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Memorable bugs you've encountered in games.

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#1 Garolymar



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Posted 29 December 2011 - 04:10 AM

So I guess I'll start off with one of my favourites as I had to get help from an Admin so I could replay the game.
So it starts with the opening of WoW: Cataclysm, it was still pretty buggy at the time and a friend of mine found a place where you could get under the world So we had the bright Idea to fly all the way into an enemy town to see if we could shoot people through the floor. Well once I got there something happened, I guess I flew into some sort of dead zone because I was instantly logged out and couldn't log back in until about half an hour later when we put a ticket in for a stuck character. I never went under the world again thankfully.

This one if from Pikmin, I remember in the second area I think it's either called the Forest of Hope or Forest of Awakening in Pikmin two. Anyway there is a bridge that if your Pikmin are pushed a certain way they'll fall through into water but not drown, they'll stay idle and won't respond to whistles. Well I kind of had quite a big battle going on near the bridge and a good 30 or so fell under the bridge. I hate leaving anyone behind in Pikmin games to so not really the greatest just a bit of bad luck there.

Um, I was once walking around in Skyrim, just after I beat my first dragon and I decided to talk to some farmer I saw walking down the road. All was fine and dandy until the skeletal corpse of the dragon just came crashing down from the sky landing right behind the farmer as I was talking to him. For a second there I thought it was alive and was kind of freaked but I was glad it was just a weird bug.

Oh. Another one I encountered was during Twilight Princess. I was at the canoeing mini game breaking the woman's jars and trying to figure out away to break them without having to pay her. So I placed a bomb near one of the jars then talked to her to get into the canoe. As soon as the bomb exploded though it froze the game and the TV at full blast started that god awful noise the Wii Makes when it freezes. That was a pretty good one.

There was also this one time I was playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2, I was going pretty fast in that one chemical stage where Dr.Egg man uses that weird water machine to fight you with can't remember what the stage was called but I remember that I some how got stuck in the board and couldn't move. Tried jumping spinning and all of that but I was permanently stuck in the floor.

So there are a few of mine that I remember quite vividly. Not the most interesting but I'm curious what type of bugs you've encountered during you gaming years.
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#2 GeneralCraezy


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Posted 29 December 2011 - 04:29 AM

My favourite one is The Simpsons Hit & Run. On the first area (Homer), theres a bridge near the cemetry. If you use the "press the horn for mega jump" cheat, you can get in a car, press the horn, go over the side of the bridge and your under springfield! :laugh: its really funny until you start to fall into nothingness XD Then you have to press select to refresh :P

I've had a helluvalotta bugs in harvest moon DS, but I'll tell ya those later ;) I'm in a rush

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#3 Marc



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Posted 29 December 2011 - 04:35 AM

Great topic! One of my favs were the crazy bugs on Goldeneye. I used to love abusing that game with a Gameloader Action Replay style cartridge
back in those days too :)
Best ones were the freaky heads that appear from time to time, but more commonly on Surface. There was some dude who wrote into N64 Mag and said that you had to run all the way to the opening of the bunker, try and open it so the 'ACCESS DENIED!' appeared and shoot it once with the Goldengun. Figured after a while that the golden gun wasn't necessary, but it did send a buggy group of 'Special Ops' from the Satellite building, some of the time with 4 faces mapped to each side of the head! As freaky deeky as that was, the 'blindfold' opps were the best! A whole group of blindfold headed guards is just the funniest! Another one maybe, was the green rocket that you can see poking out the end of your launcher when overloading the game with rockets/explosions..Surface again of course. I wonder if anyone else remembers more memory-overload based glitches from Surface?

Edited by Marc, 29 December 2011 - 04:37 AM.



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#4 Two-Tailed Link!

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Posted 29 December 2011 - 05:15 AM

KID ICARUS UPRISING FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#5 Jumbo Worm

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Posted 29 December 2011 - 05:38 AM


The game was so bad, I actually had fun with it.

I remember playing Brawl with some friends, and we were on the Corneria stage. While running up the ship, I jumped (I'm Yoshi by the way), and got stuck in the incline. I was able to get out, but when I did, I was stuck floating on a horizontal line. I couldn't go up or down, but I could go left or right in mid air. I then moved to the side of the screen and no one could get me. Then they got mad and turned off the game...
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#6 Garolymar



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Posted 29 December 2011 - 05:55 AM

I just remembered this one back from my N64 days. We had Turok 3 and me and my brother loved to play the game with the gravity turned all the way down, one of our favourite things to do was jump off the map and fall to our deaths after about 5 minutes of falling into a black void.
One time though we were playing a 1 on 1 match with rocket launchers and I some how got launched so high I was stuck in the sky I couldn't move but I could aim down and shoot so I just rained down RPG shells at him. It was a lot of fun that game, it's a shame my controllers don't work any more.
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#7 Brian6330


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Posted 29 December 2011 - 06:32 AM

I had this weird bug in Amped (snowboarding game for the Xbox)... it was one of the latter levels.

(My friend was there too) I was trying to get a New high score (by doing tricks) to unlock something. Everything went well, until I got stuck on a wooden triangular prism (point upwards) with a grind rail on the top. I was grinding (or doing tricks... hard to see the difference) and stayed there for a while till I reached 3 billion points (normally you get like 100 - 500 k points) and I only needed 300 k points for myself.

I jumped of, the points counted and did my best to finish the level asap-so it would be save.

... Wish I had video'd it.

#8 kris1206



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Posted 29 December 2011 - 03:38 PM

I remember ages ago on Monster Truck Madness for the N64 me and my brother found a way to jump over a fence and you could go inside the pyramids and you could just carry on driving for ever.
Also I saw a dragon flying backwards on skyrim and then it got stuck in a tree.
On the first or second Driver game you could jump over a bridge and you would get stuck on a building but it would start to stretch the car out.
On fifa 12 my player got stuck inside the goal keeper
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#9 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 31 December 2011 - 07:55 AM

I love how in Monster Hunter Tri, sometimes flying bosses would accidentally move over the edge and sink to the bottom of the area, and slowly, very slowly come back up.

Now, if you hammer KO slam the beast as it comes up, so it falls into nothingness, consider your game screwed.

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#10 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 01 January 2012 - 03:24 PM

Well in Conduit 2 there was a glitch that made you fall right out of the ground! There is no way to prevent it either! You would keep respawning and falling and it is just a really big cycle and you would have to reset the Wii.

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#11 Garolymar



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Posted 01 January 2012 - 03:31 PM

Well in Conduit 2 there was a glitch that made you fall right out of the ground! There is no way to prevent it either! You would keep respawning and falling and it is just a really big cycle and you would have to reset the Wii.

I remember in the first Conduit's multiplayer if you kept switching a machine gun with a Bazooka and crouched just right it would make the Bazooka automatic. I stopped playing after everyone kept freeze locking me out because there were too many explosions on screen.
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#12 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 01 January 2012 - 04:15 PM

I remember in the first Conduit's multiplayer if you kept switching a machine gun with a Bazooka and crouched just right it would make the Bazooka automatic. I stopped playing after everyone kept freeze locking me out because there were too many explosions on screen.


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#13 Garolymar



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Posted 01 January 2012 - 06:12 PM

This is another one from World Of Warcraft: So me and my brother were waiting for the boat to take us to the Eastern Kingdoms booty bay. But we were just messing around trying to go as far off the edge of the boat as possible without falling off so it looked like we were floating. So far I was winning when the boat started moving. We hit the threshold but what is normally a short load time took a good 5 minutes and when it finally loaded I wasn't in Booty bay but instead hovering over a void of gray nothingness. I kept falling even after I died from the first plummet and had to freefall die (even as a ghost) back to the closest island so I could revive myself at a normal grave yard. It was quite the awesome experience.
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#14 Waller


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Posted 01 January 2012 - 06:34 PM

Armagohma seems like a pretty awesome bug...

Oh, you didn't mean it that way?


#15 SleepyGuyy



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Posted 03 January 2012 - 06:32 PM

I haven't encountered very many, and the ones i have i likely forgot.
I remember when i was younger i used to play Twisted metal(arena deathmatch with missles and cars). In twisted4 the first level has this crane you can operate. Its a big magnet that picks up people, and the way the level was designed it was obvious you were supposed to drop people onto this flaming conveyor belt that hurt them a bit. But if you dropped them in the right spot, they'd get stuck in the building where that conveyor belt is and lose all their health..... its get fun with invincibility on.

Also (i never owned an xbox, just to be clear), one time i was playing Halo2 with my brother and his friend, They showed me a glitch in this mountains level with two bases, and if you jump up a sloped building just right, and use your buddy as a catapult using the sword-melee lock on, you could get over and out of the level.

Also i was playing Rainbow6 Vagas 2 at a buddy's house and his gun, often, would have a messed up texture.... we called it the rainbow gun, and it was AWESOME.

Last but not least in Tonyhawk proskater....3 i think. While at a brother's friends house , he showed me a particular rail that loops in a circle, and if you balance just right, you grind forever. He did it, then said "lets go get some grub" and we were off eating oreos and doing stuff outside, later that day we came back and he was still there... grinding away.
I wish my memory was better , ive been playing videogames since i was 5 but i can only remember a handful of titles.
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#16 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 03 January 2012 - 06:44 PM

I was playing Mass Effect 2 last night. There's this place with walkways and guard rails, but on the stairs you could fall down the side. I got stuck and had to wait for some really weak mechs to kill me so I could get out of there.

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#17 Tipzil



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Posted 03 January 2012 - 07:03 PM

Harvest Moon DS: Making the harvest sprites fish in winter, automaticly gives you 1 billion gold :D
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#18 Garolymar



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Posted 03 January 2012 - 11:26 PM

Harvest Moon DS: Making the harvest sprites fish in winter, automaticly gives you 1 billion gold :D

Not really sure if this one is a glitch but I remember in Harvest Moon: A wonderful life you could stick a controller in the third port and when you pressed Z on both and pressed pause it would give you 10,000 G each time. There was also one where you got 99 of every single item that existed in the gamel; including the blue feather.

This another one from Skyrim, it isn't really funny or interesting it just made me angry. So I was doing this quest for this one old guy up in the magic school. He wanted me to take some magical ball thing stick it inside these magical heater things and heat them with my spells, Seems easy. What he forgot to mention is that if I so happened to use both hands to cast the spell the game would give me old "screw you buddy," and make it impossible to complete the quest.
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#19 Tipzil



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Posted 04 January 2012 - 12:04 AM

Skyrim has ALOT of glitches
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#20 DANT3


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Posted 04 January 2012 - 12:29 AM

The Reverse Longjump from Mario 64. Honestly, do I need to say more?

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