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My XBox One summaries (games & hardware)

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#1 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 05:41 PM

XBox One Kinect 2 - the Kinect 2 is more accurate than anything I have tried, including the PS4 camera which costs $60. The microphone still isn't completely accurate, but there is always room for technological advancement.
My score of Kinect 2 - 9.5/10.


XBox One system - a great, solid system. It's too bad you pretty much want internet for setting things up.
My score of XBox One system - 9.25/10


Forza 5 game - This game shows that you can have a good, solid game without having tons of surprises. Good, solid racing game... with few surprises.
My score of Forza 5 game - 9.25/10


Kinect Sports Rivals game - A great game for showcasing the abilities of the Kinect 2. If you care about innovative control schemes over loads of content, definitely buy this game.
My score of Kinect Sports Rivals game - 9/10


Call of Duty: Ghosts game - An exciting game. Not sure why many don't like it.
My score of Call of Duty: Ghosts (XBox One) - 9/10


The Amazing Spider-Man 2 game - There is a lot of fun to be had with this game. Don't go by negative reviews, give this a rental or a purchase. It has turned me into more of a Spider-Man fan.
My score of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (XBox One) - 8.5/10


Killer Instinct game - A decent fighting game, although a little niche due to being a more plain, SNES-style button-smashing game.
My score of Killer Instinct (XBox One) - 7.75/10


Zoo Tycoon game - A nice game with graphical-looking animals. Don't go by negative reviews, this game is indeed rather pleasant.
My score of Zoo Tycoon - 7.5/10


EA Sports UFC game - This game is your typical EA game. The graphics and music are good, and the game is pretty solid - however, it just feels like there is something missing. It's sad I have to score it worse than a couple of lower-budget games.
My score of EA Sports UFC (XBox One) - 7.25/10



Edited by Porridge, 20 June 2014 - 05:42 PM.

#2 Abcdude


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Posted 21 June 2014 - 10:01 AM

Is microsoft up to this?


#3 syks-1


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Posted 21 June 2014 - 10:26 AM

you gave ghosts a better score than killer instinct???? lol no comment

#4 Raiden


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Posted 21 June 2014 - 10:29 AM

Going by those scores I have a sneaking suspicion someone seduced you.


#5 iEatTacos


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Posted 21 June 2014 - 09:29 PM

9/10 for Call Of Duty

9/10 for Super Mario 3D World

Seems legit

#6 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 04:22 AM

I haven't played through the whole Call of Duty Ghosts, but what I played was great. I went through outer space - with guns. I jumped from cliff to cliff and cliffs broke off with some guy yelling at me. I played a seemingly solid shooter. It was pure excitement. Sorry if for some reason, people have a problem with this. I do actually like Mario 3D World a little better, but not Killer Instinct.

#7 3Dude



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Posted 22 June 2014 - 05:14 AM


I haven't played through the whole Call of Duty Ghosts, but what I played was great. I went through outer space - with guns. I jumped from cliff to cliff and cliffs broke off with some guy yelling at me. I played a seemingly solid shooter. It was pure excitement. Sorry if for some reason, people have a problem with this. I do actually like Mario 3D World a little better, but not Killer Instinct.

Actually, you didnt. You want through a thing Developers call a dramatic presentention of faux challenge.

This is where, on screen, an amazing spectacle is being shown... But in your gaming reality, if you were to look at the buttons you were pushing, the intensity of your interaction with the gameplay... You might as well be playing barbies slumber party.

You went through a tiny tube, shooting at enemies who floated haplessly through the center of that tube, with an awesome exciting spectacle being shown in front of you. Even when the station exploded, you were still stuck in that same tube, you could even see your artificial barriers in the way the debris formed a tube around you.

And once again, when the city was falling apart, you have a grand spectacle, that you barely have any part in. You are also, once again, stuck in a tube, forced to go exactly where the game wants, when it wants, experiencing what it wants you to. You can literally get the same experience from watching a video of the opening on youtube as you can by playing it.

Its a massive problem in the industry today. Especially for most western devs, for whom great gameplay is the riddle of the sphinx, whilst increasing visual spectacle is a simple matter of throwing more money.

For people used to actually playing through things like that, its torture. Its an infuriating screaming hell, where we are stuck on this roller coaster/kiddy ride, depicting the things we used to do, but not allowing us to get out of the the little cart on rails and go actually do them ourselves.

And most people get Nintendo systems, to get away from this, as its the only refuge we have left where we still actually truly play games.



#8 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 05:26 AM

Haha, I got owned by 3Dude :).


I will admit I'm starting to miss my Wii U slightly. I miss Mario 3D World. But I no longer had the game when I had the Wii U anyway - I had to sell it to help get some essentials (a cell phone).

#9 NintendoReport



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Posted 22 June 2014 - 05:41 AM

Haha, I got owned by 3Dude :).


I will admit I'm starting to miss my Wii U slightly. I miss Mario 3D World. But I no longer had the game when I had the Wii U anyway - I had to sell it to help get some essentials (a cell phone).


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#10 3Dude



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Posted 22 June 2014 - 05:44 AM

Haha, I got owned by 3Dude :).
I will admit I'm starting to miss my Wii U slightly. I miss Mario 3D World. But I no longer had the game when I had the Wii U anyway - I had to sell it to help get some essentials (a cell phone).

Thats all right, 3dude gets owned by the industry practically every second of every day.

With every anti consumer practice that blindly gets support from the people its abusing.
With every game that is hyped up by marketing, then completely fails to deliver, and the people complaining never learnt heir lesson, flocking right back to the next heavily marketed scam.
With every game that successfully gets away with having 5 damn collectors editions, not a one of which offers the complete available content.
Every time one of the last mid teir studios goes under.
Every time a review comes out, and you realize the only way for that review company to stay in business, is if they give that gigantic publisher game a glowing review no matter what, so they dont get black listed by that publisher and stop recieving review copies, an act that would put them out of business.... So they make up for it by crapping on games from companies without bullying power/dont participate in bullying....



#11 syks-1


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Posted 24 June 2014 - 01:17 PM

hey its up to you what games you like but imo ghosts is the worse cod EVER!! and killer instinct is one of the gratest fighting games of all time :) i never thought i would say this but i would consider getting a xbone to play it,i loved the n64 version soooooo much and the xbone version looks amazing too,who knows....maybe i will do the unthinkable and get an xbone one day :)

the unthinkable has happened lol got a xbox one in part of a deal i made today for fishing gear :) got forza 5....dead rising...and ghosts....forza seems like a ok game,not too bad at all...havnt tried dead rising yet and HATE ghosts so will be trading that..one thing thats REALLY annoying about the xbone is how long the games take to install :( it takes HOURS!!! where the ps4 is super fast,im feel like bashing my head against a wall lol


graphics on forza are nothing special and i defo wouldnt call it nxt gen looking,,killzone and second son BLOW it away on the visual front but like i said its pritty fun


so far i much prefer my ps4 and even wii u but i guess its still cool to have all 3

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