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PS4 officially sold through 7 Million Globally.

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#21 Hank Hill

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Posted 17 April 2014 - 07:22 PM

Duh it it has less 3rd party support and don't even try and say Sony is better with indies. Try developing on PlayStation Mobile. Go ahead ask Caviler on this forum. WiiU and PS4 for indies are about Equal. As a whole. Nintendo edges out just because PSM is a royal pain...so much so it's flat out idiotic. PSM flat is rainbow just like Wiiware was only worse.


But list something that goes better than your argument. ACIV. WiiU. DW..have Orochi same thing. Steamworld on 3DS. Rayman legends on WiiU and the definitive version.  I could go on but you worded it like those are not on the system or Nintendo. 


I'll give you indies...even though Playstation Mobile is definitely not what any of the indie support I'm talking about is being developed on, but anyway.


I never once stated that all of the games in the list above were exclusive, nor did I hint towards it. I simply provided a list of quality titles that're available on the PS4, to dispute the claim that "PS4 has no quality games" which is untrue.


I'm having trouble seeing how this is hard to understand.



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#22 tboss



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Posted 17 April 2014 - 07:25 PM

Only one on that list not on another platform or interests or not crap to me is Resogun because it's like Defender and looks cool like WiiU has Nano Assault Neo. PS4 is selling only on marketing flat out. Can put all the lists you want of terrible games and last gen ports. It's selling on hype because Sony is that damn good at marketing. They did the same with PS2 and PS2 had awful and I mean awful hardware. No real games worth playing for a year. Dreamcast had a ton more and the PS2 ports were terrible of DC games they had to downgrade textures and framerate. Sony just knew how to sell it. Same with PS4. Also helped in Japan PS2 played DVD's(non factor these days)


PS4 while considered the strongest console does not have the best version of a majority of those games. Just marketing and people know down the line 3rd parties will deliver. I will be getting one next year as I feel that's when Japanese 3rd parties start showing up.


It happens but also very rare a system has alot of great games to offer 6 months in. PS4 is not one of them nor XBO or WiiU. Also WiiU has some of those and 3DS. So um..yeah. As for DW always kinda been mainly Sony. Nintendo usually gets SW or Basara. Same thing really and we got Orochi which is a massive fan service anyway.

Even tho I like those games. When you played 1 you kinda played them all.



I can see a PS4 being necessary to buy third party AAA down the line. for buying JRPG's though. wiiU is doing better in japan than the PS4 last time i checked, and selling faster. Japan is the target market of JRPG's so its doubtful that many JRPG's will skip a wiiU version unlike many western devs.

#23 Raiden


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Posted 17 April 2014 - 07:26 PM

I think we are saying the same thing but in different words lol. I think I just got hung on your list because it was a bad example. Not the facts themselves of the 3rd party support for the future or it's current sales. Why would that be disputed. Going to buy it at some point anyway. Liked everything Sony I have. Esp PS3,PSP and Vita.


Side note last I will ever change my name away from Ryudo. Regret this decision :laugh:


tboss true just Sony always gets good jrpg's and a bunch of them. Why I want it at some point.

Edited by DreamCat, 17 April 2014 - 07:28 PM.

#24 Hank Hill

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Posted 17 April 2014 - 07:26 PM

That is the only worthwhile game the PS4 has atm. everything else is eather a last gen game/port or a generic rehash of a common last gen game.  PS4 is winning with the worst game line up so far this gen. just shows how much more important hype is over actual games in selling consuls. 


And again, I never said all of the games on the list were exclusive to the console/generation. I simply said they're worthwhile, quality titles that're worth playing.


It seems to me that's more your opinion and less fact. Just because a next-gen console's games are also available on the previous generation doesn't make them awful or not worthwhile in any way.


I'm going to stop now. It seems any arguments being brought up are just opinions rather than facts, and this is going off-topic anyway.



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#25 NintendoReport



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Posted 17 April 2014 - 07:27 PM

Sold just about nothing after release, though.


Meh, the ouya is a travesty and that sold like 1 million before even releasing.



Pre-orders for the OUYA were crap, and there were only a bit over 63,000 backers... and about 4,000 of those didn't even pledge enough to get a console.. So, not even 250,000







Edited by Sorceror12, 17 April 2014 - 07:27 PM.

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#26 tboss



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Posted 17 April 2014 - 07:35 PM

And again, I never said all of the games on the list were exclusive to the console/generation. I simply said they're worthwhile, quality titles that're worth playing.


It seems to me that's more your opinion and less fact. Just because a next-gen console's games are also available on the previous generation doesn't make them awful or not worthwhile in any way.


I'm going to stop now. It seems any arguments being brought up are just opinions rather than facts, and this is going off-topic anyway.


my point is the PS4 offers the least of all current gen consoles atm. If this is the first console someone's ever bought, then maybe, but for most, it isn't.


In the future it may gain more games, but i dont expect that until late 2015. At that point there would be more next gen only exclusives that are 'truly' next gen. Its also more likely they will release games that might be able to compete with smash or other top tier games. 


Late 2015 is tentative and assuming sony fixes their financial issues, which is quite literately surviving long enough for PS4 to crack large enough of a profit.

I think we are saying the same thing but in different words lol. I think I just got hung on your list because it was a bad example. Not the facts themselves of the 3rd party support for the future or it's current sales. Why would that be disputed. Going to buy it at some point anyway. Liked everything Sony I have. Esp PS3,PSP and Vita.


Side note last I will ever change my name away from Ryudo. Regret this decision :laugh:


tboss true just Sony always gets good jrpg's and a bunch of them. Why I want it at some point.


Sony was undeniably the better choice back then, for most games. 


way i see it is both consols with get plenty of JRPG's this gen.

#27 Zinix



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Posted 17 April 2014 - 07:50 PM

oops she changed her name

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#28 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 17 April 2014 - 08:28 PM

Over the head once more. Allow me to clarify what GameCollector has been trying to say the whole time.


In this world, there are games. And for the most part, the majority of these games are fun, intuitive and of decent quality. These are what we call quality titles. Now, the PS4, does actually have these kinds of games. No matter the redos, the ports, the exclusivity, what you've played and how you felt, if it hails better on other systems, or any other shred of bias. The only factor in this, is if it is a quality title and if it's on the PS4, which in turn revokes the statement made by R00bot. That was the whole point of it.


In attempting to counter that by means of saying stuff along the lines of "Second Son/Resogun is the only game worth getting on PS4", you're basically saying the equivalent to: "Games like Tomb Raider, Rayman Legends, Assassin's Creed IV, Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends and Dead Nation aren't and will never be, no matter what it is on, a quality title to the masses."


That's how base and direct GameCollector was being.


As for the topic, good job Sony. People on here seem to rant about how it is all hype marketing. Well guess what, that's what business is. If you tell people "This is what I have", you're gonna sell less than the guy who says "This is what you want". This is what Sony did. They went with "This is for the Players". They basically went and said "Right. We're gonna focus on getting devs what they want, gamers what they want and the business that we want" and **** me they are doing it with flying colours. You guys keep saying that the PS4 is just a multimedia box, but guys you can't even import your own music on it. The only thing that gets it to multimedia level is stuff like Quikflix/Netflix and the Share functions. It does less than the PS3 did.... no wait, it does less than the Wii U does.


Which, speaking of, the Wii U marketed what exactly? Now, I do know that I live in Australia where video game marketing isn't nearly as prolific as it is in the UK or the USA. Bugger if I've ever seen anything beyond the local game stores, and even then it's been what, Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze and Mario Kart 8. Didn't even see any displays for any of the other exclusives, like Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101 or heck any of the stuff that was there at launch. I'll admit, the PS4 is in the same position on that store front, not really having anything beyond the shelf, but at least it's on the side of buses, on TV, in movie previews, basically giant public places for exposure. I'm not gonna be stupid and say it is hurting Nintendo, just that it hurt their chances at achieving a lot more sales. A lot more.


X1 has the same deal, but I'll never be sold on it. We all know that PS4 and the Wii U will receive better games in their life cycles. Still gets more exposure than the Wii U. (Still kinda want for Killer Instinct though).


Marketing is bloody important in a competitive market. But more than that, people know what to expect further down the line, and most importantly, how often these things will come out. PS4/X1 will just have titles pumped month after month (regardless of whether you consider them quality or not), and the Wii U will get pulled out occasionally for a few good titles every now and then amidst all of it's too nerfed for comfort ports. It's about time some of you started realising this, with the Wii U being out long enough to get the general picture. I'm not saying you have to switch over. Be Nintendo only all you like. Just stop making yourselves sound like children refusing to accept the truth, jumping on everything unnecessarily. Take 3DSForums for example. You can talk about pretty much about anything over there, and this place used be just the same. Made talking about the Wii U and other consoles fun. But god forbid it now, you do that and it's the equivalent of a white man impersonating a black man. Time to bring out the ****ing cavalry.


To be honest, removing the chat box was the worst thing ever. That's when thewiiu became a hostile cesspit of people b*tching and no one understanding.

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#29 iEatTacos


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Posted 18 April 2014 - 01:18 AM

Doesn't surprise me, ps4 is an amazing console. Great job, Sony

#30 Scumbag



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Posted 18 April 2014 - 01:43 PM

Microsoft struggling to sell Xbone while Sony struggle to keep up demand for PS4.

#31 Gamejunkie



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Posted 20 April 2014 - 09:39 AM

For a console with only one stand out game so far to have sold 7 million plus units in just shy of 5 months is quite incredible.

I have to commend Sony's marketing team for a stellar effort in promoting their console, they've done a fantastic job.

That said given my experience of the PS3, Sony's entertainment network, I'll be staying well away from the Playstation brand. I owned a PS1, PS2 and PS3 and that's more than enough for me.

I disagree there is more then one standout game on the PS4.

#32 SailtheSeas


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Posted 20 April 2014 - 11:09 AM

I disagree there is more then one standout game on the PS4.


Not to me there isn't. There's only game on the PS4 at the moment that stands out to me and that's Infamous Second Son and even then the game hasn't excited me enough for me to go out and purchase a PS4.

#33 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 23 April 2014 - 10:37 AM

And 6.5 million of those consoles were purchased to play Knack...


Wait, what?

#34 syks-1


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Posted 26 April 2014 - 04:01 AM

ps4 has sold so many because its AMAZING simple as that! of course it hasnt got many games at the moment because its just been released!! it absolutely BLOWS the wii u and xbone away and will only get better in the future when more games and apps are released etc.


except it,ps4 is the must have console to own!!

#35 Gamejunkie



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Posted 26 April 2014 - 12:21 PM

Not to me there isn't. There's only game on the PS4 at the moment that stands out to me and that's Infamous Second Son and even then the game hasn't excited me enough for me to go out and purchase a PS4.

Well I would say you're in the minority then.

#36 Poptartboy



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Posted 27 April 2014 - 10:57 AM

Xbox 360 wanted a billion people to play 360.

Sony happy with 7 million. Well wait 150 years and MS will claim it's Billion! WOO!
BTW PS4 outsold Vita I think now. Sadder note WiiU is as old as Dreamcast when it died and sold less. DC ended with 10.6. WiiU? 6-7?
Eeek Nintendo better hope MK8 pushes major numbers.

The Dreamcast sold 6.5 million when they killed it.

#37 Raiden


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 11:55 AM

The Dreamcast sold 6.5 million when they killed it.

DC sold 10.6 Million

#38 Poptartboy



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Posted 27 April 2014 - 12:39 PM

DC sold 10.6 Million

Yep, but it didn't do it in 18 months. They killed it at about 6 million. It's not like no one ever bought one after that date.

#39 SailtheSeas


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 12:50 AM

Well I would say you're in the minority then.


Oh no, whatever will I do now?

#40 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 05:08 AM

You'll probably have a bit of a wank, I guess.

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