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#1 let's brawl

let's brawl


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Posted 08 December 2011 - 03:08 PM

Hello, I'm James or as I'm callin' myself here "let's brawl" (I chose this as I'm a fan of
Smash Brawl so I decided I'd have my name related to it) I'm 13. I'm not that good at talking about myself other than saying I'm not good at talking about myself. I'm an open minded person and if you wish to speak to me about something,a comment, question or anything at all, just send it to me, I'll answer as soon as I get it (or If I Realize I have a message like a week later after you sent it I'll refer to what you said incase you forget,Either way I'll reply) (As you may have noticed I talk alot)That's my Introduction! (That wasn't so hard) :D

#2 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 08 December 2011 - 04:07 PM

Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy yourself.I am a Guide on the forum who help newcomers with getting into the forum. Feld0 the Admin and AMAC the mod are the ones who you need to go to for technical problems. You should try to read the Ruleset and Newcomer's Guide.Are there any games you would love to see appear on the Wii U or that are currently known to be coming out? How did you found out about the forum?

Edited by Caius, 08 December 2011 - 04:07 PM.

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Co-Leader of the A.D.P.F
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After War there is Death ~ Goddess Palutena, victory is ours
Yeah, you've done a great job so far, letting the Metal Heads destroy the palace.

#3 Brian6330


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Posted 08 December 2011 - 04:12 PM

Welcome to the forum!

Saw in another thread that you're learning some German, so: "Hallo ;) "

I'm a SSBB fan myself, and if you wanna exchange FC's sometime, don't be afraid to ask.
The best place to share your FC though, would be the Online Gaming Hub.

Here's a link to the rules.
Since you're new, here's a link to the Newcomer's guide.

So, you're 13? Hmm, around the age range of most members here. (Don't ask for my age... I won't telly you)

So, what made you decide to join, how'd you find us and like it here?
Btw. Your intro's nice, so no worries ;)

Well, that about covers it.

See ya!


#4 Elric


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Posted 08 December 2011 - 05:24 PM

Hey there, Let's Brawl.

It's good to have another open minded person here.

Anyway, I'm superdarkyoshi, the eh... darkest yoshi. Writer/Poet, Musician, Speaker/Debater, and one fascinated with dreams and the paranormal. I see your avatar is of the old sonic trio. Are you a fan of the series? What is your favorite game, if it isn't? I myself am a Sonic fan. To be truthful though, I am not the best at video games and never beat an old sonic. But, I remember as a child having a lot of fun on it on my really slow Genesis that I owned.

Hope to see you around the forum!




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Posted 08 December 2011 - 05:56 PM

I really like that profile picture! Welcome to the forums.

#6 Two-Tailed Link!

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 10:59 AM

Hello, I'm James or as I'm callin' myself here "let's brawl" (I chose this as I'm a fan of
Smash Brawl so I decided I'd have my name related to it) I'm 13. I'm not that good at talking about myself other than saying I'm not good at talking about myself. I'm an open minded person and if you wish to speak to me about something,a comment, question or anything at all, just send it to me, I'll answer as soon as I get it (or If I Realize I have a message like a week later after you sent it I'll refer to what you said incase you forget,Either way I'll reply) (As you may have noticed I talk alot)That's my Introduction! (That wasn't so hard) :D

Hey Hey! I am Tails! I am a HUGE Sonic Fan. I also like some other games like Mario, Zelda, Assassin's Creed, Bla bla bla. You should go to the Chat Section to meet other people !
KID ICARUS UPRISING FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#7 let's brawl

let's brawl


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Posted 11 February 2012 - 02:53 PM

I'd like to thank all of you for a warm welcome! Correct, I am a Sonic fan, mainly due to the fact that as I grew up the main machine I had was the Sega Mega Drive so Sonic,Streets Of Rage,Gun Star Heroes,Altered Beast,Alex kidd and many other characters have always been my favourites. I'm a retro fan. At about... 4 I think, I got a PS 1 and thus I began to love characters such as Rayman, Crash and Spyro. They were my Favourite on that machine. At 6 the PS 2 came and I loved a huge variety of new and old characters. Then at 9 I got my first DS(I still have it, it rocks!!) I then started to love any DS characters. At this point I then became a follower of Nintendo starting to love The Legend Of Zelda,Star Fox,Kid Icarus,Samus,Pickmin,Kirby,Earthbound,Fire Emblem and many more. That was the link, I got a Wii, got Super Smash Bros. Brawl later that day knowing Sonic was in it and discovered a new world of Characters I had never heard of before. It was a great feeling. That's now how it stands in terms of Fandom for me. Nintendo, Sega and retro stuff. That's my Gaming History.

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