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What do you want to see in the NX?

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#1 SPG


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Posted 18 June 2015 - 07:54 PM

So 2 things before I start this off, I get to rewrite this because the forums hate me and decided to crap out when I hit preview so I lost everything excluding the title. The other one being that the search function on the site doesnt work (at least for me) so if this a dup then ctrl F has failed me so I apologize ahead of time.

So that aside lets talk about what you want in the NX and what you think will make it successful. At first I thought the NX would be the next handheld being how the 3ds is older than the Wii u, but after the start of the digital event for e3, and what recent interviews have suggested (most notably the one about Metroid Prime 4) its a safe bet that its a home console, or the 15 year old rumor of it being the "fusion" (seriously, its old, no idea why people keep thinking the fusion is a new rumor, tis far from it)

So there are a few things that I think will help nintendo make a 180 and bring back the core audience being how they lost casuals for the most part. 

  • First and foremost the console needs to pack a punch, be powerful, just as or more so as the ps5 and the xbone2. I am well aware this will cost a pretty penny but they HAVE to do it, or it will be screwed just like the wii u was the moment it came out being better than last gen, but weaker then next gen. The best way to do this would be to bite the bullet and take a loss on the console like how sony did at the start of the ps4, this may be odd to say, but this will make sense the more you read trust me.
  • Make the system x86, This wont go away with the next generation I can assure you so nintendo might as well do it, a reason they are hurting now is that development costs have gotten more expensive so 3rd parties dont want to spend the time and money trying to work out a way to port something to the nx if its hard, early ps3 games are a great example of this, its cell cpu made it a nightmare for devs to the point the games ran like crap, or looked bad (most the time both)
  • Please the 3rd parties, this is a major reason why the wii u is having a hard time keeping up (next to one other reason) there are 2 things they should do to go about this
  1. Once again, make the hardware powerful
  2. Drop the gimmicks, if they're so keen on doing it, make it a separate bundle like the kinect where you aren't forced to buy it. If you want games to use it, then it will end up being like skyward sword where people will go out of their way to buy that piece of hardware just to play the game. But a gimmick pulls away from other resources for the system and shoots the price tag up.
  • Don't focus on backwards comparability, I feel as though this is another reason the wii u is as weak as it is now being how the hardware lets it be a gamecube (because a wii is more or less a over clocked gamecube) If they do it 100% through emulation like the xbone, fantastic, but for the most part nintendo's consoles are backwards compatible because they have the old hardware in them adding to the cost of the system and pulling away from the new system itself. If you really care about playing your old games, keep your old system, its not rocket science.
  • Add bigger hard drives, I dont see physical media going away any time soon, but more and more people are downloading games, and updates, dlc etc take up a great chunk of the hdd space as well, give us at least a 500gb, 1tb would be best.
  • Make the console have usb 3.1, type c or what ever the fastest transfer/wildly used medium is...nuf said
  • let us use external drives...still
  • For the love of god please, PLEASE......PLEASE have a solid first and 3rd party line up at launch (even if you have to throw money at 3rd parties) put zelda wii u on the nx at launch, 3d mario, metroid....sorry I needed a good laugh, animal crossing, etc If you have a solid launch lineup like almost no one ever has, it will bring in new people incredibly fast. If you have 3rd parties on the other consoles look just as good or better (thats what throwing money at people is for) that will also bring in new people. With this, it wont matter if they're making a loss on the console at launch, the software is what will make them their money back especially since most people (from what I have noticed) buy at least 2 games at launch, more so if you have  a solid set of games to choose from that isnt shovelware.
  • Improve your online, they're already on the right track with the wii u, jsut further improve on it..how? I dont know, im not the person to ask since I don't care about online at all, maybe let friends talk with others while playing any game they please (I think xbox and playstation do this)
  • Let me play with my friends....Yes, you're starting to do online right, but I stil lcant play with my friends with most games, nintendo needs to learn not everyone can come to another's house, either it being them not having time from work, family, etc Just let me play games like mario party or super mario 3d world with my friends (ie they have to be in my friends list) is that too much to ask for?
  • Don't worry about making it small and sleek, this was a reason why the wii u is underpowered, they tried really hard to make it small (same with the wii) I'm not asking thme to make it a box like the xbox, but you can still make something some what large while looking nice, take the ps4 for example, its decently sized and looks cool.

I think that covers my main concerns, there is more I could talk about I'm sure, I didnt even touch on the fusion idea at all but what ever. So what do you guys think? do you agree? Disagree? Have no idea what I'm even trying to say since my grammar is atrocious? Let me know, I'd love to know what you guys think/want in the next console.


edit: I should note, some of you may not care about some of this stuff I know, but this is to bring over new people, you may not care about 3rd party games, but others do, you may want the hardware to be different and not just another box, but look at it from a developers perspective, not your own.

Edited by SPG, 18 June 2015 - 07:57 PM.


#2 grahamf


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Posted 18 June 2015 - 08:07 PM

Honestly? I think Nintendo has to make another Wii. The Wii was treated like a secondary console to go with a PS2 or Xbox 360, and sold like hotcakes.


Power improvements should be focused on any perceived bottlenecks they found while developing for the Wii U

Price point needs to be cheaper, such as $300 at launch max


Controllers should really have analog triggers


Built in hdd


Wii U's disk and eShop library will transfer over at no additional cost, and are nottreated like second class citizens like Wii games on the Wii U


Gamecube games in VC and built in compatibility (built-in Gamecube ports or a Wavebird 2).


Honestly? Aside from ten or so exclusives all the really good games are on Nintendo and/or PC. Nintendo has been burned by third parties when it thought it could trust them the most, so Nintendo is better off trying to encourage new independent developers, while positioning the NX as a secondary console to complement whatever setup you already have.



#3 Big Boss

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Posted 18 June 2015 - 08:09 PM




#4 Raiden


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Posted 18 June 2015 - 08:27 PM

Great games.

#5 MatrixChicken


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Posted 18 June 2015 - 09:13 PM

3D Mario, Metroid, Maybe Zelda U at or near launch. The Wii U didn't have those big names at launch, and I think that's part of why it failed. Nintendo Land was great, and I was happy with it, but the average person will want lots of big games at launch. Other than that, it being powerful would be cool, but I'd rather not spend $500 so soon. Also, I hope it's fully backwards compatible, and able to use the Wii U gamepad.



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#6 GAMER1984



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Posted 18 June 2015 - 09:48 PM

I know people will disagree but I think they should start with the hardware. Lets take Nintendo last three home consoles... what did they all have in common... they all found a way to alienate or push publishers/developers away from a hardware stadpoint. Gamecube and its mini dvd which ddnt have enough space as the standard on ps2 and xbox, Wii lack of HD and just very underpowered hardware, and Wii U lack of x86 very unique architecture that you have to build from the ground upto try and take advantage of it. The NX needs to be in line with whatever standard gaming has put out there for hardware. If developers are asking for (as an example) minimum 2 gflop performance make it happen Nintendo. That doesnt mean you have to spend the most and be the most powerful but they should ask pub/devs of the minimum they need to have great games running on all third party engines. Seriouly we dont worry about Nintendo from a first party standpoint... they make amazing game. modernize features with account system, and voice chat for online shooters

Edited by GAMER1984, 18 June 2015 - 09:50 PM.

#7 Raiden


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Posted 18 June 2015 - 10:26 PM

In order to take full advantage of any specific console you have to build from the ground up

#8 GAMER1984



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Posted 18 June 2015 - 10:40 PM

In order to take full advantage of any specific console you have to build from the ground up


yes and thats the job for 1st party and third party exclusives.... but ports and multiplatform games are ran off of specific engines there is a lack of flexibility to a point. Most devs have a time restraint they cant afford to be spending more time just to tyr and get something running on one console that maybe there other versions of the game have no issue.

#9 Lupaie



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Posted 18 June 2015 - 10:57 PM

judging from the last cyclus and e3 Nintendo is not able to develop long term for two devices (and soon also Mobiles). Also, they don't have good bonds with 3rd party. Only thing special about WiiU is the Gamepad and even Nintendo can't implement it as promised, which makes the innovation point a bit bland.


Never thought I would say this but...I'm just not a happy Nintendo gamer right now. Let them go multiplatform for console titles and maybe focus on 3ds and mobile. 

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#10 Mewbot


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Posted 18 June 2015 - 11:19 PM

I honestly think they just need way more developers, and put a few of those smaller teams together to create bigger games. If the NX comes out with a Zelda, 3D Mario and Metroid instead of a ton of smaller games like Mario Tennis and Metroid Prime: Federation Force or whatever. I'd rather have 5-6 big Nintendo titles than 20 smaller titles that are almost indie-like.


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#11 Hunter



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Posted 18 June 2015 - 11:33 PM

Nintendo only just released Smash Bros and MK8 wasn't that long ago either so it will be ages till we get another. So this console better have backwards compatibility.


Anyway, I just want them to make a console that will have great games and have some third party games too. 

#12 NintendoReport



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Posted 19 June 2015 - 02:14 AM

Great games.


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#13 Scumbag



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Posted 19 June 2015 - 04:59 AM

Go back to basics and let the games speak for themselves instead of building a console around one idea which limits what it can do and eat into the budget.

#14 magiciandude


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Posted 19 June 2015 - 07:13 AM

-Great games (as mentioned several times)

-No region lock (also mentioned)

-A vastly improved online network

-3rd party support (doesn't even have to be from Western developers)

-A superior VC content

-Easy to port games to

-Cut down the number of Amiibo supported games


That's all I ask for

Edited by Matt Murdock, 19 June 2015 - 07:15 AM.

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#15 Colinx



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Posted 19 June 2015 - 08:43 AM

Cross voice chat is a necessity.


#16 Chrop



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Posted 19 June 2015 - 10:52 AM

Great games, no gimmicks, I don't come to Nintendo for touchscreen or motion control, I come to them for their games and their IP's. The casual market has fled to mobiles/tablets now so gimmicks going to sell the console, and parents who bought the Wii U didn't buy it because of it's gimmick, they bought it because of their IP's. A powerful console that gives third parties the power they need is a must,


Also GREATLY improve the online features, a ton of stuff is missing such as party chat, an actual texting system (that doesn't require you to load an entirely different app to do), notifications besides a blinking blue circle on the gamepad (Honestly it made the video chat system pointless since if you tried to call ANYONE, the only way they would know is if they click the home button after seeing the blue dot light up on the gamepad, but it mostly gets ignored because that blue dot also lights up anytime your friend logs on). If you compare the OS of the PS4 to the Wii U, it's pretty poor. If you log into a different Wii U you can't download the games you already own back, meaning if you consistantly buy digital games then something happens to your Wii U, you can't get those games back, it's gone, all £250 is just gone. Hopefully Nintendo's partnership with the japanese mobile company (who do a lot of networking) will help Nintendo with all of this stuff.


Simply put, have online multiplayer in All of your games, seriously having a game like Starfox which has local multiplayer NOT have online multiplayer is pretty bad, especially after the critisism Starfox 64 3D got for not having online and that Splatoon has just came out, which is an online game in itself.

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

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