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My impressions of heave... Smash Bros. Wii U

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#1 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 07:04 AM

Something about the way the characters move and glide has been improved over previous games, it seems. I'm not sure how to describe it. It's like a combination of physics and smooth framerate.

The graphics are near XBox One quality to be honest. I'm not sure if I'm being biased or if this is really the case.


Only pictures can describe how good this game makes me feel, so:


Let's see, what can I do to convince people to buy this game?

1. I will say, the number of fighters seems to be better than ever. You get Shulk, for Monado's sake!

2. It's better than most games you can buy on the Wii U. I'd say it's better than Mario Kart, but that's like comparing French kisses to French apple pie.

3. It has the best addons. You can play on Fightpads and it supports Amiibos the best. I don't care about either of these things a ton, but I still love this game.

#2 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 15 December 2014 - 10:57 AM

I think it's also the best balanced smash by far (except possibly 64, it's been at least 10 years since I played that, so I can't remember). So far none of the characters I've played fell like they're there for the other characters to.. ahem... have their way with... (a la Ganondorf, Zelda, Link and the rest of the low tiers in Brawl).

The art style is great. Looks very nice, leaning towards realistic, but not dark and gritty like brawl. Has a much more colourful, Nintendo feel. Sakurai also managed to fulfill his goal of making powerful moves feel great to hit, without giving people a year and a half to DI and destroy the move's actual usability.

Of course the game also has it's problems, like the input lag online, what feel like a bit too much ending lag on a lot of the moves (I hate when your mind is already working ahead, and you start inputting a bunch of your next moves to find you're still just sitting there. Then the character picks up the inputs in the middle of what you're doing, but of course now it's useless because all the leadup you built is gone so you're just doing some random crap that don't actually have a good effect or leave you defenseless :/).

Also I miss Samus' sex kick... come back to me baby ;_;

But yeah. Game feels nice overall. Despite what people are saying, much much much more rewarding of offensive play than brawl, though it is also more rewarding of defensive play than melee by the looks of things. So it's also lots of fun to watch :)






#3 Rockodoodle


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 06:05 PM

Great example of a game that provides fun that only nintendo can do. I'll get hundreds of hours out of both versions

Edited by Rockodoodle, 15 December 2014 - 06:06 PM.

#4 EvilMoogle



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Posted 07 January 2015 - 07:08 PM

I actually hate the game. Like most competitive games I'll enjoy it for a few days on release when everyone is a total noob and plays whatever they want for fun. But once a few weeks roll by and everyone shifts into playing only meta top tier list characters I pretty much just throw in the towel and quit. It's not fun when some characters are just completely better in every single way. 

#5 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 08 January 2015 - 01:47 AM

I actually hate the game. Like most competitive games I'll enjoy it for a few days on release when everyone is a total noob and plays whatever they want for fun. But once a few weeks roll by and everyone shifts into playing only meta top tier list characters I pretty much just throw in the towel and quit. It's not fun when some characters are just completely better in every single way. 

This smash is really well balance like I said earlier. And it's said to be such because its exactly the opposite of what you just said. none of the characters feel like they totally outclass any of the others. Every character feels like they have enough tools to be able to win against any other character in the game.






#6 EvilMoogle



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Posted 08 January 2015 - 12:02 PM

This smash is really well balance like I said earlier. And it's said to be such because its exactly the opposite of what you just said. none of the characters feel like they totally outclass any of the others. Every character feels like they have enough tools to be able to win against any other character in the game.


That's why I see the same characters online and have rarely ever seen some of the other characters. I see the same 10 characters all day and it's no surprise they're ranked the highest on every tier list. There is a long list of characters I've never seen online so far. It's actually a little sad because some variety would spice things up. 

Edited by EvilMoogle, 08 January 2015 - 12:03 PM.

#7 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 09 January 2015 - 01:56 AM

That's why I see the same characters online and have rarely ever seen some of the other characters. I see the same 10 characters all day and it's no surprise they're ranked the highest on every tier list. There is a long list of characters I've never seen online so far. It's actually a little sad because some variety would spice things up. 

99% of people who play smash don't know crap about smash. Sakurai himself said a bunch of the characters people are screaming op about have bollocks win rates because they're not actually nearly as OP as people think. Little mac being the prime example. It'd like street fighter. When you're a scrub all you ever see online is E. Honda and Guile so people can sit in the corner and "Sonic Boom! Sonic Boom! Sonic Boom! Sonic Boom!" And then do that flippy kick thing, or do E. Honda' headbutt. But they're far from the best characters in the game, because once you actually understand how to play well you can absolutely shut them down.

Similar thing in dead or alive. And any other fighting game ever in existence.






#8 bozekc



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Posted 31 January 2015 - 07:33 PM

I like the game but they can make it better.

#9 3Dude



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Posted 31 January 2015 - 10:36 PM

You will all rue the day that shulks potential is realized.



#10 tboss



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Posted 23 February 2015 - 08:27 PM

id say 9.8. Game is great but I only have minor grips with the game. 


Casually there is nothing wrong with it that I can think of.


Competitively, Many defensive oriented options have alot of viability overall, which can lead to people forcing defensive games and help encourage defense oriented play. This is bad as it greatly slows down the pace of the combat and can lead to boring styles of play, as well as excessively long games. In a fighting game Offensive options should ALWAYS be overall greater than defensive options to encourage more engagements and styles of play. I don't think defensive options shouldn't exist, just that they should be noticeably weaker than they are in sm4sh. 


Second issue is with diddy and any other easy to use top tier characters. I was fine with sheik and ZSS being potential top tier, as both took a fair amount of skill to use effectively, Diddy doesn't, Its the same issue with metaknight in brawl, though not to as severe of a extent, Hopefully the meta developed enough that Diddy becomes easily countered, but for now its a problem. In short easy to use characters should never make it to top tier, hard to use characters should make top tier much more often, with the exception of under powered 'challenge' characters. Yes distinctly under-powered characters serve a purpose in the games design, and overall benefit it. This wasn't a issue in melee or PM as the top tier characters took alot of skill to use effectively, and that skill was needed at high levels up play, in Brawl with MK, and to a lesser extent, Diddy in Sm4sh, neither take as much skill as most if not all of the other high tier characters. 



I do not find issues with things like how long it takes to kill a stock in this game. The game and engagements are overall similar to past games with the main difference being more time in the neutral game and more engagements need to be won to effectively take a stock. All you should need to do is drop the number of stocks needed.

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