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Wii U top 3 games (for new owners)

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#1 GAMER1984



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Posted 20 February 2015 - 11:01 PM

so just as simple as the topic states. What three games would you recommend for a new Wii U owner as the first ones he/she should purchase and experience. The 3 I am going to pick will be based off of hopeful sequels or developer continued support. I hope this thread will grow and be great for new Wii U owners that become members or visit the site.


No particular order


1. Pikmin 3. Great atmosphere and great attention to detail. This game probably has been in development for every Nintendo system the past 11 years. From Gamecube, Wii, and 3ds it found a home on Wii U. It is an amazing experience that is beautiful and engrosing at the same time. The fact that the game was not made from the ground up on Wii U makes me hopeful we will see a Pikmin 4 before Wii U dies or as a launch title for the next console. Also it has high value and the DLC adds so much replayability.


2. Wonderful101. Platinum games first game on the Wii U. If I am not mistaken I think this game started on the Wii. They then moved onto Wii U. The director has stated he would like to do a spin off with wonder blue or something to that effect. I just think this is an amazing game that would give the player a good first hand experience into what platinum games is all about and maybe ready them for Bayo1&2. It has a lot of color and flare and learning how to master the game and it's controls are what makes it so great. I think Platinum games and Nintendo have more in the works maybe a new IP, wonderful sequel/spin off, or the mother of them all Bayonetta 3. I personally want Vanquish to grace the Wii U.  


3. Zombi U. A VERY underrated current gen title. It is a mature zombie slaying exclusive that launched with the system. Probably has the best atmosphere out of any game I have played in a long time. I think it has a very unique game mechanic (your player dies and you get a new player having to track down old player now a zombie to get the equipment you collected) and did use the gamepad in a very unique way. I hope Nintendo some how talks Ubisoft into making a sequel happen even if they have to put up some money. I know VG charts isnt the best to go off of but they are showing the game sitting at 830,000 sold. I personally think that is enough to demand a sequel and give the developers a second chance on Wii U and its hardware. I just do not believe Ubisoft that this game did not make a profit AT ALL. I think that they should give a sequel a chance.


so thats my 3 what are yours?

#2 grahamf


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Posted 20 February 2015 - 11:38 PM

1. Lego Batman 2. It is only $20 and it really shows how the GamePad helps. 2. Windwaker HD. It is a classic. 3. Captain Toad. Because.



#3 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 05:52 AM

I respectfully disagree with all of yours.  I guess mine would have to be:


1. Zelda WWHD: Pure Nintendo, even if you have played the original this classic should not be passed up.  While IMO it is not as great as its other 3D brothers, that doesn't say much because they are all masterpieces.  The HD really brings out the characters and their expressions, as well as making the sky super beautiful to look at! It is most definitely my favorite Zelda in terms of environment and exploration, while it did loose some greatness with its shotty dungeons.  But still, a great 25 hour adventure worth your time.


2. DKCTP, the game has amazing graphics, fantastic music, and most of all it is probably the best side scrolling platformer made in the last decade.  It does everything its predecessor did right, with more (with the exception of game length, but that was worth it because everything in the game was amazing).  It is the epitome of a Nintendo platformer and should not be passed up.


3. Mario Kart 8: by far the most inventive, most beautiful, and most fantastic Mario Kart to date.  It does everything right, and it deserves its spot as the pinnacle of Wii U gaming. It is fun by yourself, fun with friends, fun with Families, and super fun online.  The game looks so fantastic it is hard to not love it.  


With these three games you cover quite a bit of gaming niches, maybe if you do not enjoy ZWWHD, swap it for Bayonetta 2.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#4 Teddy



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Posted 21 February 2015 - 07:29 AM

1. smash bros


2. mk8


3.mario 3d world

cant have signature cuz of internet explorer :/

#5 Marcus



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Posted 21 February 2015 - 02:15 PM

Pretty easy really.


1) Mario Kart 8- The best Mario Kart imo. The tracks are great, it looks incredible and DLC tracks is an awesome addition.


2) Super Mario 3D World- Very safe for a 3D Mario game. But perfectly weighted platforming with varied and creative levels. It's pure mindless fun.


3) Wind Waker HD- A Zelda is needed for every home console. This isn't the best and imo the sparsity of the ocean works against the pacing of the story (which is otherwise good). It'll do until we get the big Zelda we're all waiting for.

#6 NintendoReport



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Posted 21 February 2015 - 02:45 PM

Nintendo Land - superb local multi-player experience and shows off great use of the gamepad.
Bayonetta 2 - you also get the original. Epic action game and easily argued one of the best. Tight controls, amazing set pieces, fun characters, over the top action (also Wonderful 101... please get)
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - In my opinion, the best platformer not only on Wii U but on any console to date. Improves gameplay from Returns on Wii, great art, amazing music, flawless controls. 

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#7 Fig


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 02:52 PM

Let me say that there are several games worth owning, and you really can't go wrong with all of the games listed so far.

The first three games I would recommend are;

1. Mario Kart 8 - excellent entry in the MK series. Great multi and single player experience. Online races and DLC add tons of replay value.

2. Rayman Legends - might be the best platformer on Wii U. Great multi and single player experience. Superb use of the GamePad.

3. Super Mario 3D World - IMO, perfectly takes 2D Mario and puts it in a 3D space. Wii U's flagship Mario title is tons of fun, again, alone or with friends.

Edited by Fig, 21 February 2015 - 04:57 PM.

#8 Portal



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Posted 21 February 2015 - 03:47 PM

Pikmin 3- Nintendo Land showed off the WiiU really well through mini games, but Pikmin 3 takes everything the WiiU has into a beautiful and perfect game.
Hyrule Warriors- There's a ridiculous amount of content, and every bit of it is awesome.
Rayman Legends- Best 2D platformer ever. Beautiful art style, amazing gameplay, and beyond great level design and variety. This is a game my sisters absolutely adore. That says a LOT.
Honorable mention to Child of Light. Wonderful. Magical. Original. Erm, other words that sound great and show how much I love this game. If you love 2D platformers, JRPGs, or both, this game is perfect.

Note that I haven't played Tropical Freeze or TW101 yet. Lack of money, guys.

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#9 Marcus



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Posted 21 February 2015 - 04:07 PM



Lololol "it's good but I'm offended".


My impression of Bayonetta was that the character was supposed to be pro-woman but the camera was supposed to be pro-perv. Seemed like a fair balance.

#10 Son Edo

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Posted 21 February 2015 - 04:25 PM

I'd say Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart 8 (obviously) and Smash Bros

#11 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 09:51 PM

Random order:
1. Super smash bros for Wii U, basically the ultimate game to play, it's super fun with friends locally, with friends online, with your amiibos, or just by yourself doing crazy orders, no matter what you'll have trouble putting this game down.
2. Mario kart 8, it's a racing game, it should basically be called Nintendo kart because of all the DLC characters like Link... there's flying, going underwater, new items, the classic blue shell that will ruin friendships, and very pretty new and returning courses. (Only complaint is how much they ruined battle mode, I loved that mode so much in mario kart 7...)
3. Windwaker HD, it's a zelda game got remade from it's original release on the gamecube, it's pretty, has sailing, and possibly the best combat in a zelda game to date (I really like how when you press A Link automatically does a move) only big complaint would be the frame rate gets really bad sometimes...



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#12 NintendoReport



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Posted 22 February 2015 - 03:41 AM

All these great games, really hard to pick just 3 but that's a good problem to have.

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#13 Rockodoodle


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Posted 23 February 2015 - 07:48 PM

mk8, ssb.... wii sport club.....(if older and more casual type) otherwise, rayman, UNLESS.... they just want to go for a nintendo trifecta and get 3d world. that is included as a standard bundle in a lot of cases, so maybe rayman is the better choice if the assuption is you get the 3d world and nintendoland with the system.

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