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#1 BazzDropperz


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Posted 11 February 2012 - 10:54 PM


Edited by BassDropper, 05 September 2013 - 01:16 AM.

#2 Joshua


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Posted 11 February 2012 - 10:59 PM

I've noticed that also. The stuff Microsoft and SONY already have, Nintendo can still get themselves and improve upon it. You quite right about it being a big advantage.

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#3 Nin_Stream


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Posted 12 February 2012 - 02:53 AM

Nintendo's bag of tricks has no limit. It is bottemless. After the Wii U Nintendo will make a helmet that you wear and it puts you in the game. Think Kaiba from Yugioh (If you watched Yugioh) He made a virtual world game that you put yourself in. THATS Nintendos future.
[E3 2012] Nintendo gets it's throne back.

#4 BazzDropperz


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Posted 12 February 2012 - 03:07 AM

Believe me, I considered VR headsets when I wrote this post - I concluded that it'd be far from practical with how much it'd cost, safety (walking into walls, etc.), the cost of multiple headsets for multiplayer and the image of the company (people arguing that it'll make their kids antisocial). By the way it wouldn't really be original because Sony's already tried it (ages ago) and it's common in Science Fiction books/movies and TV series.

#5 InsaneLaw



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 03:58 AM

What if it was VR but movement was controlled with your mind?

Or has anyone watched the movie Gamer? If you have a whole room that's your T.V and everything controls like a fully functioning Kinect would, ofcourse that would be expensive at first, but that's where quite a few people seem to think we're going.

I also think that we'll see the end of the "Console Wars" within our lifetime, and everyone will just have all in ones, and as long as it's not monopolised by Apple, I'll be happy with that.

#6 BazzDropperz


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Posted 12 February 2012 - 04:48 AM

What if it was VR but movement was controlled with your mind?

Or has anyone watched the movie Gamer? If you have a whole room that's your T.V and everything controls like a fully functioning Kinect would, ofcourse that would be expensive at first, but that's where quite a few people seem to think we're going.

I also think that we'll see the end of the "Console Wars" within our lifetime, and everyone will just have all in ones, and as long as it's not monopolised by Apple, I'll be happy with that.

I don't think controlling a game with your mind would be much fun once you got over your initial amazement, games would be too easy (or hard, if it was done badly).
As for Gamer, that movie is... Disturbing. I do see your point though, but still, I'm talking about the generation after next.
As for the end of console wars, they might never end, but I'm sure we'll see a lot of things in our lifetimes, mainly because I think we're going to live a lot longer than most people think (nanotech ftw! :3). I'm getting off topic though, not a good thing to do in your own thead, thanks for your interesting post :D

#7 InsaneLaw



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 05:09 AM

Yeah, sorry about going a bit off there, when people talk about VR, 2 things come to mind, VR Troopers, and Futurama, since they connect to the internet and play online using VR, they never explained how anyone moved about without hitting the others.

But yeah, the generation after Next, or maybe even next generation, I think Sony and Microsoft will start offering all in ones, although that might collude with MS and the PC market. Or we'll just have PCs.

#8 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 01:39 PM

this really does make since .eventually either a new hardware manufacturer will come along and make consoles along with the big 3 though making the competition even tougher . that would be cool


#9 Soul



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 02:33 PM

Holigrams like the iphone 5 concept holigramic gaming thats what I think is next.

#10 neverwinteru



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 02:35 PM

Two generations from now i see various things happening.

Microsoft drops out of the console market.

Sony manages to hang on but becomes less important though they have many important franchise's to though not as important as nin.

Apple joins the console market though not entirely on purpose .

Everybody is happy because Nintendo and apple will dominate

#11 BazzDropperz


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Posted 12 February 2012 - 08:36 PM

Two generations from now i see various things happening.

Microsoft drops out of the console market.

Sony manages to hang on but becomes less important though they have many important franchise's to though not as important as nin.

Apple joins the console market though not entirely on purpose .

Everybody is happy because Nintendo and apple will dominate

I'm fairly sure Microsoft won't just "drop out" in two gens considering how well they're going, their ginormous fan base and the many other things they sell. If Sony keeps going downhill they might have to quit though, as much as I hate to say it.

#12 neverwinteru



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 09:02 PM

I'm fairly sure Microsoft won't just "drop out" in two gens considering how well they're going, their ginormous fan base and the many other things they sell. If Sony keeps going downhill they might have to quit though, as much as I hate to say it.

Im not sure how informed you are on microsoft but the amount of money they have spent to create the xbox division they still havent earned that back not even close. So i wouldnt consider them to be doing that well they also have really crappy first party support and as console's become closer in power exclusives will probably sell console's more than graphics, well that among other things. I dont see Sony going anywhere as long as kaz is president.

#13 BazzDropperz


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Posted 13 February 2012 - 01:22 PM

Im not sure how informed you are on microsoft but the amount of money they have spent to create the xbox division they still havent earned that back not even close. So i wouldnt consider them to be doing that well they also have really crappy first party support and as console's become closer in power exclusives will probably sell console's more than graphics, well that among other things. I dont see Sony going anywhere as long as kaz is president.

Still, I don't think they'll drop out when they've got so many other businesses to support them.

#14 neverwinteru



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Posted 13 February 2012 - 02:20 PM

Still, I don't think they'll drop out when they've got so many other businesses to support them.

True i just dont know if they care much about the game industry i see them trying to merge all of their device's into one somehow.

#15 Crackkat



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Posted 13 February 2012 - 02:35 PM

well i dont think you should be so quick to say the room for innovation will run out cos "what else are they going to do." believe me i had this thought soo many times before "what could they possibly do next" then bam they hit me with the wii, then bam they hit me with the wii u!! the key to innovation, is that you would never think of it until its been done by the one company that can think of it for themselves, thats why not everyone can innovate :)

so really, they're probably not going to run out of room to innovate, rather we couldnt possibly imagine what how they will innovate yet.
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#16 BazzDropperz


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Posted 13 February 2012 - 10:11 PM

well i dont think you should be so quick to say the room for innovation will run out cos "what else are they going to do." believe me i had this thought soo many times before "what could they possibly do next" then bam they hit me with the wii, then bam they hit me with the wii u!! the key to innovation, is that you would never think of it until its been done by the one company that can think of it for themselves, thats why not everyone can innovate :)

so really, they're probably not going to run out of room to innovate, rather we couldnt possibly imagine what how they will innovate yet.

While the Wii U's controller is new for consoles, it contains nothing we haven't seen before: we've already seen touchscreens and streaming done with Apple's AirPlay. The same goes for Kinect, the Playstation eye did the same thing but not as advanced. The Playstation Move was original, but Sony had been doing tests with it since the PS2 days, it's only when LEDs became cheaper that they were able to implement it. So you see everyone really is running out of ideas.

#17 Crackkat



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Posted 14 February 2012 - 10:31 AM

While the Wii U's controller is new for consoles, it contains nothing we haven't seen before: we've already seen touchscreens and streaming done with Apple's AirPlay. The same goes for Kinect, the Playstation eye did the same thing but not as advanced. The Playstation Move was original, but Sony had been doing tests with it since the PS2 days, it's only when LEDs became cheaper that they were able to implement it. So you see everyone really is running out of ideas.

by that logic, there is no such thing as innovation except developing new technology, and gaming companies will never do that cos its not their job to do that at all, its their job to implement technology into gaming. so by ur logic, the wii wasnt innovative, the wii u isnt and the kinect isnt and nothing in gaming ever has been, and if that were the case, then they would be running out of ideas, but that isnt the case so there is plenty of innovation to come, except that innovation is out of ur wildest dreams, thats the whole point of innovation, you cant predict it, you cant say, "there is room for innovation, or no there isnt, everything has been thought of," if you could say that, then there would be no such thing as innovation in the first place.
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