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Interesting Discussion on "Open World" Games

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#1 NintendoReport



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Posted 16 July 2014 - 05:18 PM


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#2 Raiden


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 05:23 PM

Don't even need a video on this.


How not to do a Open World game. Skyrim

How to actually make a open world game. Xenoblade


One is empty and lifeless with no purpose and the other is full of life and a lot to do with purpose when you are doing whatever.

#3 NintendoReport



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Posted 16 July 2014 - 05:25 PM

Don't even need a video on this.


How not to do a Open World game. Skyrim

How to actually make a open world game. Xenoblade


One is empty and lifeless with no purpose and the other is full of life and a lot to do with purpose when you are doing whatever.


The discussion has ended.



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#4 Raiden


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 05:33 PM

Seriously tho they should have mentioned Xenoblade as it's the best example of part 2 and likely Xenoblade X combines the 2. Zelda U may as well. Skyrim is seriously one of the worst ways to design a open world game.


Open worlds sectional or not both need one thing. To be engaging in multiple ways.

Edited by Ryudo, 16 July 2014 - 05:35 PM.

#5 NintendoReport



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Posted 16 July 2014 - 05:43 PM

Seriously tho they should have mentioned Xenoblade as it's the best example of part 2 and likely Xenoblade X combines the 2. Zelda U may as well. Skyrim is seriously one of the worst ways to design a open world game.


Open worlds sectional or not both need one thing. To be engaging in multiple ways.


Oh I agree with you. Reason I posted is because I wanted people to discuss X and the upcoming Zelda and see how they would fit into his discussion.


Monster Hunter could also be considered open world in a sense as a hub world, and quest areas are an extension to that main hub.

Edited by Sorceror12, 16 July 2014 - 05:44 PM.

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#6 3Dude



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Posted 16 July 2014 - 07:27 PM

Seriously tho they should have mentioned Xenoblade as it's the best example of part 2 and likely Xenoblade X combines the 2. Zelda U may as well. Skyrim is seriously one of the worst ways to design a open world game.
Open worlds sectional or not both need one thing. To be engaging in multiple ways.

SKyrim is a full 6 open world game. Sandbox style RPG's.

The problem with these, is that they rely on emergent gameplay and procedural happenings... Which typically happen few and far between and are incredibly cpu power demanding, and work best with actual human beings anyways (Minecraft multi is a great example of the emergent stories that can come from this kind of game at its best, and thats story, not plot) Dwarf fortress is probably the only worthwhile example of a single player version of this game styke doing something thats not 20 years old designe wise.... But it is psychotically esoteric, being that it displays its game world in fricking ascII characters, and STILL melts down high end computers just from the sheer amount of world simulation it does.

Any ways, procedural happenings very rarely produce anthing amazing. Which is what we get out of skyrim. all kinds of variety, you could play the game 20 ties, and never happen the same way or in the same order twice... But you quickly find that said events are meaningless macguffins. The variations are so interchangable that they are mundane and boring, who CARES if you never go through the game the same way twice.

Xenoblade dialed it back from a full 6 to a 5 or high 4 on the sliding scale, so we end up with the massive scale, with a directed look with absoutely peerless art direction... instead of a computer procedurally generated 'gritty realistic' world that 99% of the time might as well be my backyard. Some of the set peices were nice, but it just cant hold a candle to xenoblade, every suare inch of which was handcrafted to present an amazing screen composition from practicallyanywhere you could be.

This carries over to the design of the game itself. Bethseda bragged about their radiant AI, which really was just like the world... They had to be completely homogenous in order to fit into the games ai system, and you ended up with a bunch of stiffs that just dont work as advertised.

Xenoblade on the other hand uses the oldest trick in the book, a simple finite state machine... But goes themselves, and connects practically every character in the game world to each other and the player, and the players actions.... And ended up with something far more interesting, meaningful, responsive, and impactful. Just a reminder that no matter how powerful these systems get, its still people that make the games.

They just dont make games like this anymore. Its too demanding from a design standpoint, you literally need to be the best in order to pull a design off like this. And publishers just dont want to bother when they can make a few billon dollar investments in advertising to steer mind share away from this and towards substancless spectacle, where they will rapidly make the money back with homogenous assembly line games.

Thank Gunpei it was Nintendo who got ahold of Monolithsoft.



#7 Raiden


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 07:29 PM

I only gave a like to the comment because Thank Gunpei was an awesome line. Class

#8 Scumbag



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Posted 18 July 2014 - 01:37 PM

I liked Skyrim.


Probably the only Elder Scroll's game I enjoyed.

Edited by Toilet_Snaker, 18 July 2014 - 01:37 PM.

#9 iEatTacos


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Posted 18 July 2014 - 04:34 PM

I like the open world style the Elder Scrolls use, examples of the ones I don't like, is how Bioware made Dragon Age 2. Great video

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