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PS4 and 720 more powerful than Wii U?

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#81 Lain


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Posted 29 January 2012 - 05:37 PM

Yeah, consoles are currently capped at 720p, so in terms of visuals, this should be really cool.

Though judging from rumored specs, there's still plenty of room for improvement.

#82 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 29 January 2012 - 05:40 PM

Yeah, consoles are currently capped at 720p, so in terms of visuals, this should be really cool.

Though judging from rumored specs, there's still plenty of room for improvement.

Also lots of the games this gen dont even run at 720p so even if the wiiu does sometimes have to lower it resolution down to 720p for a couple of third party next gen games it would still look more clear than games this gen with better fidelity .

#83 Zuperman


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Posted 29 January 2012 - 07:30 PM

Anyway, which console is most powerful isn't going to matter much this time I'd bet.

Yeah, I'm actually quite excited to see the 'x system sucks because it's not as powerful as y system' rubbish die down since there will be very little notable difference between the big 3. Or at least I hope that will happen, Fanboys and trolls tend to make the biggest deals out of the littlest things...

Edited by Zuperman, 29 January 2012 - 07:30 PM.

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#84 NovusRex


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Posted 30 January 2012 - 04:34 AM

The new XBox will be more powerfull, because it'll come out atleast one year later. The new PS will be more powerfull, because it'll come out.... When will it come out? No one actually knows. Sony learned of their PS3 mistake though, I'm guessing they will keep the production costs relatively low this time. I wouldn't be suprised if it took even more than two years from now before a new Sony console will come out. I'm not too familiar with their statistics (moneywise), but do they have enough right now to invest in such an expensive project?

The Xbox, as said, will be more powerfull. The rumours state the same, but well.. They are rumours, so they don't mean that much to me. I'm thinking it will come out at the end of 2013, a year after the WiiU. The difference in power won't be much at all and barely noticable while gaming I think. It's nothing like the Wii compared to the Xbox/PS3,

I couldn't care less though, about which console will be the most powerfull one. It's fun to speculate, but it won't affect my gameplay experience in any way.

#85 Tre



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Posted 30 January 2012 - 05:30 PM

As I said earlier, the PS4 will not be too powerful than Wii U and the next Xbox. That would hinder them greatly. Third Parties want to develop multiplat games. If the PS4 is too powerful of a console then developers won't develop games for it cause they would have to start from scratch. This is a reverse effect of the Wii where the Wii games would be done from scratch hence developers didn't want the extra time and manpower to commit to doing that. It was done for some games and I'll admit that but it could have been done more. This next gen will be closer in power even if the PS4 is two years away. That was one of the problems that Dreamcast had. Exclusives are nice but they are not the only thing. You have to have variety and that's what third parties do.

#86 Plutonas



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Posted 30 January 2012 - 05:34 PM

Today they gave an interview in the public, that they will not announce a new xbox720 in 2012... Except if they forced to, after the wii U release. That means, no new xbox for the next 2 years.

Thats good, as wii U will have all the time it needs to get 3rd party support.


In an interview with French website Lepoint.Fr, Cedrick Delmax, the Microsoft France Marketing Director, said (assumedly in French before being translated) that Microsoft is not looking to reveal new hardware this year.
“Xbox 360′s cycle is not at all finished. The proof is that we don’t see the logic in cutting the price this year. E3 is still premature. What’s certain is that there’ll be nothing new in 2012,” said Delmax specifically in his statement.

I also send to Nitnendo.com a suggestion (some thoughts of mine) against piracy and how to motivate customers with a different type of interface.. I also told them about the wii U rumors with 8gb hard disk, and they should reconsider increasing that number, as new generation consoles and video games (plus media centers), truly need hdd space..

They answered me back, they thanked me and that my letter will be frwrd it, also not to read all this rumors about hdd, as nothing of all that, is confirmed and true!.. and we may be surprised at the end.. With different specs!

I mean we only know about the graphic card and the cpu.. Nothing else. After all, we all know that nintendo online services will get improved, and considering also the digital purchases, that means, wii U must have a much much bigger hdd.. is it?

Edited by Orion, 30 January 2012 - 05:51 PM.

#87 NovusRex


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Posted 31 January 2012 - 04:48 AM

It's good for Nintendo that there might not even be a new Xbox in 2013, though it isn't confirmed in that much words in that link you provided. Still, it does look good for Nintendo if they are able to deliver a good console with updated graphics. It might attract the Xbox en Ps fans, who want to update their console and can't wait for a new Sony or Microsoft system to come out. One year is something most "fanboys" can wait out, but two or more years? I doubt it. It looks to me Nintendo picked a great moment to release a new console.

#88 Deadly Virus

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Posted 31 January 2012 - 08:30 AM

Yeah, I'm actually quite excited to see the 'x system sucks because it's not as powerful as y system' rubbish die down since there will be very little notable difference between the big 3. Or at least I hope that will happen, Fanboys and trolls tend to make the biggest deals out of the littlest things...

Then again, we still had that stuff going on with the Gamecube, Xbox and PS2. I used to have a lot of uninformed people tell me crap about the PS2 having better graphics than the GC, and even today PS3/360 fans argue constantly over which console has the slightest graphical advantage. So unfortunately we can still expect some of the Sony/Microsoft drones to jump on even the slightest flaw that the Wii U might have that PS4/720 doesn't.

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#89 Plutonas



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Posted 31 January 2012 - 02:22 PM

also 1 more story. http://www.xbitlabs....ess_Gaikai.html

Thats bad news for console gamers, and I will not try to guess who may that be.. If its true. Some people who searched this info a bit further, found out, that one of this 3 players in the market (SONY, MS, Nintendo).. Didn’t renewed their contracts.. About something they must do always.. Not into many info about it (but its true). Surelly its not Nintendo, as wii U is almost ready and announced.

So maybe one of the 2 (sony, microsoft), is lying.. Thats totally unofficial info, don’t take it in granted.

Both have reasons to do so, Sony just started after all this years, to have some profits with ps3 and VITA is doing really bad. Microsoft announced that they want to invest in pc gaming! They also announced Kinetic for pc.. Both had hardware failures and overpowered with money loss from the hardware and xbox is not selling much software.. so who knows. Both have the same chances..

Edited by Orion, 31 January 2012 - 02:40 PM.

#90 NovusRex


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Posted 31 January 2012 - 04:24 PM

also 1 more story. http://www.xbitlabs....ess_Gaikai.html

Thats bad news for console gamers, and I will not try to guess who may that be.. If its true. Some people who searched this info a bit further, found out, that one of this 3 players in the market (SONY, MS, Nintendo).. Didn’t renewed their contracts.. About something they must do always.. Not into many info about it (but its true). Surelly its not Nintendo, as wii U is almost ready and announced.

So maybe one of the 2 (sony, microsoft), is lying.. Thats totally unofficial info, don’t take it in granted.

Both have reasons to do so, Sony just started after all this years, to have some profits with ps3 and VITA is doing really bad. Microsoft announced that they want to invest in pc gaming! They also announced Kinetic for pc.. Both had hardware failures and overpowered with money loss from the hardware and xbox is not selling much software.. so who knows. Both have the same chances..

I think the article is coming to the wrong conclusion. Nintendo will make a new console, well.. kinda obvious ha? :P That leaves Sony and Microsoft. Which of those two companies has the most money right now to invest and doesn't have many other priorities? I think that would be Microsoft. Although relatively new to the console market, they know what they are doing and haven't gone wrong so far. The Xbox360 is quite popular in some parts of the world and a new updated console will probably sell well, if they keep it reasonibly prized.

Sony on the other hand have a habit of overpricing hardware, in my opinion. 250-300 dollar/euro for a portable device (vita) is just too much for me. Same goes for the 3DS, I bought it after the price cut, the original price was just too high. 3ds sold rather bad at first, hence the price drop. The 3ds costs now around 170 euro, a big gap compared to the Vita despite being about a year older. The ps3 was overpriced aswell (not when it comes to the profit marge ofcourse, since the production costs were so incredibely high), in aspect to what gamers would pay for a console. The Vita is now even more expensive than a PS3, which seems odd as it's just a handheld console.

If one company would skip a console this gen, my guess it would be Sony. The newsarticle doesn't mean much though, it's rather vague. We'll see what the E3 has to offer.

#91 Plutonas



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Posted 01 February 2012 - 03:46 AM

I agree, but there is always 3 players at the same time, who is going to enter the market, if sony departs!

Basically, only 3 can co exist at the same time and if they dont do mistakes..

Sony was a bit tricky, snicky (from what they did with nintendo cd), but I will feel sad if they depart, as playstation 2 offered me great moments of fun.. I still have my ps2 with FFX (and many more), but Sony failed with ps3 the first 3-4 years, because they didn’t allow blu ray technology for the other companies, they always protect it as something unique and their totally own, thats why its still very expensive and nobody cares about it. I mean, HDD's made a huge progress and it cost less to get 1, bigger and faster, than a blu-ray device with discs.. And I think there is new type of big cds technology ready to be released. (Not sure about it). That’s why sony always fails..
They also over price the portable software!! They try to force gamers through their online services and drain the credit cards, but gamers hate to be forced and do things! I still remember Tetris for about 10-12 euro in psn network!.. Also sony portables are trying to mimic the heavy duty machines and its not right!! I dont know about built quality, as I never purchased any psp or ps vita, whatever they name them...The things that matters in portable devices, is built quality, weight, gameplay, support and mobility at this age..

Many people at this point prefer mobile phones to play their games, and its WRONG! I mean its not healthy to have a mobile in your face all day, and play games, with all this micro waves frying your brain!.. So they should find a way to separate them. I prefer a portable gaming console with eBook features for students and small file transfer and connectivity with my pc, than a portable console to make phone calls too! (its healthier to separate phones from gaming devices).I have a mobile from 2003 and still works, I am not changing it with the smart ones.. I feel they are bad devices.. not healthy.

Microsoft in the other hand, is good with OS (well not exactly good), but not sure about consoles, they interfered in pc gaming and destroyed it, even if they announce that they support pc gaming.. in their behalf maybe with this forcing services they pop up, after they moved into the market (steam, etc).. Surely they don’t support pc gamers. They even charge you to play online on xbox..! You know why they called xbox 360 with the 360 at the end? They dreamed of bringing the console magic into a pc based systems, more like a 360 degrees (clockwise).. so I hate them for that and I will not support them in xbox 720 or whatever they call it. Now MS is dreaming of using Kenetic to laptop computers too as a basic feature.. that’s horrible.. They try to consolize the PC and pc-based hardware for consoles so they can bring them near its other, to control them all.. They will fail.. We will make them fail.. lol :)

Edited by Orion, 01 February 2012 - 03:57 AM.

#92 NovusRex


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Posted 01 February 2012 - 04:17 AM

I don't think Microsoft can be blamed for the "demise" of pc-gaming, rather game developers and publishers themselves. Microsoft isn't known for making games and releasing them, all they do for the pc's is make a operating system which millions of people use. Microsoft made DirectX, which helps game developers a lot. Anyway, game publishers decide what games come to the PC and what not. It's a lot cheaper for them to port a console game to the pc, instead of making a new title of it's own. I don't mind that often really. It gave us great brands, such as Grand Theft Auto and Assassin's Creed. FPS are a whole different story though, I feel the pc must be the first priority here (which in most cases it isn't, sadly).

Then there is piracy. which is supposed to damaged the pc-gaming aswell. I don't buy this really, great titles will still sell well on the pc regardless of piracy. When a game has great multiplayer support, chances of buying an original game will increase aswell. It's all about quality really, and marketing ofcourse. I agree that the kinect stuff for pc and laptops seems a bit unnecessary, but perhaps people will like it nevertheless. I don't care much, aslong developers release great titles. Original titles! Creativity, I think that's the thing that destroys pc-gaming at the moment. Lack of creativty, that is. RTS games? Fast-paces FPS shooters like Quake? A high-quality flying simulator? Too many sequels and prequels and stuff nowadays. Battlefield 3, as much as I enjoy playing it, seems like quite an unoriginal game and very buggy aswell. Anno 2012, that should not have happened. The CoD series have gone downhill ever since CoD MW2, in my humble opinion. I still find Assassin's Creed 1 the best in the series, the atmoshpere was just right. Gritty, a bit ugly feeling and graphics really captured the great Medieval world. The sequels were too "pretty" for an Assassin's game (note: with this I don't mean the graphics quality itself, but more the way the environment is pictured) and Revelations didn't add much new stuff to the series, and the multiplayer. I still love it, but it's far, far from perfect.

Anyway, I'm getting rather offtopic here. Shame on me ^^, It's rater amusing though that most ports I actually enjoy. AssCreed is developed for the consoles in mind, not the pc. Fighting games like Street Fighter, likewise. GTA franchise. Battlefield 3, well.. I think that is made with consoles in mind, not the pc. Hence the lack of destruction. I still enjoy it though. CoD games are most definately made with consoles in mind, same with Crysis 2. With consoles in mind, I mena: First priority. In the end it makes sense, that's where the big money is. Still, pc-market is still a great market for game devlopers.

#93 Zuperman


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Posted 01 February 2012 - 05:17 AM

I think the next generation will be the same as Xbox 360 vs PS3 thing. A particular system may be proved to be more/less powerful than the others through statistics, but we won't see much of a difference in the games between them.
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#94 Plutonas



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Posted 01 February 2012 - 07:25 AM

Then there is piracy. which is supposed to damaged the pc-gaming aswell. I don't buy this really, great titles will still sell well on the pc regardless of piracy. When a game has great multiplayer support, chances of buying an original game will increase aswell. It's all about quality really, and marketing ofcourse. I agree that the kinect stuff for pc and laptops seems a bit unnecessary, but perhaps people will like it nevertheless. I don't care much, aslong developers release great titles. Original titles! Creativity, I think that's the thing that destroys pc-gaming at the moment. Lack of creativty, that is. RTS games? Fast-paces FPS shooters like Quake? A high-quality flying simulator? Too many sequels and prequels and stuff nowadays. Battlefield 3, as much as I enjoy playing it, seems like quite an unoriginal game and very buggy aswell. Anno 2012, that should not have happened. The CoD series have gone downhill ever since CoD MW2, in my humble opinion. I still find Assassin's Creed 1 the best in the series, the atmoshpere was just right. Gritty, a bit ugly feeling and graphics really captured the great Medieval world. The sequels were too "pretty" for an Assassin's game (note: with this I don't mean the graphics quality itself, but more the way the environment is pictured) and Revelations didn't add much new stuff to the series, and the multiplayer. I still love it, but it's far, far from perfect.

I can confirm you that they promote piracy, If you force someone to pay bills (internet and phone landline)just to be able to play, also force him not only activate it, but be monitored for unknown reasons (steam, origin), thats the result. Also if we complain in companies, why they don’t publish the game in offline versions as well, the answer you get always is: If you wish to play the game offline, you can purchase an xbox360 or ps3 version of the game.

You can clearly see, what they do, what they promote and why they do that.. They don’t care about pc customers at all. That’s why they dont deserve any respect from pc users. Because if the game force you to pay monthly bills (phone+internet and be monitored) does not worth a single p.. its a trash... not even for collectors! They should pay us to use this trash in our machines and take part in research programs by monitoring us. I can confirm you that after xbox360, all this things start happening with steam, etc..

And whose fault is that.. (Not nintendo's!! as Nintendo always always respected that,. I am happy to see nintendo enter this fields right now, because after all, the pc game industry is already messed up..)

So, NO I am not buying ANY game for pc that force you to pay bills and be monitored, I am not s#$d.. If they want me to use one of this oficially, they can send me monthly checks for my time to play (as a test subject full time or part time) , also to cover all my monthly bills! :) This games are not collectable, if you ever stop having internet connection, or origin and steam shuts down.. this softwares are useless.. trash. Some people do even more crazy methods.. They buy the game and they crack it!! But there is no point doing that!!.. To crack the original.. oh dear.

I think the next generation will be the same as Xbox 360 vs PS3 thing. A particular system may be proved to be more/less powerful than the others through statistics, but we won't see much of a difference in the games between them.

Yes you are right, because developers become lazy and if 1 company with a unique feature try to promote the system differently, the developers with burry it. They just copy paste from platform to platform. Originality is lost..(and a big recent example, Dragon age 2).. They harassed with such a way, the name of the original game and success of dragon age origins, to sale a bit potato called : Dragon age 2

Edited by Orion, 01 February 2012 - 03:47 PM.

#95 Agent000



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Posted 11 March 2012 - 06:29 PM

It's inevitable that the PS4 and 720 will be more powerful: they're being released at least a year later than the Wii U. However, by that point the Wii U will hopefully have enough of a head-start that it won't be an issue. Also keep in mind that the more powerful a console is, the more it costs, so Microsoft and Sony will likely limit how powerful their respective consoles will be in the interest of high sales.
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