Is "SOCCER MOM" a made up term also. Because I can guarantee you that th 7 million people that have brought the ps4 so far is not soccer mom's or families. It core gamers. The one that visit the web sites, probably singles with the time and money to splurge on a console and get hyped that it's the most powerful console this gen.
No such thing as CORE gamers. Soccer Moms have a term because they pick up thier kids from freaking soccer or other sports but is pretty specific. Core is a loose subjective BS term to describe anyone who buys hyped AAA M rated games to some. And in Nintendo's mind it's anyone who buys Mario kart. Yet to people Mario kart is casual. No one knows WTF Core Gamers is. Every company has a different use for it. It's also used as a pretentious term as saying those who play a certain type of game are above those who play another certain type of game. Well if we go that route I have 400 games so I am more core than someone with 399 or someone who only plays current gen systems. Well that's BS. Just means one is a collector and one is not and others have far more games and des not make them any more core. Just more resources or time.
Core is the gaming verion of the term Organic in marketing. Legally Organic can be put on a computer or car because it uses natual matierials such as metal. All it takes. Core is even more loose than that. It can be slapped on whatever a company deems fit.
Either you are a gamer or you are not. Some play more,have more,different tastes. Just because I prefer Dragon's Crown to Uncharted does not make me more Core or vice versa. Also in case you bring it up Dude bros is not a marketing term but a derogatory term used to slander a stereotype. Major fifference there as well.
Also it sound slike you are saying a sucker (after all a sucker norn every minute) is a CORE gamer..then WTF so much dumb in that it's mind boggling. Also you make impression you made the assumption all 7 million of those are suckers. Really?!