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Video Game Research Paper (6th Grade, Pre-AP, 96/100!)

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Poll: Video Game Research Paper (6th Grade, Pre-AP, 96/100!) (7 member(s) have cast votes)

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#1 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 02:47 PM

I just want to see what you guys think of my research paper. And since it's about video games this would be the perfect forum. :P Please leave comments and suggestions. Oh, and by the way, this isn't perfect because I'm only in junior high, and plus I had limited resources. But I would still like to see your opinions. Thank you! EDIT: I got a 96 on this! ^_^

From Pong to Virtual Reality

Games that have been developed today are highly advanced and contain complex situations. Such games include God of War, Halo, and Super Mario Bros; however, it wasn't always this complex due to the technology limitations of the past. Pong, the first video game, supports this fact. The game only has one objective: to keep the ball from passing the paddles. As video games keep being made, the more interactive video games keep getting. The history of video games is rich, immersive, and ever-changing as technology keeps revamping in order to make money.

It all began in the 1960s, when Ralph Baer, an American engineer, thought of a new product that used a TV’s antenna input for “producing images for interactive play”. In November 1967, Baer unveiled the prototype version of Pong. It basically involved two white bars trying to keep a white ball from passing them, just like a regular Ping-Pong game in real life. When Nolan Bushwell saw the Pong prototype, he had an idea. He made and released a console called an Atari in the 1970s. It did just what Pong did, but with even more games, such as Adventure and Breakout. It was an instant success, and Bushwell became rich. After a couple of years, Nintendo joined the industry and released a new console called the NES in 1985. It was an even bigger success than the Atari because you can buy the games separately from the consoles, plus you could save the game without having to remember long passwords. Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and Duck Hunt were one of the best-selling games of their own era. Nintendo then sold a new sequel to the NES, called the SNES. It had superior graphics and much better games. Nintendo's main competitor, Sega also released the Sega Genesis in 1989, but it did not sell so well, and soon they opted out of the video game console business.

In 1994, Sony entered the video game business with the PlayStation, which was a huge success. The reason why it sold so well is most likely because it was the first console to feature 3D graphics instead of flat 2D graphics featured on previous consoles, allowing for new experiences, with games such as Tekken and Final Fantasy 7 selling millions; this lead up to a sequel, the PlayStation 2. This new console was so popular, it shared 60% of the video game’s market at the time. Microsoft also entered the video game market because the company’s competitor, Sony, made more profit than they did profit because of the PlayStation. They wanted to counteract this by releasing the Xbox, a new console by Microsoft. It includes games such as Halo that sold millions. However, Microsoft’s original plan backfired because they lost $4 billion dollars in the process. Nintendo. however, prevailed through all of this by releasing the Wii and the DS. Both have sold literally hundreds upon thousands of consoles, and both have changed the video game in many ways no one could’ve ever predicted. The DS is the first handheld to have two screens, with one screen that is touch-sensitive. The Wii is the first console to use motion as part of game play. The DS is currently the best-selling console of all time, and both appeal to a wide distinct audience, including people who don’t play video games that much.

The future of video games is a little unclear, but some research is all you need to make it less confusing. Nintendo is currently planning to sell the Wii U in late 2012. The Wii U is really innovative as the controller has a touch screen on it. It is really advanced and includes stereoscopic 3D and HD graphics. Virtual reality is another thing we might see in the future. Virtual reality is not confirmed, but it is a possibility. It could be applied with special goggles and gloves that will make the person playing feel like they’re actually playing in the world of video games. AI, or artificial intelligence, in video games can be improved to make games harder. One idea is to make the computer learn how a player plays and their style of combat.

As you can see, the history of video games is very diverse and entertaining. Tons of things has happened since 1967, when the first video game was introduced. Many accomplishments, including the Atari, NES, PlayStation, and Xbox have been achieved; but, it's still the beginning. Augmented reality, the Wii U, and more are coming in the near future. Video games will always keep changing.

Edited by StreetPassWanter, 08 February 2012 - 01:36 PM.

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#2 Link707



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Posted 25 January 2012 - 03:02 PM

From Atari to Zelda

Games that have been developed today are highly advanced and contain complex situations; however, Pong, the first video game, had only one objective: hit the white ball with the white paddle, making the game very simple. Though simple games are still fun and amusing, the industry has since evolved with games such as God of War, Halo, and Super Mario Bros having become iconic symbols thanks to their entertaining gameplay and beautiful graphics.The history of video games is rich and immersive as video games are always evolving in accordance to consumer wants and various other desires.

If you like it i can help with the rest... Master of the writing arts. Was done quickly can revise

Edited by Link707, 25 January 2012 - 03:04 PM.

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#3 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 03:12 PM

If you like it i can help with the rest... Master of the writing arts. Was done quickly can revise

I don't want direct help, but thanks. I just want suggestions to make it better. :) If I did copy you, I would feel kind of guilty of copying, even if it isn't necessarily copying. But I'll use your changes as an example. Thank you!
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#4 Link707



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Posted 25 January 2012 - 03:24 PM

I don't want direct help, but thanks. I just want suggestions to make it better. :) If I did copy you, I would feel kind of guilty of copying, even if it isn't necessarily copying. But I'll use your changes as an example. Thank you!

Ok.. Your ideas are sound I just think you should put in a few sentences linking your ideas together.

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#5 nintendo3DS


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 03:27 PM

Very nice story, SPW! :)

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#6 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 03:29 PM

Thank you for your suggestions!
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#7 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 03:33 PM

Hey I like it allot! Great job! Now the only suggestion I have is that it almost seemed like you rushed the 2nd gen way too much. If you fix that it will be perfect!

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#8 Xiombarg


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 04:35 PM

There are a few issues in this paper.
The first issue is the first paragraph, or intro. The main issue is that your thesis is still rather foggy or its transition is a little off. You probably would want to add a sentence that actually relates to rich immersion. Link707's post is a brilliant revision, as the intro is much more clear. Because you aren't in high school, I wont go on about your thesis sentence in detail. However, when you are in high school, the thesis is the major aspect of your essays and research papers. A faulty thesis can destroy a great paper.
And another thing, delete the period after "Super Mario Bros.;". The period isn't needed and can mess up the overall flow.

The second paragraph really just needs revision. From a grading standpoint, you may lose some points for verb tense.

The third paragraph just needs some minor revision.
"In 1994, Sony entered the video game business with the PlayStation. It was a huge success." can be easily changed to "In 1994, Sony entered the video game business with the PlayStation which was a huge success."

The fourth paragraph should be revised.

The Conclusion should have an aspect of every paragraph before it, in order to conclude it. Out of every part of an essay, the conclusion is usually the easiest.

The final issue is the title: From Atari to Zelda. Nowhere in your essay do you mention Zelda, so if someone does not know of video games, they may assume Zelda is a game company or a system.

#9 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 04:57 PM

There are a few issues in this paper.
The first issue is the first paragraph, or intro. The main issue is that your thesis is still rather foggy or its transition is a little off. You probably would want to add a sentence that actually relates to rich immersion. Link707's post is a brilliant revision, as the intro is much more clear. Because you aren't in high school, I wont go on about your thesis sentence in detail. However, when you are in high school, the thesis is the major aspect of your essays and research papers. A faulty thesis can destroy a great paper.
And another thing, delete the period after "Super Mario Bros.;". The period isn't needed and can mess up the overall flow.

The second paragraph really just needs revision. From a grading standpoint, you may lose some points for verb tense.

The third paragraph just needs some minor revision.
"In 1994, Sony entered the video game business with the PlayStation. It was a huge success." can be easily changed to "In 1994, Sony entered the video game business with the PlayStation which was a huge success."

The fourth paragraph should be revised.

The Conclusion should have an aspect of every paragraph before it, in order to conclude it. Out of every part of an essay, the conclusion is usually the easiest.

The final issue is the title: From Atari to Zelda. Nowhere in your essay do you mention Zelda, so if someone does not know of video games, they may assume Zelda is a game company or a system.

Thank you! :D This really helped me! :)
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#10 Bill Cipher

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Posted 25 January 2012 - 05:15 PM

This is a question I kinda want to ask: How many paragraphs can it be? Because it seems like some details are rushed over quickly, and other seem to be talked about for far too long.

Also, if it's meant to analytical, you shouldn't be including personal opinions and the likes.

Edited by Domini N Unova, 25 January 2012 - 05:16 PM.

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

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#11 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 05:19 PM

This is a question I kinda want to ask: How many paragraphs can it be? Because it seems like some details are rushed over quickly, and other seem to be talked about for far too long.

Also, if it's meant to analytical, you shouldn't be including personal opinions and the likes.

It's supposed to have an intro, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. I don't think my teacher cares if I give opinions, as long as it's not "XBOX SUX!!!!!!"
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#12 Bill Cipher

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Posted 25 January 2012 - 05:26 PM

Okay. I was wondering. I'm still not entire sure that your layout is exactly the best, TBH. I'd suggest instead of having a speculative argument about the future, maybe instead don't focus your essay around the entirity of the history of the video games industry. Instead, pick a company like Nintendo and chronicle thier 3 major events?(Rise as VGC, fall in late 90's, Resurgence of them in 2006?)

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

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#13 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 05:36 PM

Okay. I was wondering. I'm still not entire sure that your layout is exactly the best, TBH. I'd suggest instead of having a speculative argument about the future, maybe instead don't focus your essay around the entirity of the history of the video games industry. Instead, pick a company like Nintendo and chronicle thier 3 major events?(Rise as VGC, fall in late 90's, Resurgence of them in 2006?)

I actually wanted to do Nintendo, but there was two problems:

1) No enough resources the school found "appropriate"
2) Can't change my categories/format once I pick them (Past, Present, Future)

I really want to follow your advice, but I can't. Sorry. :(

Edited by StreetPassWanter, 25 January 2012 - 05:37 PM.

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#14 Xiombarg


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 06:11 PM

Seeing as you are only in 6th grade, your essay is probably up to their standards. Pre-AP sounds nothing more than an accelerated class and is easily tossed around in this context. In real AP classes, you can expect papers to contain more than 7 paragraphs, or in the case of my 11th grade analytical physics class, over 7 pages.

#15 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 06:19 PM

Seeing as you are only in 6th grade, your essay is probably up to their standards. Pre-AP sounds nothing more than an accelerated class and is easily tossed around in this context. In real AP classes, you can expect papers to contain more than 7 paragraphs, or in the case of my 11th grade analytical physics class, over 7 pages.

Thank you. Yeah, I already know all about AP. It's kind of scary, to be honest, that I'll have to write an essay like that or that I have to answer 75 math problems in 45 minutes. But I'll probably get the hand of it by the time I'm in 10th grade (AP classes start there)
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#16 Bill Cipher

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Posted 25 January 2012 - 06:19 PM

Seeing as you are only in 6th grade, your essay is probably up to their standards. Pre-AP sounds nothing more than an accelerated class and is easily tossed around in this context. In real AP classes, you can expect papers to contain more than 7 paragraphs, or in the case of my 11th grade analytical physics class, over 7 pages.

Yeah. Had a friend with a 10 page, 12 paragraph essay. He's in true AP. Not meaning to bash on your Pre-AP, it's just that true AP isn't till high school.

Also, I agree with Pyro. kinda stupid that they locked you into that, but it's perfectly servicable for early middle school. Wish ya luck, mate! :D

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

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#17 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 06:26 PM

Not meaning to bash on your Pre-AP, it's just that true AP isn't till high school.

Also, I agree with Pyro. kinda stupid that they locked you into that, but it's perfectly servicable for early middle school. Wish ya luck, mate! :D

Yeah, it's not that hard for me. But I just want to let you guys know that I so I get more serious critic. I know it's not full AP, and more like a transition. Oh well. I heard Pre-AP is super-hard in eighth grade.

Again, thanks for everything! ^_^
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#18 Soul



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Posted 07 February 2012 - 07:37 PM

Yeah, it's not that hard for me. But I just want to let you guys know that I so I get more serious critic. I know it's not full AP, and more like a transition. Oh well. I heard Pre-AP is super-hard in eighth grade.

Again, thanks for everything! ^_^

This is pretty good for a kid a grade below me, but you're in Pre AP so you are smart.

Edited by Sportsgamer, 07 February 2012 - 07:39 PM.

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