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Platinum Games’ Producer Thanks Wii U Owners Who Bought Bayonetta 2 on Release

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#1 NintendoReport



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Posted 16 December 2014 - 10:20 AM



Despite an underwhelming sales performance on release, Platinum Games’ Bayonetta 2 was still a critically acclaimed and highly anticipated angel & demon hunting experience.

With the dust now settled, the producer of Bayonetta 2 – Akiko Kuroda – has recently spoken out via Platinum’s website about the launch of the Wii U exclusive, and how she was relieved the game received such a welcoming reception on release.

"I was very happy and relieved to see the game was being so warmly welcomed all over the world, so I’m very grateful to all of you who picked it up!"


In the very same post, the producer also revealed how passionate fans in Russia were the only ones to receive an incredibly rare pack of Loki cards, whilst those who attended the launch in New York were treated to witch hunting food, and a photo opportunity with Bayonetta herself.

These are replicas of the tarot-like cards that Loki uses in the game. It’s a full set of the 22 Major Arcana cards created by character designer Mari Shimazaki. If you managed to get your hands on these cards, it would be totally cool if you pretended to be Loki and tried to recreate some of the scenes in the game! I hope they turn this into an official product!!


As a token of his appreciation, Akiko Kuroda shared a game tip and costume Easter egg provided by Bayonetta 2 designer, Ryoya Sakabe.


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#2 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 16 December 2014 - 11:12 AM

And thanks to the fans in Canada, who got nothing!






#3 iEatTacos


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Posted 16 December 2014 - 02:23 PM

The enjoyment I got and am still getting from the game is all I needed, glad to see the developers happy. GOTY 2014

#4 Kokirii



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Posted 16 December 2014 - 02:31 PM

how can I learn to get good at these kinds of games and not just mash buttons?

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#5 grahamf


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Posted 16 December 2014 - 03:23 PM

how can I learn to get good at these kinds of games and not just mash buttons?

Pay attention to the buttons you're mashing. Boom.



#6 Kokirii



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Posted 16 December 2014 - 05:05 PM

Pay attention to the buttons you're mashing. Boom.


I am not good at remembering tons of combos. Is there any other way? Do most people actually do that or just learn a few?

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#7 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 16 December 2014 - 06:16 PM

I would assume people just use a few, even if they remember them all.

I can't really give advice, since I'm used o it from playing fighting games. So maybe play more/play fighting games? that's the best I can do.






#8 Azure-Edge


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Posted 16 December 2014 - 06:37 PM

I am not good at remembering tons of combos. Is there any other way? Do most people actually do that or just learn a few?

Learn the basic distinct combos and them start tp branch out as you master those. For example get a solid grasp on the dash and rising attacks as well as punch kick punch.


#9 Kokirii



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Posted 17 December 2014 - 01:41 PM

Learn the basic distinct combos and them start tp branch out as you master those. For example get a solid grasp on the dash and rising attacks as well as punch kick punch.




Is your name from the Tales series?

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#10 3Dude



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Posted 18 December 2014 - 10:03 AM

No. Thank YOU Mr. Kuroda, for releasing a spectacular game, that actually functioned as intended, from the moment I inserted the disc, until the credits rolled, and online.

AND giving a superior version of the first fantastic game for free.

A ridiculous value, worth every cent.

A true shame this generation is owned by publisher marketing and is incapable of recognizing greatness on its own merits; instead constantly wasting money on garbage that releases broken and dissapointing every time, always complaining but never learning...



#11 Bongbuddy



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Posted 19 December 2014 - 08:32 AM

So how long do you think until Platinum's contract runs out with Nintendo so they can release Bayo 2 on PS4 and make up all the money they sunk into the Wii U release?

#12 Xiombarg


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Posted 19 December 2014 - 08:37 AM

So how long do you think until Platinum's contract runs out with Nintendo so they can release Bayo 2 on PS4 and make up all the money they sunk into the Wii U release?

Except no other company wanted to give bayonetta 2 a chance because microsoft hates fun and sony is scared of making games.

#13 3Dude



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Posted 19 December 2014 - 01:15 PM


So how long do you think until Platinum's contract runs out with Nintendo so they can release Bayo 2 on PS4 and make up all the money they sunk into the Wii U release?

Never? Its not a contract, Nintendo doesnt pay 3rd parties too keep games off of other systems like MS and Sony.

Nintendo funded the making of the game in its entirety because no one else would publish for platinum. As such, Platinum was paid for making the game and has lost NO money in the process, as opposed to making games for sony and ms, where they have to fund the game themselves AND pay for licensing for the xobone/ps4, and hope game sales cover that cost and turn a profit. Any sales of bayo 2 are pure profit for platinum.

As such, nintendo OWNS the rights to bayonetta 2, so unless ms and sony want to pay nintendo, it will NEVER go to other systems.

Sorry. If you want to experience the pure glory that is the definitive version of bayo 1, with no screen tearing, rock solid frame rate, and added extras, and bayonetta 2, you HAVE to buy the Wii u. Its the only way.



#14 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 20 December 2014 - 09:55 PM

So how long do you think until Platinum's contract runs out with Nintendo so they can release Bayo 2 on PS4 and make up all the money they sunk into the Wii U release?


Nintendo is the only company who would have lost money as far as I understand. Thus why Kamiya is so thankful to them.

for some gamers the game is fun BUT disappointed with lifetime, the scenario a little stagnant throughout, the lack of variety in the characters (it always revolves around the same 3 all along: bayo, the boy and balder)

That's not what the reviews said.






#15 Raiden


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 10:06 PM

So how long do you think until Platinum's contract runs out with Nintendo so they can release Bayo 2 on PS4 and make up all the money they sunk into the Wii U release?

Nintendo owns the code and the game.

It's not a contract. If someone asks PG to make a remake of Bayonetta 2 and uses none of the code then maybe but even then it's probably going to violate something.

Nintendo doesn't pay for 6 months or a year exclusive to the system. They fully paid for the game and own it. Not the IP itself which belongs to SEGA and PG. Just Bayonetta 2 itself they own.


It's pretty much like how SEGA owns Gaurdian Heroes even tho it was devloped by Treasure. MS owns Lost Odessey IP even tho Devloped by Mistwalker and Nintendo owns The Last Story IP even tho devoloped by Mistwalker.


Spend less time on the bong so you stop making dumb posts. Might not be quoted 14 times in a topic the same thing.

Edited by Strider Hiryu, 20 December 2014 - 10:11 PM.

#16 Bongbuddy



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Posted 22 December 2014 - 11:45 AM

Never? Its not a contract, Nintendo doesnt pay 3rd parties too keep games off of other systems like MS and Sony.

Nintendo funded the making of the game in its entirety because no one else would publish for platinum. As such, Platinum was paid for making the game and has lost NO money in the process, as opposed to making games for sony and ms, where they have to fund the game themselves AND pay for licensing for the xobone/ps4, and hope game sales cover that cost and turn a profit. Any sales of bayo 2 are pure profit for platinum.

As such, nintendo OWNS the rights to bayonetta 2, so unless ms and sony want to pay nintendo, it will NEVER go to other systems.

Sorry. If you want to experience the pure glory that is the definitive version of bayo 1, with no screen tearing, rock solid frame rate, and added extras, and bayonetta 2, you HAVE to buy the Wii u. Its the only way.

I don't want to buy it anyway. It's a button masher with a dumb story and a boring girl main character who looks like a bdsm giraffe. No thanks.

#17 Raiden


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Posted 22 December 2014 - 11:54 AM

I don't want to buy it anyway. It's a button masher with a dumb story and a boring girl main character who looks like a bdsm giraffe. No thanks.



Yeah this guy is a total troll. Every post and topic he bashes everything. 

#18 NintendoReport



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Posted 22 December 2014 - 02:47 PM

I don't want to buy it anyway. It's a button masher with a dumb story and a boring girl main character who looks like a bdsm giraffe. No thanks.


This forum is NOT for constantly posting negativity or outright bashing. It's a Nintendo Wii U community with passionate gamers who love Nintendo but also for those who love gaming in general. In fact, there are a number of community members here who don't even own a Wii U, or just recently got one and yet they are respectful. They can communicate their thoughts and opinions clearly while maintaining a level of maturity and appreciation.


I understand you don't have to agree or like everything, but I highly suggest changing your tone or simply staying out of topics all together. This is a formal warning.

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#19 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 22 December 2014 - 10:28 PM

I don't want to buy it anyway. It's a button masher with a dumb story and a boring girl main character who looks like a bdsm giraffe. No thanks.







#20 NintendoReport



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Posted 23 December 2014 - 03:44 AM

Would be great to have those loki cards on club nintendo but that won't happen. They look amazing.
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