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AngryJoeShow Nintendo Rant

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#1 CUD


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 05:08 AM




I don't watch his stuff but I came across this and thought I'd share.


He doesn't do many Nintendo videos but his recent Mario Party video was flagged by Nintendo and removed so now that's it for Nintendo videos from him. I've heard about Nintendo doing this in the past, sucks they're doing this when it is just free advertising in the end, by people who have already spent their money on Nintendo's products.

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RIP in peace Nintendo.


#2 NintendoReport



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 05:23 AM

He's a smart idiot.


Tell me he didn't know of Nintendo's YouTube Partnership program?

Tell me he didn't know there was a good chance of the video being flagged?

Tell me it wasn't his plan all along to have this happen, then create a rant video like this to get more press/views?


Does he not realize this rant video will rake in more money for him then the video that got flagged?


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#3 Tom


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 07:59 AM

I'm sure this is going to affect him greatly, considering he's made 3 whole Nintendo videos in his entire life.




#4 NintendoReport



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 08:02 AM

I'm sure this is going to affect him greatly, considering he's made 3 whole Nintendo videos in his entire life.






Exactly. I sub to him, but it's funny when people don't realize he is getting more publicity and revenue from this in the long run, then the little Mario Party 10 video if it would have remained up. This forum, bigger forums, IGN, Kotaku, other YouTubers, GameSpot and a load of others are all running this story. Evil genius / smart idiot as I said earlier.

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#5 Hunter



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 08:33 AM



i disagree with nintendo's youtube policies but by the end of this video he just comes across as an idiot

#6 Raiden


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 08:51 AM

Whiny douchenozzle who hates Nintendo who had his fans buy console for him and is rich off youtube and knew this was going to happen tempted fate got caught and now is whining like a baby he's not getting richer. Boo hoo.

Edited by Ryudo, 07 April 2015 - 09:09 AM.

#7 grahamf


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 11:20 AM

Whiny douchenozzle who hates Nintendo who had his fans buy console for him and is rich off youtube and knew this was going to happen tempted fate got caught and now is whining like a baby he's not getting richer. Boo hoo.

Problem is he is getting richer by whining like a baby. I'm not going to watch that video as it only encourages that behavior.



#8 Raiden


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 11:22 AM

Happy Console Gamer had the same thing happen. His reaction. Sucks but oh well he moved on.

#9 Big Boss

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 01:09 PM

Nintendo's youube policy sucks

#10 Bill Cipher

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 01:36 PM

I'm a big fan of Joe, but this.. Is not ideal. Yes, Nintendo is being massive butthats for the whole current thing(Why the hell is Nintendo entitled to 30-40% of the profit from your video/Do they get to filter what you show? The current ruling/contract is stupid beyond belief) but Joe isn't helping his case by raging like this. Honestly, there's enough Nintendo focused Youtubers that if they organized it, they could probably just try and get Nintendo to change it.

I mean, It's not even like Nintendo Games are like Telltales, where you can get 90% of the joy from YouTube videos. 90% of the fun from watching Nintendo videos is the reactions/stuff that the video makers bring.

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

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#11 CUD


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 03:05 PM

He's a smart idiot.


Tell me he didn't know of Nintendo's YouTube Partnership program?

Tell me he didn't know there was a good chance of the video being flagged?

Tell me it wasn't his plan all along to have this happen, then create a rant video like this to get more press/views?


Does he not realize this rant video will rake in more money for him then the video that got flagged?


When you put it like that he probably did know so I suppose it could have been his plan to gain some more attention like this but at the same time at least someone is bringing attention to Nintendo's lame ass Youtube policies.

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RIP in peace Nintendo.


#12 DéliopT



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 03:33 PM

From what i have read, this isn't the first time it happened. So why complain?

Btw, why complain when the actual IP owner acts upon it's own IP and decides on how and if it will be shown?


This is why i don't understand why people like him and others like PewDiePie complain... it's not their IP, so they don't get to vote on what happens.
They didn't ask for permission to use the IP in the first place... and they even complain, when they still get a cut on the revenue?!



#13 Raiden


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 03:43 PM

4:32 He had the same thing. Look at him be a man about it.

"My last video about the Nintendo Direct was flagged by Nintendo I'm not making a big deal out of it I'm just moving on"

Edited by Ryudo, 07 April 2015 - 03:44 PM.

#14 CUD


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 04:56 PM

From what i have read, this isn't the first time it happened. So why complain?

Btw, why complain when the actual IP owner acts upon it's own IP and decides on how and if it will be shown?


This is why i don't understand why people like him and others like PewDiePie complain... it's not their IP, so they don't get to vote on what happens.
They didn't ask for permission to use the IP in the first place... and they even complain, when they still get a cut on the revenue?!


They shouldn't complain when Nintendo is the only company that I have heard of that does this? Other companies encourage YouTubers to make content of their games as it's just more promotion for them. I think he's right in complaining because they should be free to make content of any game they want and they are free to do so if it's not a Nintendo game.

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RIP in peace Nintendo.


#15 DéliopT



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 08:20 AM

They shouldn't complain when Nintendo is the only company that I have heard of that does this? Other companies encourage YouTubers to make content of their games as it's just more promotion for them. I think he's right in complaining because they should be free to make content of any game they want and they are free to do so if it's not a Nintendo game.


When the IP belongs to them, then they are free to discuss as much as they want. As long as the IP does not belong to them - and they actually use it to make money - then they are not entitled to try and discuss as if they were the owners of said IP.
If it's just Nintendo or not is irrelevant. The IP, or IPs, does not belong to them.


That doesn't mean they can't agree or disagree with Nintendo's decisions. They just aren't anyone to "decide" what happens.
I see a lot pf people complain about this but i don't see people showing gratitude that they are making a living out of something that belongs to others.
Humility goes a long way.


And if i read correctly, Nintendo is letting youtubers have a piece of the pie. That's recognizing their work and importance, if you ask me.
But don't forget that this started without Nintendo's permission.



If it's not a Nintendo game, then it's that owner that has to speak up.



#16 DexterousGecko


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Posted 08 April 2015 - 04:07 PM

Asian business practices are a joke. They have no concept of letting some of their rights go to make more profit. Nintendo videos on youtube are in no way losing them profits, infact their probably helping them. Didn't EA start making new copies of skate 3 solely due to pewdiepie playing the game on his channel? I've purchased numerous games based on let's plays and streams I've watched.


I live in korea and companies do the same thing. Me and a buddy used to go to this mom and pop dunkin donuts 3 times a week and my buddy would always ask for a little milk for his coffee. After a couple of months the owner thought she was being ripped off and started charging us $2.00 extra for a little milk. So they lost our business for the future over a quarter cup of milk 3 times a week. Nintendo is doing the same thing here. They're exercising their rights sure, but their alienating thousands of potential customers in the process.


Just because you have the right to do something, it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

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#17 CUD


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Posted 08 April 2015 - 04:16 PM

When the IP belongs to them, then they are free to discuss as much as they want. As long as the IP does not belong to them - and they actually use it to make money - then they are not entitled to try and discuss as if they were the owners of said IP.
If it's just Nintendo or not is irrelevant. The IP, or IPs, does not belong to them.


That doesn't mean they can't agree or disagree with Nintendo's decisions. They just aren't anyone to "decide" what happens.
I see a lot pf people complain about this but i don't see people showing gratitude that they are making a living out of something that belongs to others.
Humility goes a long way.


And if i read correctly, Nintendo is letting youtubers have a piece of the pie. That's recognizing their work and importance, if you ask me.
But don't forget that this started without Nintendo's permission.



If it's not a Nintendo game, then it's that owner that has to speak up.


They're not discussing as if they're owners of the IP itself, they're discussing it as if they're players of the game that share their gameplay footage online like so many others do with so many other games. It being only Nintendo that does this is not irrelevant, it's exactly the problem. It's not a problem to Nintendo because this is their choice but this is just less incentive for YouTubers to stream Nintendo content so it's an odd move in the end. I would think people that watch Nintendo games would be more likely to purchase them not the other way around, so why would Nintendo want to reduce what is free advertising? Simply because they can get more money out of it by getting a share of the YouTuber's ad revenue.


Of course he can't decide what happens, all he is doing is expressing his disapproval of Nintendo's policies. I don't watch enough of Angry Joe's videos to be able to say how much he really appreciates his YouTube success but when Nintendo is the only company doing this I think he has the right to be annoyed by it.


I'm not sure why you would really defend Nintendo in this. Sure they have the right to do what they are doing but when they're the only one doing it (correct me if I'm wrong) out of all the gaming companies then I think it's something that should be criticised rather than just accepted as their decision. Nintendo gets a pass too easily with things like this when their only motivation is greed. They see a missed opportunity to make some extra cash instead of encouraging more people to promote their products online they think it's a better idea to take some of the money that person could make from it. Imagine with smaller YouTubers who don't make much at all from their channel, the cut that Nintendo takes from them would make it not worth bothering with Nintendo games.


Nintendo would rather take money from these people than encourage their online communities to grow, which would lead to more sales in the end for them so I can't see this being a worthwhile business decision.

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RIP in peace Nintendo.


#18 DéliopT



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Posted 09 April 2015 - 03:31 AM

They're not discussing as if they're owners of the IP itself, they're discussing it as if they're players of the game that share their gameplay footage online like so many others do with so many other games. It being only Nintendo that does this is not irrelevant, it's exactly the problem. It's not a problem to Nintendo because this is their choice but this is just less incentive for YouTubers to stream Nintendo content so it's an odd move in the end. I would think people that watch Nintendo games would be more likely to purchase them not the other way around, so why would Nintendo want to reduce what is free advertising? Simply because they can get more money out of it by getting a share of the YouTuber's ad revenue.


Of course he can't decide what happens, all he is doing is expressing his disapproval of Nintendo's policies. I don't watch enough of Angry Joe's videos to be able to say how much he really appreciates his YouTube success but when Nintendo is the only company doing this I think he has the right to be annoyed by it.


I'm not sure why you would really defend Nintendo in this. Sure they have the right to do what they are doing but when they're the only one doing it (correct me if I'm wrong) out of all the gaming companies then I think it's something that should be criticised rather than just accepted as their decision. Nintendo gets a pass too easily with things like this when their only motivation is greed. They see a missed opportunity to make some extra cash instead of encouraging more people to promote their products online they think it's a better idea to take some of the money that person could make from it. Imagine with smaller YouTubers who don't make much at all from their channel, the cut that Nintendo takes from them would make it not worth bothering with Nintendo games.


Nintendo would rather take money from these people than encourage their online communities to grow, which would lead to more sales in the end for them so I can't see this being a worthwhile business decision.


The reason i defend Nintendo it's because they are the ones who are entitled to decide how they use their IPs.
And i wasn't just talking about AJ, i was speaking more against the general opinion that Nintendo shouldn't even try and take a cut on youtubers revenues and how people do act like they are the ones who know best.


I do feel like Nintendo is entitled to a cut on the revenue people gain based on their IPs. Isn't it fair?
Personally, i don't watch youtubers play games, but i question if the way they use their IPs really is the best for those same IPs.

I agree that free publicity is good. But not all publicity is good publicity.

All i know is that this is something that Nintendo has in mind as it wouldn't be the first time Nintendo acts on people's use of their IPs, even cancelling productions like those Zelda fan made movies.


I think that having a program does not stop youtubers from doing their thing.


From what i have heard, Aj didn't even have that many Nintendo videos to begin with and what happened wasn't the first case.



#19 NintendoReport



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Posted 09 April 2015 - 03:48 AM

Real winner is Angry Joe here. In fact, he should be thanking Nintendo for flagging his MP10 video. The rant video while just a handful of days old is about to hit 1 million views. He also has another Nintendo rant video from 2 months ago which is around 960,000 views. These are raking in much more revenue then any let's play.

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#20 MatrixChicken


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Posted 09 April 2015 - 05:45 AM

Asian business practices are a joke.






Anyways... I get that he's mad that Content ID took his monies away, but what I don't get is why he doesn't just do Nintendo's creator program? That's, like, the only way to legally monetize YouTube videos of their games, right? Why did he blatantly monetize the video, despite not being in Nintendo's creator program, and despite knowing this would happen because of it? Also, it was super childish of him to take down the video. Can't you appeal Content ID flags? Couldn't he join Nintendo's creator program? Nah, just take the video down cuz Nintendo made me mad.


That's another thing about this whole ordeal... Was this even Nintendo's fault? As far as I know, Nintendo had nothing to do with the flag, other than that they uploaded footage of MP10 to their channel, which Content ID then uses to flag videos. AJ didn't even give Nintendo a chance to say anything or do anything about it, he just flipped out as soon as it happened. It would be like me making a fancy drink for someone ("someone" being Angry Joe), putting it on the table in from of them and saying, "Don't shake the table or it'll spill." They proceed to shake the table vigorously and, surprise surprise, it spills all over. Then they instantly get mad at me, even though they broke the rules, and I didn't even cause the incident.


Now, I haven't watched the MP10 video, so I don't know how much valuable input he provided, but it does sound like it was basically an excerpt from a casual stream from his Twitch, not the most riveting and insightful thing. But like I said, I didn't watch it, so I'm not sure on that. Not necessarily saying that should have bearing on whether it gets flagged or not, but I'd have a lot more sympathy for Joe if the video was like a 10-15 minute review or something.


Either way, It is Nintendo's decision to use Content ID (I think it is, right?) and to have the creator program, and it's perfectly fine and legal for them to do so. Just like it's fine for Joe to pull his video. I just don't have much sympathy for Joe when he blatantly broke the rules and got mad when he was punished for it.



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