HYPEEEEEEEEEE.... 2015 is THE year for gaming. So many fantastic games on the horizon that staying up with them all is tricky! But honestly besides LOZ Wii U, this game is probably my most anticipated, even though it probably won't launch for several more years, just getting more info about what the game is like is exciting enough.

Playtonic working on Banjo Kazooie spiritual successor (mentions Wii U)
Posted 25 February 2015 - 02:18 PM
- NintendoReport likes this
I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect
Posted 25 February 2015 - 03:12 PM
Posted 25 February 2015 - 07:32 PM
Man, I have waited for a game like this for what feels like forever. We practically didn't have a single classic-styled 3D platformer the whole past generation other than the Mario Galaxy games, looking forward to this one!
Posted 13 March 2015 - 08:16 AM
New Article and info, http://www.theguardi...project-ukelele
"We’ve very purposefully set up the company to feel like old Rare,” says Price. “People are in close proximity to each other, we have conversations not documents going back and forth. We chat stuff through, we bounce ideas off each other. We haven’t got this grand design document that spells out what the end product is going to look like. Nothing like that. It goes back to what Tim and Chris Stamper used to do - they just trusted everyone.
“And we don’t have to earn each others’ trust – we’ve been working with each other for so long. I didn’t have to say anything to Chris about how our character should feel – I just turned round after about a day and I looked at Chris’s screen and he’s there controlling the character, running around. Straightaway it just felt amazing.”
To facilitate this sense of freedom – this focus on design, rather than technology – Playtonic is using the Unity engine, a game creation system used by independent studios all over the world (“I was blown away by it,” enthuses Sutherland. “Things that it used to take me weeks to do, I can do in minutes”). However, there is definitely a long-term plan here. Project Ukulele is going to include a large cast of non-player characters will be used to create a Marvel-like universe of interlocking stories.
“Players won’t know who the star of our next game is, but they’ll already of met them in Project Ukulele,” says Price. “We’re going to have a massive cast and we’re purposely putting characters in there who could have their own games in the future, potentially in any genre that takes out fancy. It’ll be great to have competitive multiplayer games where the whole roster comes together. Then, if we have an idea for maybe a little 2D platformer with one character, we can just go and do it, or a fun shooter with another one. They’re all capable of meeting up in each other’s titles. I always thought we should have done more of that at Rare.”
- Scumbag likes this
PA Magician | Busiest PA Magician | Magician Reviewed | Certified Magic Professionals

Posted 14 March 2015 - 03:34 PM
Imagine if Nintendo bought them. They would have Rare again. Then Rare and Retro working together. A man can dream.
Playtonic Games held a stage event for Project Ukulele, its rebirth of the 3D platformer, at EGX Rezzed in London today.
The team at Playtonic is formed of Rare veterans who worked on the original Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong Country, and other platforming classics.
Playtonic provided the first screenshots of the game’s worlds:
image: http://gematsu.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Project-Ukulele-SS_03-14-15_001-280x158.jpg
image: http://gematsu.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Project-Ukulele-SS_03-14-15_002-280x158.jpg
According to the studio, the game will feature a “whole new universe of characters,” with each capable of having their own games in the future. The game itself will be a “huge celebration” of 3D platformers. There will be collectibles, such as “Pages,” and “lots” of secrets to discover. There will be “lots” of special moves for the heroes to learn. And there will be “beautiful-themed worlds.” The Pages you collect can be used to unlock future worlds and expand current ones.
Playtonic describes these worlds as giant navigational puzzles. They promise that long after the story is finished, there will still be secrets embedded into the game that take “will take months, maybe even years” for everyone to discover.
As for things the game won’t be, Playtonic says it won’t be free-to-play, it won’t have mico-transactions or in-game ads, and there won’t be whale-hunting. Because everyone hates that.
A Kickstarter for Project Ukulele is planned for launch in May. Playtonic wants to build a relationship with the fans and spread the word. A forum is also opening on Playtonic’s official website. They want to hear what fans want from the Kickstarter, whether it be things like Amiibos, simultaneous launch on multiple platforms, which platforms, etc. Whatever it is, they’ll look at it.
Read more at http://gematsu.com/2...eRreK1a0KwRq.99
- Scumbag likes this
Posted 14 March 2015 - 03:43 PM
wow that is looking very interesting... gave me a sonic boom vibe from early on... you know when the game actually looked beautiful.
PA Magician | Busiest PA Magician | Magician Reviewed | Certified Magic Professionals

Posted 15 March 2015 - 05:00 AM
I'm happy for the fans and I really hope the people who grew up with the originals, own the platform which this game shall release on.
- BanjoKazooie likes this
Posted 15 March 2015 - 12:22 PM
This is almost exactly what I've envisioned BK would look like in HD. I cannot wait to see what these talents will do with their newly found freedom. I really hope they can achieve the same amazingly fun gameplay that was featured in the original, but also add enough new mechanics to make it fresh. As for the people hoping Nintendo buys them, I believe they have said that they want to remain independent, which is understandeable considering their talents have been wasted for the last decade and a half with Microsoft! They will be getting my Money in May, that is for sure.
I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect
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