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wii u issues turning on sometimes

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#1 tmlfan



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Posted 11 September 2017 - 01:38 PM

have an issue with my wii u not turning on/flashing red light, tried googling it and all i get is the red light of death as results but i dont think that is my issue, basically sometimes when i turn my wii u off the red light starts to flash and the white light on on all the time, i understand the white light is supposed to mean that there is a disk in the drive but there isn't, when i go to turn the wii u back on if the red light is flashing i have to power cycle the system then about 95% of the time it turns right on, the other 5% i either have to power cycle a few times or leave it for a few minutes and try again, once the system starts it runs flawless


#2 jemmy1989


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Posted 09 March 2020 - 03:47 AM

It's a shame to see that there is no answer or solution that could have helped even after all this time.



Edited by jemmy1989, 16 October 2022 - 12:57 PM.

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