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What Do You Think Is The Future For Nintendo Franchises?

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#1 Reaper Pin

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 08:21 AM

Will Nintendo save them? Will Nintendo leave them?
Share your thoughts! I'll share mine:

1.Mario Bros: The series will remain a classic, just it like it as been for the past 25 years
2. Zelda: Another classic that is bound to end because it follows a (very complex) story
3.Metroid: Metroid will be saved and will be a successful series like Zelda
4. Kid Icarus: With the sudden comeback of Pit, Nintendo will probably save this guy by creating a deeper story, more characters, etc.
5.Kirby: Like Mario,Kirby still has alot of platformer fun to give gamers.
5.Golden Sun: It will become one of Nintendo's best franchise, if it isn't already.
6. Fire Emblem: Like Golden Sun, Fire Emblem will probably gain more success in N.A if Nintendo does it right.
7.Advanced Wars: Same as Fire Emblem
8.Ice Climbers: Nothing you can really do for these guys
9. Donkey Kong: Retro will probably work alot more on Donkey Kong and create awesome games
10.Mother:....I WANT MOTHER 4
11. Custom Robo: Do you even know what Custrom Robo is?
12.Pokemon: Like Mario and Kirby, Pokemon still has a lot to offer to it's tons of fans world wide.
13.F-Zero: The WiiU will probably make F-Zero even more awesome than ever.
14.Starfox: WiiU will make Starfox popular all over again, if Nintendo makes the games, not other developers (Namco,Rare)
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#2 Jumbo Worm

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 08:43 AM

Obviously, franchises like Super Mario Bros, Zelda, Kirby, Metroid, Pokemon, and Donkey Kong will be rolling out games for a long time. Heck, even Fire Emblem is on it's 13th game. F-Zero may or may not be dead, it depends on if a new game is released on the Wii U, but the Mother series? Yeah, I believe it's over. The guy who created the games said that he doesn't want to make another one, but he did say that if any one else wants to, they can, so a Mother 4 is still possilbe. Kid Icarus will keep going, and will probably get a game on the Wii U. As you said, Ice Climbers is a done series. Custom Robo is very popular in Japan, so I believe it will keep going, same with Advance Wars and Golden Sun. Starfox is definitely going to make a big come back, especially on the Wii U.

Then there are other franchises. Wario Land/Ware is still popular, so a game every now and then is good. A new Punch Out game on the Wii U would be cool, but I don't see it happening. It would be nice to see a new Yoshi game, probably on the 3DS. We already know Pikmin 3 is on it's way, and will most likely keep building as a series. Nintendo should keep the trend of a Paper Mario game a console going. Not much needs to be said about Mario Kart as everyone knows one will be on the Wii U.
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Posted 30 December 2011 - 10:12 AM

I think it's safe to say that Mario, the Legend of Zelda and Pokemon will be safe for a long time. I think that it's possible that any of their other IPs could be dropped if they stop being successful.

#4 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 30 December 2011 - 10:16 AM

Yeah I dont see Nintendo droping LoZ anytime soon. But I think that the thing that is most likely to be dropped would be Donkey Kong to my opinion.

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#5 neverwinteru



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Posted 30 December 2011 - 10:55 AM

im just hoping they bring custom robo back it would be amazing on the wiiu or 3ds

#6 Reaper Pin

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 11:20 AM

Yeah I dont see Nintendo droping LoZ anytime soon. But I think that the thing that is most likely to be dropped would be Donkey Kong to my opinion.

No, if Nintendo did not want DK they wouldn't have asked Retro to make DKC Returns. The franchise I see that is in danger is Metroid, someone needs to save it A.S.A.P

im just hoping they bring custom robo back it would be amazing on the wiiu or 3ds

I own Custom Robo for the GCN, I thought it was a pretty cool game but it's just way to underrated everywhere except for Japan, it's a fun franchise but I don't think it will be coming back anytime soon :(

I think it's safe to say that Mario, the Legend of Zelda and Pokemon will be safe for a long time. I think that it's possible that any of their other IPs could be dropped if they stop being successful.

I think that if the other IPs get a chance on the WiiU, they could be saved, but for some IPs, like Ice Climbers, there's just no hope
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#7 Jumbo Worm

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 11:21 AM

No, if Nintendo did not want DK they wouldn't have asked Retro to make DKC Returns. The franchise I see that is in danger is Metroid, someone needs to save it A.S.A.P

Why? Because of Other M? The game wasn't THAT bad. It's obviously the worst in the series, but I don't think it's enough to bring the series down. It's like if Pixar made a movie that bombed. Would that put them in danger of being shut down? No, because of all the success of their other films.

Edited by Jumbo Worm, 30 December 2011 - 11:22 AM.

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#8 Reaper Pin

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 11:23 AM

Why? Because of Other M? The game wasn't THAT bad. It's obviously the worst in the series, but I don't think it's enough to bring the series down. It's like if Pixar made a move that bombed. Would that put them in danger of being shut down? No, because of all the success of their other films.

Oh, it's not because of Other M, it's because of this:

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#9 Jumbo Worm

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 11:40 AM

Error in the video. They made a game before Metroid Prime, and that was Fusion. Don't know why he didn't mention it...

Metroid not doing good in sales is Nintendo's fault. They should be looking at the games being released and time the release of their game so that it will attract more players.

Last time I checked, the creator of Metroid said that a game on the Wii U is going to happen. Don't remember where I saw it though...
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