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Final Fantasy IV/VI snes vs IV/VI android?

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#1 Azure-Edge


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Posted 09 July 2014 - 11:48 AM

I've been thinking about picking up the ios versions of these two classics but I was wondering about the new content. I know both are based of the GBA versions which are considered the best on account of new content but I never played those, only the snes versions on the VC. Is the new content/updates worth it?


#2 3Dude



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Posted 09 July 2014 - 12:00 PM

speaking for ff6:

The GBA additions/changes are as follows: Non Woolsy translation. For me this is a huge Con.

Boss rush dungeon, 4 additional espers, character armour sets found in another new dungeon. Fixes odd glitches like the blind status effect.

As for the IOS versions, I feel they are vomit level cash ins. Seeing what they did to this masterpeice to cash in on ios makes me sick, and I will never, ever, ever suggest anyone give Square eenix money for raping the hard work of SquareSoft like this. That world is not Square, the status is not quo.

Just get the original snes and gba versions on your phone. Do it for the people who put their everything into making these games.



#3 Raiden


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Posted 09 July 2014 - 12:03 PM

iOS versions are garbage. You will be fine with either SNES or GBA.  Still Might be best to play them on the original form since GBA did not have the sound that SNES did and it's a major con considering the music in those games ESP VI.

#4 Azure-Edge


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Posted 09 July 2014 - 12:27 PM

speaking for ff6:The GBA additions/changes are as follows: Non Woolsy translation. For me this is a huge Con.Boss rush dungeon, 4 additional espers, character armour sets found in another new dungeon. Fixes odd glitches like the blind status effect.As for the IOS versions, I feel they are vomit level cash ins. Seeing what they did to this masterpeice to cash in on ios makes me sick, and I will never, ever, ever suggest anyone give Square eenix money for raping the hard work of SquareSoft like this. That world is not Square, the status is not quo.Just get the original snes and gba versions on your phone. Do it for the people who put their everything into making these games.

If you're gonna call it rape then at least explain why.


#5 iEatTacos


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Posted 09 July 2014 - 09:43 PM

I've bought the ios version and it's pretty legit. And most people have their phones on them all the time so you'll have 2 great games at your finger tips. It's win win, man

#6 storabajskorven



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Posted 10 July 2014 - 12:19 AM

Well, compare the beautiful graphics of the snes and gba versions to these versions. The new graphics is very ugly and it looks like some stupid free-to-play garbage. I haven't played the new versions so don't know how they changed other things, but graphics alone would make me stay away.

#7 3Dude



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Posted 10 July 2014 - 05:39 AM

If you're gonna call it rape then at least explain why.

Well I dont know about 4, which i think is just a high res port of the excellent ds complete 3d remake.... The second entry of a critically acclaimed, and very profitable resurgence of classic ff... So 4 seems decent enough in that regaurd... Though i havent looked past thumbnails for fear of that also being a scam...But that leads us to 6.

Ff4 just had an excellent full 3d, fully voiced, with gteat in engine cutscene remake, hot off the heels of the decent ff3 remake (3 actual, not 6). It was a massive improvement on an already pretty good job.Everyone was frothing at the bit for 5 ... and then... AND THEN the glory of 6.

Well, with the switch to 3ds and the increase of power, squeenix decided it was going to go straight to 6 for its next remake, and would simply release a port of the old 2d game of 5 on ios. A really bad, godawful port, that looked like it was made by a child with rpg maker. A disrespectful disgusting port.


This IS ff5 on ios. The absolutely blatantly piss poor tile work in this shot and just awful sprite shows the complete and absolute disregaurd for squaresofts work at the hands of squeenix and its shareholder overlords. The only thing missimg (i think)
was garbage 'convenience' microtransactions.

Then it happened. FF6 remake for 3ds was cancelled before it ever started. Squeenix formally announced that 'no systems hardware would be powerful enough to do ff6 justice' to soften the blow.

But apparently, the real reason was squeenix and shareholder freinds saw ffv, which they crapped out for practically nothing, was making money hand over fist despite being pure crap.

So without batting an eye the game that could 'never be given the justice it deserves' was diarrea defecated all over to the cacaphonic sound of squeenix's gleeful laughter.

The game was crapped all over. The spritework was an absolute joke.


The tilework suffered the same abominations as 5. Its just disgusting how they treated 6.

And even keeping it 2d, they could have done so much more justice to the game consistantly and often hailed as the greatest rpg ever made, easily and fiscally practical with the technology of even the lowliest cell phones.

They could have remastered the game Using Amano's art style for backgrounds and sprites and done the game great justice. But they dont care about that. They just crap it out and rake the money in.

Thats what squeenix thinks of Squaresofts works, and what they think of the squaresoft fanbase.

I will never. EVER. Suggest someone support this with money. Its like covering your hands in diarrea and
then slapping the people who made this masterpeice in the face with your poo covered hands.



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