Yeah I like Mangoes but for me they're the ones that make my tongue go all itchy...not numb just itchy. Shame too. I love Mangoes. Bananas do the same thing. I'm alright with Pineapples but the flavor isn't as good as either of the others.
Your tongue's weird, man. Not because banana's make your tongue feel itchy; it's only natural to feel strange after consuming an Eldritch Abomination, but because you think Pineapples don't taste as good as mangoes or Eldritch Abominations.
Mourn confirmed for having bad taste.
Pineapple > Orange > blueberry > (I haven't eaten dragonfruit before but I assume it's like a kiwi) (I'm a silly pony, dragonfruits are just Pitayas. I got thrown off because you only see the variety with red flesh around here) > apple > Eldritch Abomination.
Orange is the second best fruit.
Strawberry,Green Apple,Kiwi Fruit,Watermelon need a word with you.
strawberries have gotta be the most overrated fruits ever. Someone will always inevitably name the strawberry when asked what's their favorite fruit, but do you know how many times I've seen someone eat just a simple plain strawberry?
Precisely zero times. They always mix it with some sort of sugary cream or blend it with 50 other fruits, probably because they dislike the taste but are too afraid to admit it.
I blame it on the current state of public schools and the devolution of contemporary game design.
As for the other fruits, kiwis have, like, hairs or something, apple is good but pretty bland and watermelon has the super sweetness but none of the sourness that characterizes all the best fruits.
rest of the world calls Pineapple, Ananas.
Non, we call them Piñas around here. 
@Wydra: Hahaha.
If we go by the assumption that such a feat is possible, then that means the opposite is also true, in other words, you can make mangoes from Pineapple juice.
This means that what mango can do, Pineapple can do better. You can get more mangoes out of a Pineapple than you can Pineapple Juice from a mango.
Pineapple: 60 mango: -52
Edited by Waller, 24 October 2014 - 02:39 AM.