Guerilla Games new IP Horizon
Posted 21 June 2015 - 07:03 AM
Posted 21 June 2015 - 07:28 AM
They take Native like tribes and whitewash them then mix them with Micheal Bays Transformers. Some of my Native friends were offended by this game and with Native blood in my family history I understand. Just looks meh and lame to me tho.
Edited by Beat, 21 June 2015 - 07:51 AM.
Posted 21 June 2015 - 08:54 AM
So let's see how this pans out for them, they do have a talented team of making decent gameplay and especially visuals.
Posted 21 June 2015 - 09:25 AM
They take Native like tribes and whitewash them then mix them with Micheal Bays Transformers. Some of my Native friends were offended by this game and with Native blood in my family history I understand. Just looks meh and lame to me tho.
But the graphics??? Sad but this is the industry a game can be mediocre or offensive or whatever... if it is a graphical force most people will look over those things because they like what the "see".
- Raiden likes this
Posted 21 June 2015 - 09:53 AM
Why do people often go on a quest to see how they could be insulted, discriminized, or offended? No harm intended.
Edited by Lupaie, 21 June 2015 - 09:57 AM.
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left
Posted 21 June 2015 - 10:11 AM
Natives? Nah, they just look like different kind of clans, also midievel. It is set in the future so it will have ties to humanities pasts.
Why do people often go on a quest to see how they could be insulted, discriminized, or offended? No harm intended.
Natives don't need to look to get offended. It happens by the ignorance of most people by itself being culturally ignorant. They get the shaft all the time in games and film,in media and society in general. Reservation is a nice way to say ghetto where they are ignored as they have high suicide rates and rape,and everyone turns a blind eye. They turn a blind eye to all the Native cultures and stereotype and often whitewash. Having a Taino get upset at the ignorance and clear whitewash was not looking for anything,it was brought to them. Seeing teams named Redskins or Indians with red skinned mascots is not looking to be offended. it's a direct insult as much if we had a team called the coons and had looney toons blackfaces for mascots.
I am whiter than sour cream. I can't take offense personally even with Cherokee blood in my family history but it was a ways back but being involved with some of the cultures and people there are many things people are unaware how insulting they can be. I mean look at Assasins Creed III. They did almost no homework on Native tribes. Made Connor into a jerk and why the name Connor. To them he looked like a Spaniard to them. Well let's see how do people from Spain look.
I guess Ubi thinks this
Looks just like this
If you want a great look on Natives in film look up Real Injun from PBS. There is so much ignorance and stereotypes and whitewashing and the kicker is yeah most of it is NOT intended but it is still no excuse. Still learning myself after 5 years of having my eyes be more aware from Native friends.
Edited by Beat, 21 June 2015 - 10:16 AM.
Posted 21 June 2015 - 10:41 AM
Japan is pretty Xenophobic in general.
Posted 21 June 2015 - 11:18 AM
- Scumbag and Ocarina of Time like this
Posted 21 June 2015 - 11:46 AM
This looks about as offensive to Native Americans as Game of Thrones. Tribes =/= Native Americans...get over it.
This kind of insensitive ignorance.
Posted 21 June 2015 - 12:48 PM
This looks about as offensive to Native Americans as Game of Thrones. Tribes =/= Native Americans...get over it.
Talking about GoT, they look a bit like the wildlings too.
Also, should all Italians be offensed by the stereotyping of Italians in Mario games?
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left
Posted 21 June 2015 - 01:12 PM
Few native developers around and sounds they are not happy with it. In fact some I get 1st hand word that Guerilla been approached about it at E3 with some really upset people. I won't say one of the name I know. Thing is the main character they showed was specifically doing Native tribe stuff. the reasoning is hilarious,they said they didn't want race to be a thing that people thought about.White people exist because of melanin deficiency.If you're making a game 100s of years in the future, in the sun drenched plains of north America they aren't going to have light skin.Deep red hair is called the manic gene,it's like "This game has to be realistic" "Thats why they're all white" "And we have robot dinosaurs"
Posted 21 June 2015 - 02:31 PM
Not in the least. This has nothing to do with native Americans and claiming that it does....that's ignorant.This kind of insensitive ignorance.
You won't name a name because it's bullsh!t, that's why.Few native developers around and sounds they are not happy with it. In fact some I get 1st hand word that Guerilla been approached about it at E3 with some really upset people. I won't say one of the name I know. Thing is the main character they showed was specifically doing Native tribe stuff. the reasoning is hilarious,they said they didn't want race to be a thing that people thought about.White people exist because of melanin deficiency.If you're making a game 100s of years in the future, in the sun drenched plains of north America they aren't going to have light skin.Deep red hair is called the manic gene,it's like "This game has to be realistic" "Thats why they're all white" "And we have robot dinosaurs"
They're not depicting native Americans; it's a futuristic society that's regressed to wearing animal skins in a manner similar to native Americans. It's fantasy, not a commentary on Native American culture.
Edited by Leland, 21 June 2015 - 02:32 PM.
- CUD likes this
Posted 21 June 2015 - 09:15 PM
Game looks pretty good from first impressions, look forward to seeing some more. Shame it's PS4 exclusive though.
They're not depicting native Americans; it's a futuristic society that's regressed to wearing animal skins in a manner similar to native Americans. It's fantasy, not a commentary on Native American culture.
I agree. This isn't supposed to be historical, they can make the characters whatever race they want and make their culture however they want, that's how fiction works. She's fighting a giant robot, don't try and tell me how this is offensive because she's white when it's not even intended to be realistic in its settings.
Edited by CUD, 21 June 2015 - 09:15 PM.
Posted 21 June 2015 - 09:29 PM
Game looks pretty good from first impressions, look forward to seeing some more. Shame it's PS4 exclusive though.
I agree. This isn't supposed to be historical, they can make the characters whatever race they want and make their culture however they want, that's how fiction works. She's fighting a giant robot, don't try and tell me how this is offensive because she's white when it's not even intended to be realistic in its settings.
Learn to read and reading comprehension.
Posted 21 June 2015 - 09:44 PM
Learn to read and reading comprehension.
So it is supposed to be historical? What specifically should I be reading regarding what you highlighted in my post?
I am whiter than sour cream. I can't take offense personally even with Cherokee blood in my family history but it was a ways back but being involved with some of the cultures and people there are many things people are unaware how insulting they can be. I mean look at Assasins Creed III. They did almost no homework on Native tribes. Made Connor into a jerk and why the name Connor. To them he looked like a Spaniard to them. Well let's see how do people from Spain look.
I guess Ubi thinks this
Looks just like this
Have you even seen a picture of him before? His name is Ratonhnhaké:ton, he's just more commonly known as his adopted name 'Connor'.
Edited by CUD, 21 June 2015 - 09:45 PM.
Posted 21 June 2015 - 10:04 PM
Wow your avatar is really your brain. A pile of crap. You really can't read.
In the damn game he is GIVEN the name Connor because they said IN GAME he looks like a Spainiard. Ubi soft wrote this into the game. The game itself and Ubisoft are R-tards. It would not make much sense for anyone in game to NOT know what a Spaniard looked like as many of them WERE FROM THERE.
Also to put this simply. What happens when you are in the sun a while. Your skin tans. What if you are out there hundreds of years in a country that gets lots of sun. Yes the skin get perm tanned and your hair gene gets dark. So why have white people who should be tan doing EXACT Native tribe things. They are literally taking stuff from tribes. Many of us have houses and such so we stay out of the harsh sun most the time.
Edited by Beat, 21 June 2015 - 09:49 PM.
Posted 21 June 2015 - 10:05 PM
Wow your avatar is really your brain. A pile of crap. You really can't read.
Not sure why I bother with you since you're such a softshell lizard. Let's just put ad hominem attacks aside and discuss this.
I can't read? It's not like your post was written so well that it could be misinterpreted... Oh wait..
Made Connor into a jerk and why the name Connor. To them he looked like a Spaniard to them. Well let's see how do people from Spain look.
You're talking about Ubisoft making Connor a jerk then suddenly 'them' starts referring to in game characters so don't blame me for misinterpreting that.
Wow your avatar is really your brain. A pile of crap. You really can't read.
In the damn game he is GIVEN the name Connor because they said IN GAME he looks like a Spainiard. Ubi soft wrote this into the game. The game itself and Ubisoft are R-tards. It would not make much sense for anyone in game to NOT know what a Spaniard looked like as many of them WERE FROM THERE.
I am yet to play the game but it says in the wiki the follwoing:
There, in order for Ratonhnhaké:ton to more easily move through colonial circles, Achilles suggested that he take on the name "Connor" after his late son, Connor Davenport, who had died of disease several years earlier.
Maybe there's some other reasoning mentioned in game but it's not mentioned in the wiki at all.
Anywho, this is getting off topic. Why is it that you highlighted the part of my previous post regarding Horizon Zero Dawn not being historically accurate?
Also to put this simply. What happens when you are in the sun a while. Your skin tans. What if you are out there hundreds of years in a country that gets lots of sun. Yes the skin get perm tanned and your hair gene gets dark. So why have white people who should be tan doing EXACT Native tribe things. They are literally taking stuff from tribes. Many of us have houses and such so we stay out of the harsh sun most the time.
I can't say, this is fiction. They can justify it however way they want. I think they'd get far more complaints had they tried for an accurate native american approach and got something wrong, that would seem more offensive than making a fictional race in a fictional world where our rules don't necessarily apply.
Edited by CUD, 21 June 2015 - 10:07 PM.
Posted 21 June 2015 - 10:12 PM
It's in the game. Says he reminds him of a Spaniard. Ubisoft is french and have ZERO respect for any native culture. Why they have you murder them for no reason in ACIV. They just have them there for no serviceable purpose,just padding for a dumb mission and have you invade their home and slaughter them.
Lizards don't have shells.
Posted 22 June 2015 - 12:07 AM
That fight looks kinda fun but would get boring really really quickly. I hope they have lots of variation because after the first time fighting that thing it would be boring.
I just can't get excited for games without that Original Nintendo Seal Of Quality anymore.
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