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New Controller Limitations?

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#21 Feld0



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Posted 09 June 2011 - 06:44 PM

The only thing i can say say is that we have to wait and see, hopefully nintendo will be able to implement this to the console. There still hope as i believe they can still change the hardware to make it possible (i hope so). But how will this affect the cost of the console, i don't know.

Nintendo's making a profit of $150 off every 3DS sold (and who knows how much off the Wii, which is based on 2001 technology), so I think they might be able to subsidize their next console's costs a little.

Considering how much we can expect the cost of hardware to fall over the next year, I don't think Nintendo would actually have that much trouble making the console powerful enough to support two, if not four tablets, as well as the TV, without driving the cost up exorbitantly high.

#22 Wertville


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Posted 09 June 2011 - 07:28 PM

Nintendo's making a profit of $150 off every 3DS sold (and who knows how much off the Wii, which is based on 2001 technology), so I think they might be able to subsidize their next console's costs a little.

Considering how much we can expect the cost of hardware to fall over the next year, I don't think Nintendo would actually have that much trouble making the console powerful enough to support two, if not four tablets, as well as the TV, without driving the cost up exorbitantly high.

This, as well as I'd like to add that Nintendo can much more easily go into console debt than the gaming divisions of Sony and Microsoft simply because they have 3-4 times as many first party games which sell amazingly. They could lose $200 per console for two years and still not lose their Wii funds :P
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#23 Jikayaki


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Posted 09 June 2011 - 10:16 PM

Nintendo's making a profit of $150 off every 3DS sold (and who knows how much off the Wii, which is based on 2001 technology), so I think they might be able to subsidize their next console's costs a little.

Considering how much we can expect the cost of hardware to fall over the next year, I don't think Nintendo would actually have that much trouble making the console powerful enough to support two, if not four tablets, as well as the TV, without driving the cost up exorbitantly high.

This isn't actually true. Nintendo isn't actually making exactly 150 dollars off each 3DS sold. The pure manufacturing costs of the handheld is about 100 or 101 dollars, but other costs come into play. There's the retailers cut, shipping costs, ext that start cutting into that figure. Certainly they are making profit off each 3DS sold and quite a hefty sum at that, but not as much as many believe.

I'm of the opinion the primary reason behind Nintendo only looking into using two utablet controllers so far comes down to a bandwidth issue and not necessarily a CPU or GPU related issue. The technologies that would allow for video streaming to multiple wireless monitors is quite expensive. Not so expensive I don't think Nintendo could allow for four utablet controllers by upgrading its Bluetooth or other wireless technology before launch, but expensive enough that they may consider whether two utablet controllers are enough merely to marginalize costs. Then you have to realize that Nintendo only recently got early developer kits out to the majority of developers within the last month. If the 3DS is anything to go by major changes will occur to the Wii U in response to 3D party developer reactions regarding these early dev kits all of which represents added cost to Nintendo. With 3D party development heavily focused primarily on online multiplayer and the rare co-op whether the number of supported utablets increases depends on if Nintendo is interested in the concept to be honest.

Edited by Jikayaki, 09 June 2011 - 10:18 PM.

#24 Mukkinese



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Posted 10 June 2011 - 02:28 AM

I think where we disagree is whether it's good business, good for Nintendo, good for the gamers, and good for their brand. You seem to think it's acceptable to connect to only one controller. I feel it is utterly not.

Fair enough. To be honest all I wanted out of this machine was WiiHD, the rest is icing.

I think Miyamoto already mentioned the possibility of using 3DS as extra controllers, but I'm interested in why the "U-mote" has an HDMI socket, is it for output or input (a way of connecting multiple controllers without all the compression needed for wireless streaming) or both? Was it just put on the prototype for tech reasons and will be taken off the production model?

I think Nintendo are keeping something back and gauging reaction, I just don't know what it is. No rumble feature in the prototype; maybe they will include some kind of haptic feedback too? Nintendo are very clever at generating buzz, mostly by giving a little information and then zipping up.

Edited by Mukkinese, 10 June 2011 - 02:47 AM.

#25 Hamez



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Posted 16 June 2011 - 10:51 AM

I don't see the point of some of the features if there is only one controller, like when the EA guy was explaining the when you play Madden, you can keep the playcalling off the big screen and keep that to yourself away from your opponents that are also using the same screen. It just wouldn't make sense.

Edited by Hamez, 16 June 2011 - 10:53 AM.

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