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Game Idea of mine

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#1 Transparent_lfe


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Posted 02 February 2012 - 08:48 AM

A game i have been thinking about for a while goes like this. Since Nintendo has always had their go to characters and love to do crossings within some games ie SSB, Mario Kart and others, i was hoping for a game that would tie in Zelda and Metroid, not just play styles but the actual worlds.

Some how showing...((Spoiler)) Link and Zelda are the descendants of Samus, looks alone can work. To be able to do a game with a magnitude of such would mean the game would be huge, not just fanboy based but the game would have to be an epic journey.

Starting as Samus and traveling through space hitting Worm Holes/Black Holes/ Time Travel itself, or simply recovering artifacts which sparks either flash backs where you then become Link or even Samus herself in the Zelda world.

Rifts in space can combine the two and this game would have so many ways of combing them.

Just a thought of mine. Elaborate more if you choose or simply give input or ideas that can keep the story of this game to continue.

#2 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 02 February 2012 - 01:11 PM

It does sound interesting but some people may not think of it that way. It can create havoc in the storyline and would be hard to keep that Metroid FP controls that we all love.

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#3 aaron



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Posted 02 February 2012 - 02:04 PM

Some how showing...((Spoiler)) Link and Zelda are the descendants of Samus, looks alone can work.

Starting as Samus and traveling through space hitting Worm Holes/Black Holes/ Time Travel itself, or simply recovering artifacts which sparks either flash backs where you then become Link or even Samus herself in the Zelda world.

Shouldn't Samus be their descendant unless they lost technology, and if so, good work.

by chance

#4 Transparent_lfe


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Posted 02 February 2012 - 02:07 PM

well game play can still be kept in tact as far as controls are involved. As for the story line it can create a universe on it's own. For instance, just because this game is made doesnt necessarily have to affect the Zelda/Metroid Universe. If it is done and is applauded by everyone and is a big hit, more can be made from it or similar. If it's not a big hit then It can be described as an Alternate universe deal. either way it wont have to be set in stone to everything has to follow such story line but can be left open if done right

Shouldn't Samus be their descendant unless they lost technology, and if so, good work.

hahah you know what i was writing this out and seen that and for some reason didnt think i had it right. i actually had it right then corrected myself, which was then wrong. But yes that is what i meant Link and Zelda are Samus' ancestors

#5 aaron



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Posted 02 February 2012 - 02:08 PM

Okay, just making sure, so to clarify, they lost their technology?

by chance

#6 Transparent_lfe


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 06:06 AM

haha well what do you think would be better? i was just trying to say that Link and Zelda are somehow related to Samus. How to link the 3 characters is up in the air and up for discussion. But again this is just in the my world for the game i was thinking about.

#7 PipoPito


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 06:18 AM

I think they should take 2 franchise that have absolutely nothing to do with each others, and turn them into a crossover! Metroid works with everything.
Zelda-Metroid is good.
Pikmin-Metroid? Pokemon-Metroid? Kid Ic...nvm(its the closest to Metroid).
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#8 Transparent_lfe


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 09:21 AM

Yes they have 0 to do with each other but in the way i was thinking, Samus is a bada** and just a x-over world between the two can show lineage. It has something to do with Nintendo always sticking to their own and not really going outside. Metroid is all about space travel and the unknown of space. Time warps and worm holes or something of the such to bridge the gap between two lines of time can be "possible".

(((OT: Hahaha it just sounds funny to try and theorize something non-existent in a way to make something relevant or reality in a game world.)))

Hell you can even say Gannon opened a portal/rift in space that actually sends himself into the future and to create a balance something would need to come back through which can then show Samus in a fight and before she kills "Something/Someone" would then get thrown "Back in Time" or different dimension to put her in Links world. Plenty of stories i can branch off the top of my head can happen, since the game is and most likely will never happen so the possibilities are endless.

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