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Google Glass is coming~

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#1 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 09:27 PM

or shutting down. Google Glass is selling off the rest of their explorer editions (for the same $1500, however you do get a free titanium frame or shades), and about to ramp up the consumer versions or quiting, which is also possible I guess.

Why keep the price the same you ask? Because they still want the versions with more than possible bugs and issues out of consumer hands. Plus Glass was made in small quanitys so far, causing the prices to up. It's only when you mass produce something you get the lower prices.

As well to those, when you pay for $1500, you don't just get glass. You get any of the new explorer edition they roll out, the real edition (probably), replacements, and 24/7 amazing customer service, they pay to fly you out to the glass events, even cross country, ect. It's not like just buying a phone and thats it.

Also that tear down a few weeks ago, is wrong, just saying about that. The parts are all pretty much custom made, not just parts you order, plus so much more.


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#2 Raiden


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 01:08 AM

It's bad enough people look down all the time. Now we have to deal with them staring into  a blank space like my cat staring at a wall.

I do my online "socialising" at home. When out I get out to be away from such things. Stop posting pics of your food and jsut eat it and talk to others face to face. Everytime I see some dope walking across the street looking doen a 4 inch oblong piece of plastic I want to set off an air raid siren right next to them.

#3 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 01:23 AM

It's bad enough people look down all the time. Now we have to deal with them staring into  a blank space like my cat staring at a wall.
I do my online "socialising" at home. When out I get out to be away from such things. Stop posting pics of your food and jsut eat it and talk to others face to face. Everytime I see some dope walking across the street looking doen a 4 inch oblong piece of plastic I want to set off an air raid siren right next to them.

Glass isn't really meant to be a smartphone (aka looking down). There are practical uses like directions right there in front where you can see them and the road. A surgeon can use it for help or streaming a surgery from his POV rather than the interns looking down from above not really sewing. Cookbook for chefs or casuals, blueprints for figure fighters or even more. There is so much potentional. I doubt it'll harm social activity as much, if at all than smart phones or e even our own mind.

Stupid Snowmads!

#4 magiciandude


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 05:15 AM

Anyone want to estimate how long it'll be before it's forgotten?

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#5 Chaos


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 12:17 PM

Porn on my windows!

#6 Byakuya Togami

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 12:39 PM

no matter how much they innovate this technology, you will still look like a tool wearing them

#7 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 17 May 2014 - 02:34 PM

I like it



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