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Miyamoto Tidbits

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#1 NintendoReport



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Posted 05 January 2015 - 03:56 PM

Miyamoto made the rounds this past December and small pieces of info were gathered from quite a few of the interviews.


There are more interesting tidbits during the appearance with Smosh. See below:


Summary via gonintendo.com:

- Miyamoto has a lot of ideas what he wants to do with Pikmin, but nothing is decided yet
- Nintendo will continue to make Pikmin games
- Nintendo likes to focus on less-traditional racing games
- F-Zero may return if they come up with a controller interface that makes sense for it
- Miyamoto would like to be Yoshi if he could be one of his own creations
- Miyamoto finds that drawing is the easiest way to convey ideas to people
- he still makes quick sketches to show the team his ideas
- when drawing Mario, Miyamoto starts with eyes, then eyebrows, nose and mustache
- Miyamoto says the Splatoon devs are putting way more work into the title than he thought
- every idea the team has for Zelda Wii U, they can implement right away
- version of StarFox Wii U ready to play at E3 2015
- StarFox benefits greatly from having two screens
- Miyamoto likes the look of the main character in Assassin's Creed
- Miyamoto teases more games for Wii U in 2015, but can't talk about them



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#2 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 05 January 2015 - 04:07 PM

This leads me to believe that Link will look like an assassin in the next zelda game maybe...



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#3 Raiden


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Posted 05 January 2015 - 04:21 PM

Those games. Fatal Frame? SMTXFE? Please be one of those.

#4 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 05 January 2015 - 09:37 PM

So sounding like the possibility of F-Zero game is getting pretty good (if they're not already developing it and just trolling us (like majora's mask...)) which is pretty awesome.

Playable starfox? hype. Also amazed at how quickly this game is being made...

the Zelda U idea thing sounds great. I guess that means that they've gotten so good with the system's hardware that it's not holding them back any more.

And finally, really excited to see what happens with splatoon. As much as I respect miyamoto, anouma, Iwata, sakurai and co. they're all getting pretty old (and in sakurai's case, burnt out) so I want to see what Nintendo's next generation has to offer.






#5 Ghost



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Posted 06 January 2015 - 01:39 AM

Not bad. I'll keep my eye out. 

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