- At nintendo results meeting - scheduled games list doesn't look much new except 3 pokemon titles for DS in usa this yr
- Going through results, price cut impact, forex etc
- Done, now iwata will get up to speak, he still uses a mac laptop for the presentation
- 3DS post xmas in japan success has accelerated while not overseas
- Only has 6 in top 20 titles in usa versus over 15 in top 20 in japan, usa should be 3x jp performance
- Views super smach bros 2 as key to usa and will have long term demand
- 3ds has only 2, 3, 2 titles in top 20 in germany, france, spain respectively, 2 in UK
- WiiU - will launch this year in jp,us,eu and australia, more details at E3, that presso repeated in jp one week later
- E3 will NOT include price details for WiiU
- ds standard title globally include mario kart etc, but also monster hunter, fire emblem, kid icarus, plus pokemon titles on ds will help
- core titles globaly inlude mario kart etc but also monster hunter and fire emblem
- Launching 3ds in korea tomorrow,planning other countries as well, now talking about the potential of digital
- New super mario bros 2 will be offered for packaged or full download to SD card
- Digital buys will also include retail as place for payment and download, but said "it does look complicated" in demo
- Said game life is getting shorter, hence retailers carry few, digital will help retail as inventory risk reduced!
- Don't see big price difference between retail and digital as digital will be sold be retailers, will be available at WiiU launch
- Price digital will be set by retailers and not nintendo.settlement by retail not nintendo
- Overall focused on improving quality, and having long term relationship with customers, hopeful digital will long term +ve
- Want to find WiiSports equivalent for WiiU, cannot explain for competitive reasons, will not remodel existing
- Digital - on concerns download will take too long, said that's why can buy media direct or do so late at night
- WiiU - will need to consider social game play, cannot say more
- Won't comment on wholesale price to retail for digital versus packaged
- So will offer full game dowload to 3ds in Aug
- On hardware - customers don't want the console, they buy it for the software
- Have learnt lesson of 3ds launch, as a result WiiU will have very rich line-up from the beginning, a few rich titles
- Claimed overseas 3DS support was rising, will catch up to japan by E3 so not worried about jp v. international performance
- Forecast profit this year is not nintendo type and not a satisfactory level
- Demand for 3ds in eu/us has been been rather very weak, think 3rd year crucial and then if surge will achieve nintendo like profits
- Won't go all digital as it doesn't suit all users, want win-win relationship with retailers.
- Digital wholesale price will not be the same as packaged as inventory risk is different
- Iwata doesn't think retail margins will be coming down as a result of digital.
- You will strongly feel the changes in the thoughts of third-party software developers, overseas developers in particular, for the better.
![Posted Image](http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/120427/img/44l.jpg)
And it's done, thanks for reading and posting:).
Edited by Meelow100, 27 April 2012 - 03:08 PM.