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Christmas Stories!

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#1 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 29 December 2011 - 05:03 AM

Okay just simple. If you had an interesting Christmas then post your story here! Here is mine:
I went to my grandparents house (which was a 12 hour drive) and when we got there my grandfather was unusually happy. This is strange because not even Christmas will get him like this. So then we just go to sleep because it is 10:00pm due to the 12 hour drive. When we wake up on Christmas I found my dad and Grandfather arguing about something. I look to see what it is and it turns out that my grandfather has some really big guns. Now this I never knew. He is very kind, and is the last person I would expect to have guns. He then turns at me and says "Hello and merry Christmas!" I just stare at the pile of the guns. (I love guns. I dont like shooting anyone I just like guns.) I see that there is a bolt action 6 round internal magazine 30.6 caliber Winchester rifle. There is a M16 believe it or not. Another sniper rifle of the same caliber but this is semiautomatic with a 4 round mag. There are two twelve gauge shotguns with 5 rounds max. Lastly my favorite the limited edition Browning 30 caliber handgun with a 14 round clip. Then grandfather says "Pick any one of em except the handgun." HEAD DESK!!! Well then my uncle comes who knows all there is to guns and grandfather makes the same offer. Uncle just hogged the M16 and all of the good ones. Then we decided enough with guns and we should start opening presents. Well I got a 3DS, MK7, and SS!!! Well that is my Christmas story what is yours?

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#2 Garolymar



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Posted 29 December 2011 - 05:12 AM

I got a Christmas/New year's story but... I dunno It's not very jolly more of a fist fight and lots of broken furniture and glass, a real memorable night for sure but I'd rather not hehe.
It was also the first time I beat Luigi's mansion so I guess that's why I remember it so well but yeah... hehe

Um... I remember this one though too it's not as interesting but it was kind of funny. I had gotten a tooth fixed because I chipped it during the holidays pretending to be batman (I was like 4-6 can't really remember.) Anyway I was tripping on that laughing gas for awhile it was kind of foggy but I remember eating the entire gingerbread house with my dog, giving it the gummy treats cause I didn't like them. And taking baby powder from my sisters room and covering the kitchen making my own little winter wonderland. It all probably happened pretty late as I remember everyone else was asleep I'm pretty sure my grandma was furious when she saw what I did to her kitchen but we all laugh about it now.

Not sure if you were allowed to post old ones as my Christmas this year was very uneventful.

Edited by Garolymar, 29 December 2011 - 05:15 AM.

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#3 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 29 December 2011 - 07:42 AM

I look to see what it is and it turns out that my grandfather has some really big guns. Now this I never knew. He is very kind, and is the last person I would expect to have guns. He then turns at me and says "Hello and merry Christmas!" I just stare at the pile of the guns.

Isn't it dangerous to offer guns to children? O_o
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#4 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 29 December 2011 - 08:13 AM

Isn't it dangerous to offer guns to children? O_o

Yeah but he is growing old and has no use so I got my very first firearm!

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#5 aaron



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Posted 01 January 2012 - 09:59 PM

Yeah but he is growing old and has no use so I got my very first firearm!

:o make sure noone shoots anyone...

by chance

#6 Waller


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Posted 01 January 2012 - 11:18 PM

I can see why you're dad would be angry O_o
Not only is it dangerous to hand a firearm to a kid, but it's also very irresponsible and stupid.

Therefore, I don't believe your story.

Not much to say about me, we just chat a lot and eat a lot, lol.


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