Gather round! It’s time for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate! Start stretching your hunting arm, cause things are about to get crazy! Newcomer or veteran, it’s time to start discussing MH4U.
If you are a newcomer, I recommend reading the following. Kind of long for something subtitled “Abridged”, but I think it will get you in the right mindset for the series if you haven’t tried it yet:
So the demo thing first. 4U is getting the same treatment that smash did, so select players are getting demo codes ahead of time. EU players are getting them today, while NA gets them tomorrow. In other words, if you have a demo code now, we can't be friends until tomorrow.
There are two modes, Beginner and Experienced mode.
In beginner, you get large arbitrary stat boosts. Also, there will be markers near one of the current area's exit to tell you the fastest way to the monster. You can only hunt the Great Jaggi and Tetsucabra. This mode does not exist in the full game.
Experienced mode is MH Classic, and how the full game is. Gear is rank appropriate and while there are no area markers, the monster's position is on the map, making it just like the 3U demo. Can fight all three monsters.
It sounds like you can choose to hear the tutorial blabber in either mode before you start the quest. Apparently, you cannot play with someone in a different mode. If I'm in experienced and your in beginner, we won't be able to hunt together. I've heard rumblings of the mode you choose being permanent, though I'm not sure if that's permanent just for that session (can re-choose by closing out of the demo and booting it back up) or if it's for all future uses. I will be choosing Experienced no doubt on the first time.
Next is some info on new mechanics in 4U:
How to ride monsters
The Frenzy Virus
Apex Monsters
Weapon Changes From 3U to 4U
If you’re like me, you know your favorite weapons like the back of your hand. Well your hand may have changed. Below is a list of weapon changes you will notice in 4U relative to 3U. I’m 99% sure these are all correct, but verifying these things without the game (and without haggling someone who does 24/7) can be a little difficult.
Here I will include my weapon guides. Do note that these are currently based on their 3U incarnations, and I will update them as soon as possible. I have most of it thought out already, I just want to double check controls in the demo before changing things. It might take some time for me to update these, as I have to stop playing long enough to do it. Charge Blade will be added to part 1, and the Insect Glaive to part 2:
I recommend searching for Gaijinhunter on youtube, as he is making some good video tutorials for the weapons.
Here are some things that aren’t the basics of Monster Hunter. The things like the frenzy virus and riding monsters will be added to these soon:
Lastly, discussion about the comparison between MH and Dark Souls. More of aside really:
Blogs from the Localization Director of the game
You'll have to excuse any haphazard-ness on my part. Been busier lately than I thought. Will be updating this with things as I think of them. Hopefully we can hunt together in the demo or the full game soon.
Prepare for 4U!
So what are you guys looking forward to? Which new weapon do you want to try first? If you're new and have questions, ask away. Once I get the demo, I can't guarantee I'll be on here much over the next couple days though.
Edited by Lightning_Ninja, 20 February 2015 - 05:00 PM.