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Conduit 3 as a launch title

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#21 Nollog


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Posted 03 May 2012 - 02:34 PM

^Because it's Conduit 2, not Conduit 3.

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#22 Ixchel


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Posted 03 May 2012 - 03:13 PM

Hm. I may sound dumb for asking this but I've been wondering this for a while. Sorry if it's a bit off topic.
Why is it that games in crowded conditions don't sell well and are assumed to have lost sales? (Assuming it's an AAA game because I've seen this argument used against them too. Or at least worth playing. Otherwise there'd be no sale to lose.)

I can see games selling less between crowded/decent and a drought that would otherwise tempt people who would not normally buy (like how the 3ds launch lineup probably drove some people to try PWR, NDogs, and Steel Diver who wouldn't otherwise. Not saying that they're bad games, but that they have sort of "niche" audiences.). But if a game is decent wouldn't it be eventually bought? Do people really forget what games they want that easily? Or do people only buy what's new? It's not the 90's anymore. You don't need to rely on advertisements to know what's out. There's the internet. :blink:

It's just that if I were overwhelmed by great launch games I'd personally just buy the best with what I could afford then buy the rest after I have the spare cash saved again and I'm through with the first games. :/ And even if I consider money issues it doesn't make sense. You either save for it, or if you can only afford a certain amount of games a year or are a kid who relies on two days a year then you're probably highly selective of your games anyway, thus it wouldn't matter if it was released on a certain day or not as long as it's before the Bday or Winter, and it wouldn't be a "lost sale".
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#23 Nollog


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Posted 03 May 2012 - 03:27 PM

It might come down to something like If you're looking forward to 3 games coming out the same day, you'll buy 1 new, play it, and by the time you're ready to buy the 2nd and 3rd games, you'll see them used for less.
Used games don't send money back to anyone but the store you buy it in.

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#24 Alianjaro



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Posted 03 May 2012 - 03:36 PM

I've never really been into Conduit, or in any FPS but the reasons you give are really good and logical.
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#25 Ixchel


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Posted 03 May 2012 - 03:42 PM

It might come down to something like If you're looking forward to 3 games coming out the same day, you'll buy 1 new, play it, and by the time you're ready to buy the 2nd and 3rd games, you'll see them used for less.
Used games don't send money back to anyone but the store you buy it in.

That's true, I sort of forgot about used games and assumed people would tend to wait until they were used anyways. As in wait until all 3 were cheaper. But that situation does exist for less patient people...
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#26 Nollog


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Posted 03 May 2012 - 03:59 PM

That's true, I sort of forgot about used games and assumed people would tend to wait until they were used anyways. As in wait until all 3 were cheaper. But that situation does exist for less patient people...

I try to buy my games new, since they're cheaper online new than used in my local gamestop, and I know about gamestop ripping off the actual creators of the games.
If I do buy used, it's usually from private sellers, because it's likely my money will be spent on more games, and they're cheaper still.

Edited by Nollog, 03 May 2012 - 04:00 PM.

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#27 jono



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Posted 03 May 2012 - 05:02 PM

I think HVS should make an all new IP, with help from Ninty. It could be like Nintendo's Halo.

#28 Ixchel


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Posted 03 May 2012 - 08:37 PM

I try to buy my games new, since they're cheaper online new than used in my local gamestop, and I know about gamestop ripping off the actual creators of the games.
If I do buy used, it's usually from private sellers, because it's likely my money will be spent on more games, and they're cheaper still.

Cheaper online new? I've never seen that happen unless there's a sale. I actually tend to buy at Toys R Us because of their frequent sales. I know that used games don't profit the devs but how does Gamestop rip them off?
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#29 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 03 May 2012 - 08:56 PM

i dont have the link i saw it on another site 3dsforums. there is a rumor that conduit 3 is coming to the 3ds and will be shown at E3, also the other games they made the grinder and cant remember the other one are supposedly now coming to Wii U. me personally i think nintendo should by out the studio and make them a second party FPS specialist for the Wii U. i dont think nintendo has enough devs to handle 1st party duties for 3ds and Wii U on regular basis.

#30 Nollog


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Posted 03 May 2012 - 09:42 PM

Cheaper online new? I've never seen that happen unless there's a sale. I actually tend to buy at Toys R Us because of their frequent sales. I know that used games don't profit the devs but how does Gamestop rip them off?

By not giving the company who made the game any money.

You live in the US. You're already paying the cheapest price at the store.
Over here in Europe, employees and transit costs so much that e-tailers can price games a lot cheaper than retail stores can, unless they're giant chains like Tesco or other supermarkets.

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#31 Desert Punk

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Posted 04 May 2012 - 01:58 PM

Conduit 2 sales figures were really poor.


About 90,000 sales. A huge financial disaster. High voltage sadly have never been that great with playablitiy. They previously developed a lot of the dire Atari Jaguar games.

Personally I'd prefer other developers to push the wii U who can offer both excellent programming as well as playability. Sorry if that sounds harsh but I found the conduit games quite disappointing and with sales that low I can't be the only one.

Conduit 1 was a real chore at times and I only finished it for completeness, I guess hoping that later stages would have improved playability.

I'd like to see a new series on the wii U, something fresh also I think wii U players will be too busy playing Alien Colonial Marines to worry about getting a Conduit game.

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