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PS4 and 720 more powerful than Wii U?

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#1 StarFoxWiiU1


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Posted 02 January 2012 - 01:58 PM

A lot of people are telling me that PS4 and 720 or nextxbox will obliterate the Wii u just like 360/PS3 obliterate the Wii. To this question I SAY NO! I think that Microsoft is gonna have the weakest console next generation, simply because they are starting the "casual" market with Kinect. I can imagine the next Xbox with 360 graphics, "Kinect" built in, better sensors for Kinect, etc. I see Wii U and PS4 battling it out just like 360 and PS3. But don't take that too seriously that is just my predictions. Only fate will tell when E3 2012 comes around. I do believe that the next xbox and PS4 will be reveal on E3 2012 and will be release in 2013. Anyways these are my predictions but I wanna hear you guys predictions, so tell me what do you think below.

#2 Bizzare Pony

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Posted 02 January 2012 - 02:04 PM

Well, I think we've reached the point where graphics will be so good that they will cease to be a major factor in the console wars. That being said, I do believe the competitors may have slightly better graphics. Sony spent a LOT of money developing the PS3, so I don't know how well they'll fare with the PS4. Microsoft is in a good position to have a very popular and powerful console, but I do agree that they are leaning more and more towards casual gamers.

#3 Dant


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Posted 02 January 2012 - 02:10 PM

Extremely unlikely.

Looking at the currently rumored specs of the Wii U this is nothing short of impossible without the PS4/720 costing well over 900$ USD to produce (That sounds outrageous, but keep in mind that manufacture cost of a launch 60GB PS3 was $950 USD!). Sony is too smart to make the mistake they did this last generation of releasing a vastly over expensive console that is difficult to develope for, and Microsoft would lose market going this route as well.

Prehaps if either console was release say some 4 years after the Wii U, such of a gap would be expected, but I doubt Microsoft/Sony are being serious about the "10 year lifecycle".

#4 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 02 January 2012 - 02:45 PM

I honestly dont think that we need to worry about the other counsels being too much more powerful because Nintendo is actually the king of powerful counsels! Take a look at the NES it was the most powerful, take a look at the SNES it was the most powerful, take a look at the N64 it was the most powerful, take a look at the GCN it was the most powerful (It actually was more powerful than the XBox, it is a common mistake) the only counsel that wasnt the most powerful was the Wii and I think that Nintendo now notices that they need to step up their game again and once more make those super powered counsels! And also Sony and Microsoft really should worry because there are rumors that the 3DS's true power is greater than a XBox 360's so did you ever know that your 3DS is a portable XBox? So yeah I just KNOW that the WiiU WILL be the most powerful.

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#5 Crackkat



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Posted 02 January 2012 - 03:14 PM

ubisoft amongst others have said they dont want to keep making graphics better cos the cost of games will go up and they dont want that. EA said its pointless to make graphics better at this point.

the leaked specs indicate that wii u is doing what developers want, not insane graphics, but more ram, which means the gameplay can be made better rather than visuals (visuals will still be awesome though).

tell the drones that wii came out last this generation but was weakest, ps4 will come out last so also might be weakest. sony lost stupid amounts of money with ps3 and with vita so theyre no way going to go for loads of power next gen, and theres even a quote (might be fake) from a sony employee who said theyre gonna go for women and causal people next gen rather than hard core :P
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#6 Dant


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Posted 02 January 2012 - 03:20 PM

ubisoft amongst others have said they dont want to keep making graphics better cos the cost of games will go up and they dont want that. EA said its pointless to make graphics better at this point.

No point, we still haven't gotten to Ray-Tracing in real-time yet! :)

More seriously, we really don't need much of an improvement.

Edited by Dant, 02 January 2012 - 03:21 PM.

#7 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 02 January 2012 - 03:27 PM

I kinda heard that Microsoft will also be more for casual gamers rather than Sony so really I dont think that there is too much of a chance of either of them going casual.

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#8 Crackkat



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Posted 02 January 2012 - 03:35 PM

I kinda heard that Microsoft will also be more for casual gamers rather than Sony so really I dont think that there is too much of a chance of either of them going casual.

surely that increases the chances that they will go casual
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#9 stupidvillager



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Posted 02 January 2012 - 04:27 PM

I dont have any doubt the the PS4 and the 720 will be more powerful than the Wii U, but its not going to be like the Wii and 360/PS3. It will be a smaller gap. With the Wii and 360/PS3 it was just not possible to do things on the Wii that were done on the 360/PS3. I dont see that happening this time. Things will just be toned down a bit for the Wii U.

#10 neverwinteru



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Posted 02 January 2012 - 10:09 PM

I honestly dont think that we need to worry about the other counsels being too much more powerful because Nintendo is actually the king of powerful counsels! Take a look at the NES it was the most powerful, take a look at the SNES it was the most powerful, take a look at the N64 it was the most powerful, take a look at the GCN it was the most powerful (It actually was more powerful than the XBox, it is a common mistake) the only counsel that wasnt the most powerful was the Wii and I think that Nintendo now notices that they need to step up their game again and once more make those super powered counsels! And also Sony and Microsoft really should worry because there are rumors that the 3DS's true power is greater than a XBox 360's so did you ever know that your 3DS is a portable XBox? So yeah I just KNOW that the WiiU WILL be the most powerful.

Cant tell if serious

honestly i think people underestimate the power of graphics i for one love Nintendo but hated the Wii's ability to barely output better graphics the the GameCube. i don't think most realize it but graphics help immerse you into a game.

#11 Link707



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Posted 03 January 2012 - 05:30 AM

Cant tell if serious

honestly i think people underestimate the power of graphics i for one love Nintendo but hated the Wii's ability to barely output better graphics the the GameCube. i don't think most realize it but graphics help immerse you into a game.

Nowadays they do but not in the n64 era when games were played for gameplay

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#12 neverwinteru



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Posted 03 January 2012 - 11:11 AM

Nowadays they do but not in the n64 era when games were played for gameplay

yea i would have to say the last generation marked the end of games being great solely on level design plot characters and sound now there are alot more factors because of the hardware we have now

#13 Link707



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Posted 03 January 2012 - 12:28 PM

yea i would have to say the last generation marked the end of games being great solely on level design plot characters and sound now there are alot more factors because of the hardware we have now

This is a terrible thing as devs are competing solely to see who has the best graphics they lose sight of the real reason people buy games.... To have fun

Edited by Link707, 03 January 2012 - 02:57 PM.

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#14 Tipzil



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Posted 03 January 2012 - 02:11 PM

I don't really care about the specs and all, i just want Mario and Zelda :D
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#15 Gruff



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Posted 03 January 2012 - 05:39 PM

I don't really care about the specs and all, i just want Mario and Zelda :D


Edited by Wii8461, 03 January 2012 - 05:41 PM.

Villager.jpgBleh eh eh.

#16 Hinkik


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Posted 04 January 2012 - 03:56 AM

I honestly dont think that we need to worry about the other counsels being too much more powerful because Nintendo is actually the king of powerful counsels! Take a look at the NES it was the most powerful, take a look at the SNES it was the most powerful, take a look at the N64 it was the most powerful, take a look at the GCN it was the most powerful (It actually was more powerful than the XBox, it is a common mistake) the only counsel that wasnt the most powerful was the Wii and I think that Nintendo now notices that they need to step up their game again and once more make those super powered counsels! And also Sony and Microsoft really should worry because there are rumors that the 3DS's true power is greater than a XBox 360's so did you ever know that your 3DS is a portable XBox? So yeah I just KNOW that the WiiU WILL be the most powerful.

You are right that GCN and those older consoles was the most powerful then but even if Nintendo puts in a really fast processor and gpu. Sony and Microsoft won't wanna lose their style (having stronger consoles than nintendo and then say that nintendo is for kids) so I think they will have stronger consoles than Nintendo. THe Wii u is rumored to use a a Radeon HD 4770 which a three year old gpu and was the mid range card. they also use a tri core processor which isn't that fast. The ps3 used the fastest gpu in the world you could find (When they builded it) a gtx 7800. So if sony uses a quad core processor which is standard in desktops since long and maybe just a mid range 2012 gpu then there will be the same gap in power just like with the wii and the ps3. *Copy paste the same thing about the xbox 720.

Edited by Hinkik, 04 January 2012 - 03:56 AM.


#17 Rasvita



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Posted 04 January 2012 - 10:11 AM

You know, I would say that it doesn't really matter what happens with Sony and Microsoft. As long as you like the Wii U and want to play it's games, then have fun with it. But we all know what's going to happen if the Wii U isn't as powerful as others, there will be endless whining and fighting about the consoles and how Nintendo is for babies. Oh wait, that will happen no matter what. :rolleyes:

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#18 SleepyGuyy



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Posted 04 January 2012 - 10:59 AM

The WiiU is very powerful right now. Nintendo needed to pick cheaper and more efficient hardware with the Wii because they needed to attract an audience that was not as passionate about games. Now that that audience knows Nintendo they're more willing to pay more. Also the WiiU is able to (not planned yet but the specs say) run several displays no problem, which means is can do lots at once (not as much as a high-end computer, but the consoles never match a high-end computer, they have to be mass marketed). The Xbox was well known for its RAM, it could do lots of stuff and had 3 cores in it (i think) aswell, this allowed for great graphics and framerate along with cross-game chat (something i wish my ps3 had). And as for the PS3, it has 1 core with 6 mini-cores (not as much RAM though) allowing each core to do an individual job (ie, lighting, polygons, sounds, input) and this let the PS3 do many thing. Now for a computer to be able to proccess several perspectives means its gotta be a step up from this generation. Sure its the same HD as PS3 (1080p), probably looks similar too, but what it can do should allow for a massive experience, A multiplayer experience, and a personal experience like no other. Nintendo is also stepping up online (hopfully integrating many things, or at least allow a way to improve it in many ways). This is no gimmick, its a serious step for Nintendo (they have learned over the past few years) and we can't be sure right now, but i think they will deliver.
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#19 Deadly Virus

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Posted 04 January 2012 - 11:34 AM

Nowadays they do but not in the n64 era when games were played for gameplay

Not true really. During the 90s the N64 had amazing graphics. Developers have always been trying to push for better and better graphics in games and consoles, it's just that in 15 years time it'll inevitably look weak compared to what we have today. You also have to remember that the N64 was quite a bit more powerful than the PS1 and a great deal more powerful than the Saturn, even if the cartridge format did hold it back in some respects. So there was a time when Nintendo took hardware and graphics very seriously.

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#20 chipvader


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Posted 04 January 2012 - 11:35 AM

You are right that GCN and those older consoles was the most powerful then but even if Nintendo puts in a really fast processor and gpu. Sony and Microsoft won't wanna lose their style (having stronger consoles than nintendo and then say that nintendo is for kids) so I think they will have stronger consoles than Nintendo. THe Wii u is rumored to use a a Radeon HD 4770 which a three year old gpu and was the mid range card. they also use a tri core processor which isn't that fast. The ps3 used the fastest gpu in the world you could find (When they builded it) a gtx 7800. So if sony uses a quad core processor which is standard in desktops since long and maybe just a mid range 2012 gpu then there will be the same gap in power just like with the wii and the ps3. *Copy paste the same thing about the xbox 720.

you do realize that those companies said that they would be over powering their consoles because lots of people lost lots of money

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