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Wii U to support directx 11? let's talk

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#41 Narcidius



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Posted 19 April 2012 - 06:41 AM

Is ID Tech5 that good? I've looked up some screenshots of Rage and while it looks quite amazing for a current gen game (dat clouds! http://media.teamxbo.../1250708202.jpg and some nice rocks/shadows http://www.pcgamesha...90325093927.jpg ) I don't think it could compare with what UE 4 is likely to be. UE 3.5 impressed me more than IDT5.

I have to kind of agree that Rage doesn't look that good on a purely aesthetic level, but I might have to just blame the art resources for that. stewox (and may others on these forums) are most likely admiring the engine on the level of programming and software development, I suppose... and of course the effects made possible using the engine itself are rather astounding.

thanks for sharing the Carmack video, stewox... hadn't seen that, or had forgotten about it. I wonder, though, how may 3rd party developers are really going to bother developing "assembly-level" code specific to the WiiU hardware in order to fully utilize its power (or even write custom shaders to take advantage of the GPU's specific architecture)... it seems like even big studios have tended to balk at the process and give a "the-platform-doesn't-have-those-features" shrug. and i get it... they're running a business and have to think about costs involved. But in all honesty, do you believe that we will see a lot of developers focus on the WiiU in this way?

#42 Gameboysoadvance



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Posted 19 April 2012 - 07:02 AM

Yes, i hate when it's wrong - it boggles the mind :P

And that is common knowledge - there was just nobody to point that out -

Optimizing is done via "assembly injects" or bypassing or writting a

The point of bypassing the API is that you can write your own assembly code and overwrite the fixed instructions - it's a way of making your own code where something in the API was not provided.
A simple example is to imagine the API like a dictionary - it won't have all the words in the existance - the developer can put in new words in and "meaning/explanations"

But you can't do that on the PC - drivery are proprietary, DirectX is proprietary ... developers cannot edit them, nor bypass them. They are bound to whatever the API has and what the drivers support.

So if you have tesselation on the PC GPU and API, driver doesn't support it - you can't have it - but on consoles you can pretty much write your own driver essentially - and that's why developers are able to suck out everything the HARDWARE has because they have the access to the lowest level to the hardware. Consoles are closed systems that's why this is allowed - PCs are open, and everyone tends to secure their property and copyright.

You can check one of the Carmacks interviews - He talks about APIs/drivers in first half of the video

Jump to 2:37 to hear about GPU Race question - and drivers. But he talks about the overhead issues throughout the whole interview.

You can see what low-level access can do - when used properly the hardware can be much faster than you would ever imagine. (NGP = Vita)
He talks about the Vita hardware in the below E3 2011 interview - when talking about nintendo - he says how easy it is to port big PS3 titles to Vita with only simple GFX cuts.

Here is an E3 2011 interview where John Carmack talks about WiiU for the first time - good news. If IDTech5 can run why UE4 wouldn't.
Will auto-jump to the timeline where the nintendo talk begins.

Here is a older interview where Carmack says how easy is to make up-scale ports (like Darksiders 2) but actually wanting the most of the system by building on it from ground up is a massive engeneering process.
So ... it's quite obvious that most 3rd party WiiU games will be upscaled ports and mid-generational bolt ons. WiiU will be capable of much more.

The moto of this is - hardware is worthless without software. And hardware is much more powerful than software, it struggles to keep up with the technology, because software

Linux - on the other hand, has very high-quality code. There's a story about Wine, the Windows emulator on Linux, a developer said that they were forced to write buggy code just so the windows games would work.

So there you have it why PC games are so buggy - Windows is buggy to begin with, then the drivers, the closed off APIs ...

No and Yes ... i will quote the parts where you're correct and where not. Sorry if my long post was confusing - but i did not mention the news and the deal about free middleware - i thought everyone following supposed to know that. I am personally not been following closely for a year this stuff - but i have spent enormous amounts of time researching everything that happend via all those neogaf threads starting with march of this year - reading stuff from beginning - i just had timeout in holidays so i pretty much don't do anything else on the internet except wiiu - don't even play anything. So i pretty much all the stuff covered.

If youd ask me 2 months ago i wouldn't have an idea. It's like a few weeks only that i covered enouhg information that i finally know everything what happend in past and now can follow present events.

Nollog summarized it correctly very quickly for you.

Console Manufacturers like Nintendo do not SELL OR LICENSE any of their engines or tools (API and SDK is NOT middleware). Unreal Engine 3 is NOT nintendo's propery. It is EPIC Games property.

People seem to think that UE3 is the only engine in the world. It's like all the cars and vehicles in the worlds would run on the same exact motor from Honda or something.

RED = That is very wrong - Nintendo does not produce these middlewares (physics engines, codebase, static analysis tools) - They provide the SDK with the customized openGL low-level API.

BLUE = the term "will" denotes 100% future certanity, the term "can" should be used here, because you can see it depends on how much effort you put into it and your programming skills.

GREEN = Correct - it also true if the developer even knows how to program good so he can bypass the API and write customized code - this is optimization - and it's hard! API is used for the purpose of making it easier/faster, but with that, there are limitations what API can do - consoels have the advantage of not having to rely on an API - while PCs do not have that luxury currently, the biggest reason why PC games are so buggy, slow, inefficient.

RED UNDERLINED: - This is so wrong ... Unreal Engine 3 is a 3rd-party engine in this case - it has nothing to do with nintendo nor anyone else than EPIC GAMES. Unreal Engine 3 is licensed by EPIC to other developers who pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for being able to use and modify it for their own games. It doesn't matter to the hardware how many games use UE3 engines - it's not bound to one particular engine (that would be stupid). Also the whole statement context is wrong, the engine is not API. There are several completely different things here.

FREE MIDDLEWARE: This is a business deal with the several middleware companies and nintendo. A developer that doesn't have skills to create his own tools, or he doesn't have the money, resources, time ... he can invest and buy a middleware program that will help him create his game. He normally goes to a company and buys the software he needs for whatever particular platforum as long as the middleware supports that platforms he plans to release a game.
Nintendo went directly to those companies that 3rd party developers would, and obviously paid them so they would get licenses, and then nintendo would give these licenses to 3rd party developers for free. This is a way of how they want to attract new developers to the new system - nintendo is investing in 3rd party support as we speak - this is one of the ways - but nintendo has to pay money to middleware companies - the terms of these contracts are confidential and not released for public.
Now this deal is only for nintendo consoles - if you want to make a game for WiiU - you get free middleware - but you won't get these if you don't develop your games on nintendo console - so if you want to release the game for PS360 then you would have to buy the middleware your self with your own money(example, other console manufacturers might have other deals)

For example Microsoft provides /analyze (static analysis tools) to Xbox 360 developers FOR FREE! But if you want the same tools on the PC - you'd have to pay 10.000$ bucks for it. (this is a way of making X360 software less buggy cause the general public blames microsoft for crappy X360 games, but nobody blames microsoft for any crappy PC games)

HAVOK PRESS RELEASE: http://www.havok.com...wiiU-developers
AUTODESK PRESS RELEASE: http://investors.aut...9438&highlight=

It doesn't matter how good of developer you are when it comes to the PC - if drivers are crap the game is crap, there is NOTHING the developer can do to fix it, only the hardware manufacturer who owns it's rights to proprietary drivers can fix it. A very very good example of that is the release of the game RAGE by Id Software which was a total "clusterWii" said JC.

Rage game was a very high-quality peice of software - very stable and bug-less. The crap OpenGL drivers released by AMD were the sole cause of the game's erratic behavior and countless performance issues as well as crashes.
IdTech5 engines from id software does not use DirectX - it uses OpenGL - AMD/ATI opengl have always been bad.

John Carmack the main programmer engineer at Id Software who is the Einstein of programming, was not able to do a thing, he just provided AMD the information about the issues, and he could only make hacks in the game to WORKAROUND the driver issues - but he can't fix the drivers directly - he can only sit and wait for AMD Catalyst Driver team to fix the issues. So if this was on consoles - Carmack could go in and fix it him self - And Carmack is pushing the PC industry to allow developers to make low-level stuff. Heck that's why you don't have these issues on the consoles, console games don't run that good just because "their hardware is the same" - if consoles would have the same driver issues as PC they would have the same problems.

thanks for clearing that up in detail. You should start a post and detail all the facts,presumptions, and rumors of the Wii U. Break the info down in Tech form and a form that even the youngest forum readers could understand. You don't need neogaf. Folks on this forum will respond to your post. You do get technical but your very detailed.

#43 Stewox



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Posted 19 April 2012 - 09:37 AM

"Here is an E3 2011 interview where John Carmack talks about WiiU for the first time - good news. If IDTech5 can run why UE4 wouldn't."

Is ID Tech5 that good? I've looked up some screenshots of Rage and while it looks quite amazing for a current gen game (dat clouds! http://media.teamxbo.../1250708202.jpg and some nice rocks/shadows http://www.pcgamesha...90325093927.jpg ) I don't think it could compare with what UE 4 is likely to be. UE 3.5 impressed me more than IDT5.

Those are graphics - we're talking about the engine.
You can be assured since i know everything about Rage there is to know i've been following and carmacks interviews since 2-3 years ago.

I was talking with Id Software community manager a few days ago and he said they're definitely looking on something for WiiU but they aren't sure what yet and it's not off the plate - carmack is probably interested in the tablet to do something there but I sent some good feedback how would they implement the WiiMote for FPS if they want older games carried over - it's pretty easy to port to WiiU since IDTech5 is openGL and nintendo is just a custom OpenGL API so how hard it can be :)

IDTech5 is actually ... i would be damned ... the only AAA 3D engine in OpenGL in the world to be on that level - i do not belive there is anything better than IDTech5 with OpenGL currently and IDTech5 is beyond other engines too, we're talking about how the engine works, you shouldn't judge an engine by the game's texture resolutions, consumers have a hard time seeing what's under the hood by just looking at the game because obviously it's hidden what the engine actually does.

The graphics were kept at console level. Specifically - it's the texture resolution that's so low - because of insufficient memory on consoles, 512 MB of Ram is not enough these days.

Why the Rage game seems to be low on graphics is because they wanted the performance, which is 60 frames-per-second. Compared to most other games which are 30. The other reason is the technology it self - IDTech5 plays on a different set of trade-offs, the high-speed operation requires a more memory and faster memory speeds, faster transcoding speeds, faster loading ... and that makes the game with little overhead - they have been doing so much to make the game responsive as possible, when you hit the button the gunshot

PC players have praised the gunplay quality of Rage which is far better than other games in this time. Someone should compare to CS.
I played a lot and i can immediately tell the difference with other games - Battlefield 3 (PC) has one of the worst gunplays, Rage totally smashes in that aspect.

The third reason why the game is huge is because all of the ART is not REPEATING pattern - you don't have the same texture repeating in different levels - everything is unique and hand painted with some really good art - this game is actual innovation and progress compared to the todays industry.

John carmack has a different philosohpy - he doesn't like bolt-ons - thus IDTech5 engine doesn't have tesselation, because carmack has some reasons eh talks in just in one of these interviews I posted.

Bolt-ons are the stuff that EPIC and Crytek do. Patching DX11, and other GPU features on top of the existing engine that's been made 5 years ago.

UE3 has been bolted on for years. Then the Crysis 2 DX11 patch , and Crysis 11 high-resolution texture pack, all bolt-ons. They weren't designed on the technology from the ground up. That's why it's poorly optimized, takes a lot of power to run so prepare high-end PC with SLI/crossfire.

Here is how badly optimized and inefficient hardware-tesselation was in Crysis 2. (maybe they patched to fix - i don't know - i didn't play that COD clone more than 15min)
(actual article is huge 6 pages; http://techreport.com/articles.x/21404 check out the concrete block used for traffic that one is interesting example)

I have to kind of agree that Rage doesn't look that good on a purely aesthetic level, but I might have to just blame the art resources for that. stewox (and may others on these forums) are most likely admiring the engine on the level of programming and software development, I suppose... and of course the effects made possible using the engine itself are rather astounding.

thanks for sharing the Carmack video, stewox... hadn't seen that, or had forgotten about it. I wonder, though, how may 3rd party developers are really going to bother developing "assembly-level" code specific to the WiiU hardware in order to fully utilize its power (or even write custom shaders to take advantage of the GPU's specific architecture)... it seems like even big studios have tended to balk at the process and give a "the-platform-doesn't-have-those-features" shrug. and i get it... they're running a business and have to think about costs involved. But in all honesty, do you believe that we will see a lot of developers focus on the WiiU in this way?

Yes I am glad that you had understood there. I am not an english guy so I might tend to skip some obvious thoughts that i would explain

It's really hard to explain this stuff just posting quickly on forum - because i forget to say the obvious things that are obvious only to me and to those who know the subject but not for everyone.

Exactly what i mean - The talk about the engines is software technology, efficiency, polish, design, performance(pure CPU wise, do tasks without hickups), codebase quality(how clean the code is), optimizations(assembly), overhead workarounds, response time with I/O, etc etc.

This is not benchmarkign a game, the game is a demo-with all the art and stuff, you can't properly see the engine under it if you don't have experience but for any person it's impossible to know by just looking at the in-game action, you can notice features like "oh theres glow, and there's glass reflections" but that's about it, can't get no specifics on what engine is really doing and what it is capable of - god i wish there would be some barebone engine benchmarking so i could have a clear example - but the people that do know these subjects should definitely know what im talking about. Maybe someone could explain it better like narcidius did.

Even if we talk about any other engine - when comparing engines you never talk about the on top fidelity, art and resolution of textures, because these things are all independent decisions of the engine most of the time since the engines we

If we were talking something about some crappy engine - maybe

Engines are able to do more than you can see - these games are consumer level, they are never maxed out. Developers have multi-GPU multi-threaded super render-farms and they can

John carmack joked about a test computer with 192 Gigabytes of RAM - on quakecon2011, how fast the levels were loading. They need this speed to quickly test the game after a modification, it's a efficiency decision, and so a business one, if every developer would have to wait 30 minutes or more before a small modification compiles and all that stuff to an EXE, they wouldn't be much longer in business because testing would take years - 90% of that time would be wasted in fin air.
They aren't using a household PC for game development.

thanks for clearing that up in detail. You should start a post and detail all the facts,presumptions, and rumors of the Wii U. Break the info down in Tech form and a form that even the youngest forum readers could understand. You don't need neogaf. Folks on this forum will respond to your post. You do get technical but your very detailed.

Yeah - that's how i normally post. I rather explain it in full detail so there's less people asking the same thing later (which happens a lot on neogaf)

I could actually do that on neogaf - which is a much more optimistic idea since there are thousands of gamers which would overlook one post in a massive thread to begin with.

I am actually still waiting to be accepted on neogaf so - or did you knew that seems like you're responding in that way ? not sure - but i said it before here i think yes.

To actually answer your questions why is it that you see such stuff

This may be normal twisted way of saying that nintendo is modifying the hardware for whatever the needs developers seek

Because EPIC Games is the one of the top-players, they are pushing and giving a lot of feedback

When this gets out - a lot of nontechnial sources might see it hear it, they twist it, one journalist gets it and totally switches the context and that's why you get rumors mostly which seems so different than what the reality is.

This should be good news - nintendo is definitely listening to developers wishes - i explained this one before - when it was reported about it that "nintedno optimized wiiu for UE4" - it means that nintendo just listened and accepted the proposal by epic games who maybe asked for more RAM, or for some kind of special feature here, or for some buffer increase there, or fixed something in the SDK, etc It might be even a case that they provided an idea for an API feature or whatever and nintendo made sure that's in, but in no way was this meant to be "specially for UE4" any engine can benefit from what nintnedo did, basically it was a hardware spec buff, a software (SDK) change would not be that significant to be even rumor-worthy, it's good news for all WiiU games(engines) not just UE4!

The point is im not actual developer so i can't get more detailed than this - i am SURE that i am not able to tell you the whole picture, - i don't know the smallest of the details, i do however have an idea that there is much more detailed stuff going which a proper developer would be able to much better explain. But you have to be "John Carmack" for that .. to know how the stuff works for the wide range of industry. Most developer employees aren't that experienced with the whole industry as in the knowledge of all things - becasuse these are mostly mainstream gamers who got into college, they applied at a studio and that's it, i don't belive all of them were super-duper hardcore PC geeks OC/tweaking/modding/hacking all their childhood so .... ;) , their job is a specific thing they focus on at the studio and their work doesn't leave them enough time to just research every other area in all detail, but the directors and technical engineers do that for living - the problem is - they are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to go post their knowledge on any forum just so they can explain it to a couple thousand people. However there are many blogs and many dedicated sites for that - though it's not easy to find it on the web. carmack wrote a blog you can get his link on twitter (search his twitter feed with alternative twitter search engine like snapbird) and there's also what Valve developer written http://blogs.valveso...hat-im-doing-2/ ... but they aren't discussing WiiU hardware speculation obviously hah.

Edited by Stewox, 19 April 2012 - 10:12 AM.

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#44 Keviin



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Posted 19 April 2012 - 10:49 AM

So in very short, ID Tech 5 could be much better than the console screenshots I saw and could end up looking really next-gen instead of almost next-gen?
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#45 Stewox



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Posted 19 April 2012 - 11:47 AM

So in very short, ID Tech 5 could be much better than the console screenshots I saw and could end up looking really next-gen instead of almost next-gen?

Yes - The engine has no such limitations

The texture resolution which determines who they look when viewied up close or at long distance is small. Carmack mentioned when the artists were making the beautiful game and he shown then "oh we need to get through all this compression" and there were really some sad faced artists who thouth the textures looked crap. Textures require RAM - they don't really require much engine technology ... everything has a different resource cost and PS360 512 RAM

What id software made wrong was that they didn't realize PCs are going to get so much stronger and Carmack said that they will not make the same mistake developing for consoles, they will develop for the PC and deploy on consoles. Doom4 will be

Because Rage was actually the first game for this technology - they went with this new IP to experience something new, and to experiment, Rage was also scrapped once - yeah they threw all the work any money away because when they realized what the game could be

Rage was originally meant to be a mini-game before Doom4.

There are 3 teams at ID Software:

Senior Team(old veterans): Doom4
Junior Team(new to IDTech): Rage
Web Team(old tech,maintenance): QuakeLive.com

John Carmack actually jumps on a weekly basis from project to project ... he's doing tons of stuff at the same time + armadillo (omg even i was surprised when pointing this out xD)

Doom4 Will run at 30 FPS and have 3 times as much graphics fidelity - also a new graphics engine will (rendering part of the engine) will get rewritten so Doom4 will be better in many ways, the engine will be better but still labeled as IDTech5 "generation"

Edited by Stewox, 19 April 2012 - 11:47 AM.

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#46 Keviin



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Posted 20 April 2012 - 09:40 AM

Yes - The engine has no such limitations

The texture resolution which determines who they look when viewied up close or at long distance is small. Carmack mentioned when the artists were making the beautiful game and he shown then "oh we need to get through all this compression" and there were really some sad faced artists who thouth the textures looked crap. Textures require RAM - they don't really require much engine technology ... everything has a different resource cost and PS360 512 RAM

What id software made wrong was that they didn't realize PCs are going to get so much stronger and Carmack said that they will not make the same mistake developing for consoles, they will develop for the PC and deploy on consoles. Doom4 will be

Because Rage was actually the first game for this technology - they went with this new IP to experience something new, and to experiment, Rage was also scrapped once - yeah they threw all the work any money away because when they realized what the game could be

Rage was originally meant to be a mini-game before Doom4.

There are 3 teams at ID Software:

Senior Team(old veterans): Doom4
Junior Team(new to IDTech): Rage
Web Team(old tech,maintenance): QuakeLive.com

John Carmack actually jumps on a weekly basis from project to project ... he's doing tons of stuff at the same time + armadillo (omg even i was surprised when pointing this out xD)

Doom4 Will run at 30 FPS and have 3 times as much graphics fidelity - also a new graphics engine will (rendering part of the engine) will get rewritten so Doom4 will be better in many ways, the engine will be better but still labeled as IDTech5 "generation"

Thanks for the education lol, so IDT5 could expand a lot even after it's originally launched

Edited by Keviin, 20 April 2012 - 09:41 AM.

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