Like boxing on Wii sports).

Edit: My sister's husband has one and she has to cover it with something when they don't use it.

That doesn't help. It can detect heat signatures, and sound. Disconnecting it is the only viable option. But that kind of makes the feature void.

They're doing great.
They will out-pace Sony in about a year or so most likely.

I'm not saying they aren't doing great. But they should have done better, and if they did, then they'd be doing better.

Totally agree, MS have messed up. The privacy thing with Kinect is worrying and when using the stupid/pointless device there is a constant distraction you feel that someone is watching you.

They need too scrap it asap, there is a huge difference between the pure gaming console that was 360 and this Bone which just doesn't know what it is.

I don't think scrapping it is a good idea. I think fixing peoples valid concerns should be priority. Like, you know, disconnecting the Xbox One from any network while it sleeps. Have planned check ins for up dates. This way, it can't be hacked.

I agree. The disaster at reveal is what swayed me over to PS4. To this day Xbone still doesn't know what it is. Crazy stuff

Exactly. They need a distinct message. They don't have one right now.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#13 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 12:42 AM

I actually don't understand the hate with the console itself, yes the Kinest should be optional, and fix the piracy complaints. But my main problem is Gold Live, its just a money grabber. Atleast with the one they made it sharable, but yeh.

Stupid Snowmads!

#14 SailtheSeas


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 01:43 AM

Microsoft did mess up with the reveal and then the E3 conference, Don Mattrick and Adam #dealwithit Orth's attitude to gamer backlash was incredible and while I never had any issues with any of Microsoft's policies, I can understand why many people did. Mattrick saying "People can play their 360's" when asked about people who do not game online or do not have access to the Internet showed an individual who was out of touch with over 35million+ 360 users who didn't have Xbox Live membership at the time.


That said Microsoft deserve some credit for changing their stance, some say it was due to consumer back lash and poor preorder sales, but whatever it was, Microsoft altered all of their policies bar the Kinect 2.0 being mandatory which I do not agree with much in the same way I don't agree with the Wii U gamepad being a mandatory accessory.


As for Microsoft's communication being mixed up? I disagree entirely, they've always said that the Xbox One is an entertainment box, not a console. It's a media box that plays games. You'd have to be as thick as two short planks not to understand this as Microsoft have beaten the horse to death over this issue in recent months.


People worry about the Kinect camera, yet these people share their information with corporations when they sign up for loyalty cards, when they post their personal details on websites like Facebook and Twitter. People blame Microsoft for the NSA and GCHQ using their device as a monitoring tool, yet it's entirely possible that this is done without Microsoft's knowledge or consent. After all the US Government under George Dubya spied on British citizens without consent of the British Government, so who is to say the NSA isn't monitoring you irrespective of you having a Kinect? You can't be that naive surely?


Also you don't need to use the Kinect, you can unplug it and use the controller to navigate through the Xbox One's interface.


Where I do understand gamers anger with the Xbox One is over the resolutions and graphics. Microsoft should have ensured that their console could match Sony's PS4 in terms of resolution because you can tell the difference between 720p and 1080p, that's not to say that games at 720p won't look great, Bayonetta 2 is a shining example of this, but the Xbox One has been touted like the PS4 as a titan of a device, yet the Xbox One cannot muster 1080p in most games and the PS4 at times is having problems obtaining 60fps, yet nothing is said about that.


The Xbox One was designed based on the activities of 360 users, Microsoft's data collection apparently showed that 360 users spent more times doing non-gaming activities i.e. listening to music, chatting to friends, watching movies, so that's where they got the idea for this all-in-one Xbox One, a nice idea in theory, but the execution hasn't been brilliant, but I do commend Microsoft for being ambitious enough to change what was arguably a winning formula with the 360 in the eyes of many gamers.

. But my main problem is Gold Live, its just a money grabber. Atleast with the one they made it sharable, but yeh.


Do you have a problem with PS+?

#15 Nollog


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 04:50 AM

I'm not saying they aren't doing great. But they should have done better, and if they did, then they'd be doing better.

Indeed, everything that could do better could have done better had they done better.
The x1 is selling very well for the small amount of markets it's out in.
Microsoft have the power to reduce costs and invest in _games_ that _gamers_ will want to buy.
Wait out a few e3's before you accuse them of losing to rainbowty hype-machines like Sony.

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#16 MorbidGod


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 06:18 AM

Indeed, everything that could do better could have done better had they done better.
The x1 is selling very well for the small amount of markets it's out in.
Microsoft have the power to reduce costs and invest in _games_ that _gamers_ will want to buy.
Wait out a few e3's before you accuse them of losing to rainbowty hype-machines like Sony.

Have I accused them of loosing to Sony?
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#17 Hank Hill

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Posted 19 March 2014 - 06:38 AM

Do you have a problem with PS+?


PS+ is $10 cheaper and gives you free games that you usually can't get for less than $10 in a GameStop bargain bin.



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#18 Nollog


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 07:01 AM

PS+ is $10 cheaper and gives you a renting option for "free" games that you usually can't get for less than $10 in a GameStop bargain bin.

fixed. :)

Have I accused them of loosing to Sony?

the implication is they are losing ground to a competitor, the one that they compete with more would be Sony.

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#19 SailtheSeas


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 07:01 AM

PS+ is $10 cheaper and gives you free games that you usually can't get for less than $10 in a GameStop bargain bin.


You don't get free games, you pay £39.99 a year to download certain games to play for the duration of your subscription, you are essentially renting these games. I'm not knocking the service, I just find it baffling that people defend Sony's PS+ subscription while slating Microsoft's Xbox Live subscription.

#20 Hank Hill

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Posted 19 March 2014 - 07:32 AM

fixed. :)


You don't get free games, you pay £39.99 a year to download certain games to play for the duration of your subscription, you are essentially renting these games. I'm not knocking the service, I just find it baffling that people defend Sony's PS+ subscription while slating Microsoft's Xbox Live subscription.


I do rather like how just because games are "rentals" that somehow devalues the service. The amount of good games you get will make you want to stay subscribed anyway, so I don't see why that's an issue.


Microsoft gives 2 free games per month that're usually gotten out of the $10 value bin at gamestop (See: Halo 3, Gears of War, Fable 3, etc) and won't even let you use paid services such as Netflix without a Gold account, while PS+ gives 5-6 free, current games per month that pile onto the other free games currently offered in the service.


Just as a comparison: Currently free game this week for XBLA is Castle Crashers.


Currently free games for PS+ NA this week include the following:

  1. Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition (PS4)
  2. Resogun (PS4)
  3. Thomas Was Alone (PS3/Vita)
  4. Lone Survivor: Director's Cut (PS3/Vita)
  5. Tomb Raider (PS3)
  6. PayDay 2 (PS3)
  7. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PS3)
  8. Bioshock Infinite (PS3)
  9. Dyad (PS3)
  10. Borderlands 2 (PS3)
  11. Uncharted 3 (PS3)
  12. LittleBigPlanet Karting (PS3)
  13. XCom: Enemy Unknown (PS3)
  14. Unit 13 (Vita)
  15. Modnation Racers: RoadTrip (Vita)
  16. Street Fighter x Tekken (Vita)
  17. Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Vita)
  18. Gravity Rush (Vita)
  19. Wipeout 2048 (Vita)

And there's also a rather nice GTA sale going on that has... basically every GTA game available on the store except for GTA5 for less than $3 to $5 a piece.


So, yeah. I can either pay $60 a year and get 24 games, most of which can probably be gotten in a bargain bin, or $50 a year and get 19 games from the moment I subscribe plus whatever new games they add each week for the coming months. 


That's probably why people defend PS+ over XBLA.



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