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Microsoft Lies About Witcher 3 Footage and Gets Caught

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#1 NintendoReport



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Posted 23 April 2015 - 12:03 PM

Some foul language , so just a heads up.



Microsoft Apologizes for Confusion Over 1080p/60fps Witcher 3 Footage on Xbox Channel





Earlier today, the official Microsoft Xbox YouTube channel published an impressive new video for CD Projekt Red's upcoming role-playing game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Since the video was published to the Xbox channel, some might have thought the gameplay was captured on the Xbox One edition of the game.


However, it's now been discovered by Kotaku that the footage of the game shown in the video is from thePC edition, not the Xbox One version, despite the Xbox logo being featured prominently. Microsoft has since apologized for the confusion (more on that later).


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#2 Raiden


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 01:48 PM

Why is Microsoft getting called out? Every console manufacture does this. All those 3rd party games Nintendo showed in a montage video in 2012 were all other console versions. Commercials always show off the strongest hardware version of a game,in this case PC. This is not new it's been going on since the early 80s.

That footage is often sent from the developers themselves.

#3 Scumbag



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Posted 23 April 2015 - 02:34 PM

Well that was silly, they must know Xbone version will sell fewest.

#4 GCD


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Posted 24 April 2015 - 03:52 AM

Talk about feeding the fire, when will MS learn. lol

#5 Raiden


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 06:59 AM

Yes let's go after MS for something everyone does. Let's totally ignore when Sony was using Xbox 360 footage on their demo booths in 2013 for games. Oh just ignore that green A button Sony says. Let's totally ignore Nintendo using stock Xbox 360 and PS3 screenshots of Darksiders II on their website in 2012. Yup only Microsoft is the bad guy!

#6 CUD


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 07:32 AM

Yes let's go after MS for something everyone does. Let's totally ignore when Sony was using Xbox 360 footage on their demo booths in 2013 for games. Oh just ignore that green A button Sony says. Let's totally ignore Nintendo using stock Xbox 360 and PS3 screenshots of Darksiders II on their website in 2012. Yup only Microsoft is the bad guy!


Yeah, let's talk about completely unrelated situations!


How is using footage of the PC version, which is not only graphically superior but performance wise also, comparable to Sony or Nintendo using footage from versions of the game that are almost identical other than their controls?

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

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#7 Raiden


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 09:54 AM

You know CD projekt likely sent that that footage right? You know everyone does this since the 80's right? And no 360 versions not the same as a PS4 version,Sony batlanly lied but Sony is perfect right?. Also you get that all developers show off the best version of their game? You get that MS was only saying hey this game is also on Xbox right?




Yeah, let's talk about completely unrelated situations!


How is using footage of the PC version, which is not only graphically superior but performance wise also, comparable to Sony or Nintendo using footage from versions of the game that are almost identical other than their controls?





Oh you didn't then may I be the first to welcome you to gaming you must be new to this. 80's showed arcade versions of games on the back of NES boxes,Genesis boxes and so forth. This is like you just disovering developers and console makers been lying to you for over 30 years. So again how is MS singled out? They didn't capture the footage. oh hey look Nintendo showed off Aliens Col Marines as Wii U footage..wait what;s this it was pre rendered CGI? OH MY GOLLY! What's this Sony showed off Killzone CGI footage at E3 2006 and said it was in game! OH NOES! WHat's this that Star Wars Kinect demo was staged!? GIMINY WILLIKERS!

What's this SEGA showing arcade version in a magazine ad that isn't Genesis version?! HOLY BANANA BATMAN!


Yeah so get over it. Oh noes Xbox said we have this game and used PC footage...they are the spawn of Satan and should ROT IN HELL! As long as they lock content on the disc for DLC then they are ok huh.


Seriously stop making big deals out of nothing people then having a tissy fit over minor stuff for these kinds of things. Oh hey look Splatoon no voice chat OUTRAAAAAAAAAAGE! Oh hey Star Wars Battlefront has removed everything from the game the originals and is severly gimped..meh no big deal right? Let's Boycott Splatoon like so many claim will and throw money at EA because OMG WTF HYPE BARRTLEFRONTS! lol

Lol seriously man pick your battles with companies that matter. This isn't one. Getting Nintendo to do a unified account system is for example.

Edited by Ryudo, 25 April 2015 - 10:38 AM.

#8 CUD


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 07:49 PM

You know CD projekt likely sent that that footage right? You know everyone does this since the 80's right? And no 360 versions not the same as a PS4 version,Sony batlanly lied but Sony is perfect right?. Also you get that all developers show off the best version of their game? You get that MS was only saying hey this game is also on Xbox right?



Oh you didn't then may I be the first to welcome you to gaming you must be new to this. 80's showed arcade versions of games on the back of NES boxes,Genesis boxes and so forth. This is like you just disovering developers and console makers been lying to you for over 30 years. So again how is MS singled out? They didn't capture the footage. oh hey look Nintendo showed off Aliens Col Marines as Wii U footage..wait what;s this it was pre rendered CGI? OH MY GOLLY! What's this Sony showed off Killzone CGI footage at E3 2006 and said it was in game! OH NOES! WHat's this that Star Wars Kinect demo was staged!? GIMINY WILLIKERS!

What's this SEGA showing arcade version in a magazine ad that isn't Genesis version?! HOLY BANANA BATMAN!


Yeah so get over it. Oh noes Xbox said we have this game and used PC footage...they are the spawn of Satan and should ROT IN HELL! As long as they lock content on the disc for DLC then they are ok huh.


Seriously stop making big deals out of nothing people then having a tissy fit over minor stuff for these kinds of things. Oh hey look Splatoon no voice chat OUTRAAAAAAAAAAGE! Oh hey Star Wars Battlefront has removed everything from the game the originals and is severly gimped..meh no big deal right? Let's Boycott Splatoon like so many claim will and throw money at EA because OMG WTF HYPE BARRTLEFRONTS! lol

Lol seriously man pick your battles with companies that matter. This isn't one. Getting Nintendo to do a unified account system is for example.


Your use of hyperbole is just as excessive as usual.


Then CD Projekt are also to blame for sending the wrong footage but MS isn't free from blame when they cleared this footage as being played on their system. 360 and PS3 not PS4.


Sony lies, MS lies, Nintendo lies. I never said any one of them are perfect. Jesus Christ man, exaggerating doesn't make your point any more valid it just twists my statements into something they're not.


Honestly, I was too young to analyse the back packaging of my Mega Drive cases and compare it to any arcade versions (which I don't recall there being any for most of the games that I played) and which was also a lot harder to do back then. Obviously they're going to promote their games by showing the best version of the game they have available but that doesn't make it any less valid to complain about it when they falsely advertise a version of the game that is clearly on another platform, or would you rather we accept how they handle things just simply because that's the way they are?


More exaggerating... Please try to exaggerate and straw man a bit less so we can have a proper discussion. Straw manning really isn't a good approach to any discussion or argument as you like to turn any discussion into.


I'm not sure why I bother sometimes. Your argument (buried among a sea of hyperbole and ranting) is that companies have been doing this all the time so why complain now? How is that even an argument. "Don't complain because it happens a lot." This isn't about singling out Microsoft, no company should be doing this kind of false advertising and unless people complain about it it's going to keep happening.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#9 Raiden


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 08:20 PM

It' s going to keep happening because it's not an issue and once again you don't get it.  Also saying straw man doesn't mean jack squat. It was fact get over it. You keep having issues in the dumbest places. With this and DLC and it makes no sense. So keep being clueless. You just don't get it nor do you want to. 

So whatever that's your problem.

#10 CUD


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 08:20 PM

It' s going to keep happening because it's not an issue and once again you don't get it.  Also saying straw man doesn't mean jack squat. It was fact get over it. You keep having issues in the dumbest places. With this and DLC and it makes no sense. So keep being clueless. You just don't get it nor do you want to. 


False advertising isn't an issue now? Oops my mistake.


And you call me clueless. What a joke.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#11 NintendoReport



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Posted 25 April 2015 - 08:23 PM




Keep it friendly. Maybe it's just best to agree to disagree.

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#12 Raiden


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 08:26 PM

See MS it's not false advertising so yup you are clueless. It's just CD showing the game at it's best but MS just confirming the game is coming to XBO. They are not selling it as the XBO version. MS only crime is having a video they were given.

Keep getting upset all you want doesn't change you are wrong. No skin off my back.

#13 CUD


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 09:07 PM

See MS it's not false advertising so yup you are clueless. It's just CD showing the game at it's best but MS just confirming the game is coming to XBO. They are not selling it as the XBO version. MS only crime is having a video they were given.

Keep getting upset all you want doesn't change you are wrong. No skin off my back.


They have since added to the description of the video "In game footage provided by CD Projekt Red, captured on a PC." to clarify which is the least I ask of companies showing content that inaccurately presents the game.


Microsoft is promoting a game for their system not for PC. If they show gameplay with better graphics and performance one could easily be lead to believe that this is the Xbox One version of the game, especially since it is on the Xbox Youtube channel and displays the Xbox logo at the end. When consumers are well informed it's harder to hide these things, Youtube shows us the resolution and framerate of the video so if that doesn't match up with what the Xbox One version offers they should be called out on it and at least provide a disclaimer that it's not Xbox One footage, which they now have after the backlash.


Sure CD Projekt Red wants to show the best version of their game but in (MS) uploading a video of the game to the official Xbox channel they are both misleading consumers which these days isn't so easily done. This is different to devs showing better looking footage of games earlier in development but having to dumb it down to optimise it or for whatever other reason as time goes by, the difference being that they're still in development so they're showing the best content they have at the time and most likely wouldn't have even made optimised versions of the game for consoles yet. That being said, this is something that has to be looked at on a case by case basis as situations vary so whether or not a game is truly being falsely advertised isn't just a matter of it looking or performing better but the point in its development, the availability on other platforms and simply whether or not it has been stated that it's not footage from the platform which is being promoted alongside the game.


Just to clarify (because I feel my point is a little unclear from what I said above). This is both CD and MS promoting their game and the fact that the game is going to be on the Xbox One. They are in fact selling it as the Xbox One version because it is on the Xbox channel and have the Xbox One logo in the video. In what way are they not selling this video of PC gameplay, on the official Xbox channel with the Xbox One logo in the video itself, as gameplay of an Xbox One game?


What I want is more honesty from the games industry and that's what the backlash against MS and CD Projekt Red in this situation is working towards. Companies may have been able to get away with it for a while now but a lot of people have had enough and don't want to be mislead by companies anymore so they'll call them out when they see it. This isn't about MS or CD Projekt Red in particular but the situation itself, if other companies do it I hope they're called out too.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#14 iEatTacos


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 03:42 PM

Lol what an embarrassment, Xbox sales are floundering and they resort to pulling something like this

#15 Marcus



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Posted 29 April 2015 - 09:04 PM

It's pretty minor when compared to some of the lies we get about games pre-release. But it's still a lie. People can reasonably expect games shown on the Xbox channel are running on the Xbox. Plenty of people only game in a fairly casual way and really don't keep up to date with all of the info. They'll be coming from the position of just assuming what they see is genuine. I wouldn't care about the 900p to 1080p jump but the 30fps to 60fps is one I definitely care about.

Edited by MarcusT, 29 April 2015 - 10:02 PM.

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