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How will the PS4 or the the new xBox will affect the WiiU?

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#1 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 27 November 2011 - 02:06 PM

Truly I think that the new counsles can either boost the wiiU sales or destroy them. This is because the genral public knows nothing of the next gen counsles so they will hold back. I think that if the idea of the wii U is more appealing than the next gen counsle then the sales will sky rocket just like the wii. But I think if the other counsles look better and superior then... Well I would predict that the wii U will end up like the virtual boy. But what do you think?

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#2 Rasvita



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Posted 27 November 2011 - 07:55 PM

To the best of my knowledge, we don't really know anything about the next consoles from Microsoft and Sony (Please correct me if I am wrong). We don't even know everything about the Wii U. Without that knowledge, it is very difficult to say what will happen. I'm pretty sure that the Wii U will do fine unless the other consoles end up being super awsometastically grandfabulistic. I really have to know more about the consoles before I can say much more than that.

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#3 BazzDropperz


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Posted 27 November 2011 - 11:51 PM

I think all of the next gen consoles will probably do fine, though Sony should be careful with the PS4. Like Squish said though, we don't know anything about the next gen consoles yet.

Edited by NinjaShock, 27 November 2011 - 11:53 PM.

#4 kaioslive09


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Posted 28 November 2011 - 03:23 AM

Rumors have been going arround saying the ps4 is being planned to be showed at e3 2012.but i dont beleive it why because it's a rumor

#5 Gruff



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Posted 28 November 2011 - 09:45 AM

It really depends. If the graphics are good enough and the contoller idea take off we could see some good sales coming from the Wii U. Another big factor is the price. A lot of people say they won't get the Wii U if it is too expensive, but if it has a reasonable price the sale would be good aswell. And lastly another factor would be does the Wii U have enough good appealing games. We only know of a few games that are coming out on the Wii U, and don't know much about future games that coming out on it. Now how the PS4 and next XBox affect the Wii U would probably be dependent on all these factors- graphics, contoller, price, and games.

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#6 Crackkat



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Posted 28 November 2011 - 11:38 AM

i honestly think the wii u is going to be the best console for the next gen :D what more could it possibly have? it seems absolutely perfect, many more games are coming to the console than most people on this forum realise, the list so far is between 23-28 games. this is still one year away and thats going to increase as time goes by :D

However!! i also think its going to be the most expensive console for the next gen, im willing to pay, but with this economic climate, im not sure how many people will. especially since i think things will get worse by the time it launches (hopefully im wrong) :(

On the other hand, the high price of the console is actually quite convenient. For sony+microsoft people to take nintendo seriously, they need to see that its a powerful machine, the price shows it.

A bunch of rumours were reported on ign that the next box will be "smaller and cheaper" than xbox 360 since it will be cloud based. this is going to make wii u look like a much better console if its true :)

either way the first party nintendo games will always push a good 10-30 million sales (correct me if im wrong) :D if that happens, and that same console also has all the best 3rd party games, then i definitely expect the wii u to own in the long run. it may get off to a rough start in the short run (maybe!!)
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#7 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 28 November 2011 - 12:16 PM

I honestly think that the public may see this as a gymic because of the WII in it's title and that they will get the idea that it has little more to offer than the wii did so the sales probubly wont pick up untill the first party games come too. Also I think that Nintendo has a smaller fan base now because all of those stuped FPS obsesed Nintendo fans quit their loyalty to Nintendo because of the wii. so that may make the Wii U harder to sell. If Nintendo gets around these obsticles then they will be just fine.

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#8 Crackkat



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Posted 28 November 2011 - 01:45 PM

well thats kind of what i was saying, the wii u may well have a rough start due to reputation, but the high price will help bring the reputation back, plus the "hardcore" launch titles like assassins creed.

i think the wii u could really use the help of the fanbase to persuade others to buy. i think if you care enough (like i do) then you should advertise the wii u to people. personally i already convinced 1 guy that it will be amazing. he has never owned a nintendo console before and has both ps3 and 360, but thanks to me, i think hes going to be buying wii u close to launch :D

for those who dont get convinced by a nintendo fan, they will doubt the console initially but when they go see the wii u at their friend's house numerous times and they keep noticing the better graphics and they keep noticing that hard core games all being put on there, their opinion will quickly change. i know its hard to imagine but thats the way things work. cocky people dont like to admit defeat, but they also hate not having the best products. if the wii u really is amazing, they will want it for themselves no matter what ;)
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#9 Marc



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Posted 28 November 2011 - 04:39 PM

On the surface, the price will make a huge impact on people's first impressions. Either way, whether impressed or disappointed, things can change rather quickly once people are more familiar with the products and the system's potential. It's like Apple. Not a brand for everyone, although they are respected 'innovators' within the right context, much like Nintendo. They haven't really got any similar design motives that I can see (correct me if you feel it necessary), but they want to be the best at producing efficient hardware. Period. Stuff like that really stands out, but people may choose to ignore that for flashy promotion and clever advertising (i.e Microsoft and Sony, not to mention most million+ budget campaigns for game releases you see every week).

You could argue that the Wii was clever advertising, but the product really sold itself. The Wii U will have a difficult job, with the 'Wii' thing carrying through. Stigma like that could be a make or break for a campaign, but Nintendo will be clever I think. They have to play it smart, and trump both Microsoft and Sony (@Crackkat - most certainly with some serious hardware with a serious, yet sufficient asking price) and the opportunity will be boosted soon enough. Remember the E3 announcement? The name 'Wii U' plus tons of other bits of info 'revealed' was quite a bold move. Many developments at Nintendo HQ will be happening rapidly right now, preparing for Nintendo's biggest launch yet - and their most successful one too it seems!


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