If this is more suitable to be merged with the official Xenoblade thread then please do so, I was curious as to what people here thought not only regarding this but also on the lingerie costumes being removed from Fatal Frame for Wii U. I can't really think of other examples from other companies or which company in particular is responsible for making these decisions so I don't want to criticise Nintendo for what may not be their choice since it's probably more to do with the EU/NA rating system.
Anywho, just wondering your thoughts on this? Should we be able to use the same costumes as the original release? Is this a big deal or not an issue for you? Are you disgusted that a 13 year old character is wearing this?
Personally I think we should get the same costumes as the original release. Sure she's a young character but that's how they designed the game, I can't see people actually getting off to this stuff anyway... I've seen people saying that only pedophiles would want this in the game and similar things but I have seen a number of people against the decision also so at least there's somewhat of a discussion around the issue going on.