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Nintendo Explains Why It Won't Annualize Smash Bros. And Mario Kart

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#1 NintendoReport



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Posted 12 August 2015 - 06:15 AM

It makes sense with something like SMASH and Mario Kart. The DLC really helps freshen up the game (including free content updates) and I think franchises like this would lose their "uniqueness" if they were to be pushed every year.



From http://www.gamespot....s/1100-6429682/




Speaking to Examiner, Nintendo of America's Scott Moffitt explained that surprising the player is a key part of its gaming experiences, which is why yearly releases aren't part of its strategy.


"We tend not to annualise our franchises, there's not a new Mario Kart every year," he said. "What we've tried to do with the Wii U is first, create a fully-featured, really enjoyable game that has something for everybody, has surprises that you'll discover as you play through levels, and it gives you a good amount of quality entertainment.

"For fans who love [Mario Kart], we've released extra content over time so that it keeps the game fresh and allows them to experience more than they could when they originally bought the game."


He continued: "That's the approach we take, rather than annualising the franchise, we are periodically releasing new courses, levels, and features that keep people playing. We see a huge surge in gameplay hours on Mario Kart when we release [new content]."


Nintendo's strategy differs for franchises such as Pokemon, however, where the company is more open to annual releases.


"If you look at the Pokemon franchise, we have released multiple core games for the 3DS. We like to give fans something every year, but [for] something like Mario Kart or Smash Bros.,there may only be one version of that franchise in the whole console cycle."


According to Moffitt, the decision to annualise a franchise is dependent on "the franchise, the developer, and what new ideas they can bring to [a] franchise to move the gameplay forward and keep [it] fresh," but "incremental changes may not be worth a whole new release."



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#2 Atticus


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 06:43 AM

I read this today. I'm very glad they don't annualize their games. But it seems like MK8 DLC has gone dry (though we did get a lot).

#3 NintendoReport



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Posted 12 August 2015 - 06:44 AM

I read this today. I'm very glad they don't annualize their games. But it seems like MK8 DLC has gone dry (though we did get a lot).


Yeah, i thought maybe another DLC pack... but perhaps they are working on next installment.

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#4 Azure-Edge


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 06:48 AM

It's good they don't annualize Mario Kart and Smash but they need to try to have them out within the first year of the NX.

I'm kinda hoping with the NX the rerelease their core WiiU games. (Smash, MK, Splatoon, both Bayonettas, 3D World, etc.)


#5 grahamf


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 07:01 AM

Why is annulizing even a discussion?



#6 NintendoReport



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Posted 12 August 2015 - 07:05 AM

Why is annulizing even a discussion?


Simply because Moffitt was asked the question.  :)  I think even the interviewer knew what the answer would be, but it's nice to get a bit more depth and perspective from someone who can speak about it. 

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#7 Raiden


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 07:12 AM

They released Mario Party for 7 straight years in a row until the the Wii came around.

#8 grahamf


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 11:02 AM

Simply because Moffitt was asked the question.  :)  I think even the interviewer knew what the answer would be, but it's nice to get a bit more depth and perspective from someone who can speak about it. 

But what's the point in asking? It's not the point that it would ruin the game, as much as the Smash line doesn't have anything that can be changed anually.



#9 NintendoReport



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Posted 12 August 2015 - 11:34 AM

But what's the point in asking? It's not the point that it would ruin the game, as much as the Smash line doesn't have anything that can be changed anually.


That question is for one who did the interview and article



Steven Ruygrok

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