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Sega:Wii U is more powerful than current consoles.

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#1 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 28 April 2012 - 12:07 AM

As if this needs more confirmation.


#2 Desert Punk

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Posted 28 April 2012 - 01:13 AM

Wasn't it also reported this game will have a deferred lighting engine on ps3, 360 and PC but not wii U. Also the wii U has more memory for a start this is a serious advantage it has. Still seems very likely to me the wii u gpu will not be cutting edge, although it may be caused by having to create visuals for both the controller and the main screen.


Is there any chance we can have some normal debate about specifications rather than some idiot posting rubbish about trolls. There has been enough leaks, reports about the wii U being similar performance to 360/PS3 to be a valid position to take.

It won't be that long before we get an idea of the final specification of wii U by seeing what its capable of to see whose guesses were right or wrong.

#3 Keviin



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 03:22 AM

What is deferred? Is that better?
No sig.

#4 Dragon



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 03:30 AM

Wasn't it also reported this game will have a deferred lighting engine on ps3, 360 and PC but not wii U. Also the wii U has more memory for a start this is a serious advantage it has. Still seems very likely to me the wii u gpu will not be cutting edge, although it may be caused by having to create visuals for both the controller and the main screen.


Is there any chance we can have some normal debate about specifications rather than some idiot posting rubbish about trolls. There has been enough leaks, reports about the wii U being similar performance to 360/PS3 to be a valid position to take.

It won't be that long before we get an idea of the final specification of wii U by seeing what its capable of to see whose guesses were right or wrong.

Don't you freaking call me an idiot. I was talking about the trolls who think Nintendo will always be completely behind because they think Nintendo is strictly for kiddies and old people.

Edited by DR4G0NB0RN, 28 April 2012 - 03:44 AM.

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#5 Plutonas



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 07:12 AM

desert punk, you give us a link by IGN that says wii U will not use a new lighting technology, doesnt say it cant do it, and probably because it has more advanced mechanism for lighting.. I searched over the internet, and the same guy who appears in your link, that says that... He actually says the opposite.

That wii U version is away to superior than the other versions of the game.

Now lets speak about facts. The 4xxx series wii U got, is away to tech advanced chipset than the current generation. It has tesselator, that others DONT have. It has much much newer shader and opengl hardware, that supports new and improved FX in the games.

But there is also a leak by a very reliable forum, says that wii U changed GPU to a much newer amd series, cause of heat and power consumption. That means wii U will have 5xxx or 6xxx more likely (6 series). With less heat, power and performs better.

The forum that leaked that (as a leak.. not a roumor) is BEYOND3D and in my records, it is a very reliable forum. That means we have to forget totally xbox360 and ps3 competition.. it simply blows them away... At the same time CRYTEK said the new engine runs flowless in wii U, also wii U is capable for unreal engine 4 in the feature.

Have you see the crytek new engine?? just a question ...

take an idea from this video.. and see the lighting.. And moving shadows...

look at the facts. If wii U that is official, that runs this engine flawless, imagine what is capable of.

ps: Tesselator hardware invented from 2900xt amd cards... As for crysis 3 and the "NOT FAT CHANCE", never forget that EA aggressively after E3 tried to approach nintendo and add ORIGIN in the console, that was an EA announcement. Nintendo declined that... Also Microsoft is playing dirty, there is a rumor that Microsoft may be hiding behind the scenes, "why crysis 3 will not come on Wii U"

Either ways.. Only crysis 1 was good.. 2 was an import and crappy. And I am very happy for Nintendo who declined this origin rumor... Even as a rumor.. As long as Nintendo plays LEGIT and respects gamers, we will support them. XBOX has NOT A FAT CHANCE to be supported, for many reasons.

Edited by Orion, 28 April 2012 - 07:29 AM.

#6 Meelow100


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Posted 28 April 2012 - 07:40 AM

desert punk, you give us a link by IGN that says wii U will not use a new lighting technology, doesnt say it cant do it, and probably because it has more advanced mechanism for lighting.. I searched over the internet, and the same guy who appears in your link, that says that... He actually says the opposite.

That wii U version is away to superior than the other versions of the game.

Now lets speak about facts. The 4xxx series wii U got, is away to tech advanced chipset than the current generation. It has tesselator, that others DONT have. It has much much newer shader and opengl hardware, that supports new and improved FX in the games.

But there is also a leak by a very reliable forum, says that wii U changed GPU to a much newer amd series, cause of heat and power consumption. That means wii U will have 5xxx or 6xxx more likely (6 series). With less heat, power and performs better.

The forum that leaked that (as a leak.. not a roumor) is BEYOND3D and in my records, it is a very reliable forum. That means we have to forget totally xbox360 and ps3 competition.. it simply blows them away... At the same time CRYTEK said the new engine runs flowless in wii U, also wii U is capable for unreal engine 4 in the feature.

Have you see the crytek new engine?? just a question ...

take an idea from this video.. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_Ex-_rmGmA"]http://www.youtube.c...h?v=L_Ex-_rmGmA[/url] and see the lighting.. And moving shadows...

look at the facts. If wii U that is official, that runs this engine flawless, imagine what is capable of.

ps: Tesselator hardware invented from 2900xt amd cards... As for crysis 3 and the "NOT FAT CHANCE", never forget that EA aggressively after E3 tried to approach nintendo and add ORIGIN in the console, that was an EA announcement. Nintendo declined that... Also Microsoft is playing dirty, there is a rumor that Microsoft may be hiding behind the scenes, "why crysis 3 will not come on Wii U"

Either ways.. Only crysis 1 was good.. 2 was an import and crappy. And I am very happy for Nintendo who declined this origin rumor... Even as a rumor.. As long as Nintendo plays LEGIT and respects gamers, we will support them. XBOX has NOT A FAT CHANCE to be supported, for many reasons.

Are you saying Microsoft payed Crytek to not put Crysis 3 on Wii U?, and I don't want EA to be mad at Nintendo so I hope they made a deal with them somehow so they would keep supporting Wii U the way they where saying they where, I hope Nintendo got Steam on Wii U.

#7 Desert Punk

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Posted 28 April 2012 - 08:18 AM

There are as many rumours indicating the hardware won't be that competitive including Nintendo themselves who are indicating to focus on the games not the hardware. As we draw closer to launch time we hear reports that Activision won't support the console, despite early rumours of a Call of duty game on wii u. Crytek are now saying no to wii u when back in june last year it seemed they were enthusiastic and working on development hardware. It seems a strong possibility that the wii u will not be competitive with ps3/360 in some ways and the console performance/specification is fairly low as a real possibility. Doesn't it all seem lik deja vu compared to the original wii?

#8 Meelow100


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Posted 28 April 2012 - 08:22 AM

There are as many rumours indicating the hardware won't be that competitive including Nintendo themselves who are indicating to focus on the games not the hardware. As we draw closer to launch time we hear reports that Activision won't support the console, despite early rumours of a Call of duty game on wii u. Crytek are now saying no to wii u when back in june last year it seemed they were enthusiastic and working on development hardware. It seems a strong possibility that the wii u will not be competitive with ps3/360 in some ways and the console performance/specification is fairly low as a real possibility. Doesn't it all seem lik deja vu compared to the original wii?

Facepalm, Activision is supporting Wii U, the console is more powerful then 360/PS3, so stop listioning to rumors.

#9 Blake



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 08:30 AM

Bout time someone says something!

#10 Dragon



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 08:33 AM

There are as many rumours indicating the hardware won't be that competitive including Nintendo themselves who are indicating to focus on the games not the hardware. As we draw closer to launch time we hear reports that Activision won't support the console, despite early rumours of a Call of duty game on wii u. Crytek are now saying no to wii u when back in june last year it seemed they were enthusiastic and working on development hardware. It seems a strong possibility that the wii u will not be competitive with ps3/360 in some ways and the console performance/specification is fairly low as a real possibility. Doesn't it all seem lik deja vu compared to the original wii?

That's just it. Rumors. You should really listen to what confirmed developers have to say instead of rumors.

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#11 Nollog


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Posted 28 April 2012 - 08:39 AM

What is deferred? Is that better?

deferred means they're put off until later.
So Wii U allows concurrent lighting+everything else.
So PS360 allows everything else, then goes back for lighting.

...according to the poster above who has a source talking about a Wii U game, trying to make their game sound better.

Edited by Nollog, 28 April 2012 - 08:42 AM.

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#12 Desert Punk

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Posted 28 April 2012 - 09:06 AM

Facepalm, Activision is supporting Wii U, the console is more powerful then 360/PS3, so stop listioning to rumors.

Well Activision have yet to deny the comment. I wondered if it was a threat by Activision to Nintendo not to set the specification of the wii U too low but don't know how late Nintendo can finalise the hardware for a November launch. My guess is its happened only recently. Perhaps Activision were angry at the final specification of the wii u which was well below the maximum performance of the development hardware.

Again there is nothing confirmed to say the wii u will be more powerful or less powerful and there are indications that go both ways.

Try to remember what happened with the original wii, enthusiastic people were claiming it was more powerful, as powerful, slightly less powerful than 360 and only at the very last point did they accept it was basically an enhanced gamecube. Many excuses were written about the games performing poorly due to being new hardware. Screengrabs from development machines were used to demonstrate that the the original wii was capable of high definition. People were working so hard to believe it was more powerful than it was.

deferred lighting is probably like deferred rendering. An intelligent way of not wasting time on lighting that is going to be covered up and unseen by the user. As previously stated its probably something the wii U can't do because its having to do do both the main screen graphics and the graphics on the controller. The controller acts as a motion sensor I believe. Its pretty clear if even a fast PC needs a deferred lighting engine its not something the wii U can just do automatically in hardware.

Also publishers spin information to make products seem better, developer leaks indicate real performance of hardware. No publisher is going to say the wii U hardware is weak or limited its in their interests to sell games and the hardware so people will buy games. Journalists build up relationships with developers and often get information that they can't put a source to in print but they still validate it themselves. Thats how the system works. The whole way marketing departments are setup is to make everything sound positive. Again look at past examples of specification leaks to see how this works. The only issue is development hardware often supports a wide range of hardware and is available long before the final console. I believe the 3DS was planned to have 64MB of main memory for a long period of development but Nintendo went to 128MB near the end when they finalised hardware. The original xbox went the other way, where 128MB was considered but was 64MB in the final version and the gpu went from 300mhz to 233mhz for the final spec. The gamecube was going to be about 525mhz with a 175mhz gpu but was trimmed to 480mhz for the release model. Clearly the wii U will go through or has gone through a similar process where its final specification is locked down. What may have been a higher performance product near the beginning of development may now be costed much lower.

#13 Meelow100


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Posted 28 April 2012 - 09:06 AM

Well Activision have yet to deny the comment. I wondered if it was a threat by Activision to Nintendo not to set the specification of the wii U too low but don't know how late Nintendo can finalise the hardware for a November launch. My guess is its happened only recently. Perhaps Activision were angry at the final specification of the wii u which was well below the maximum performance of the development hardware.

Again there is nothing confirmed to say the wii u will be more powerful or less powerful and there are indications that go both ways.

Try to remember what happened with the original wii, enthusiastic people were claiming it was more powerful, as powerful, slightly less powerful than 360 and only at the very last point did they accept it was basically an enhanced gamecube. Many excuses were written about the games performing poorly due to being new hardware. Screengrabs from development machines were used to demonstrate that the the original wii was capable of high definition. People were working so hard to believe it was more powerful than it was.


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Legit Devs said it's more powerful, anonymous "devs" said it was weaker, who would you rather believe?.

#14 Desert Punk

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Posted 28 April 2012 - 09:20 AM

Anonymous developers have been the source of a lot of accurate information in the past when its not the sort of information that some companies want released. How exactly does a legit developer release negative information about an upcoming console being launched? How many legit developers previously working on the wii said, this console we are working on is just a gamecube speeded up with a bit more memory bolted on. Did that ever happen? I don't remember it. Did a developer anonymously release information that it was a 720mhz powerpc chip with a 240mhz gpu identical to the gamcube in architecture...YES!

You need to move to North korea you would be an ideal citizen there. Your whole thinking process seems to be only positive thoughts allowed with no capacity to rationalise. You could sit in your tired house with lack of food just thinking how wonderful the leader is and never questioning it.

#15 Dragon



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 09:45 AM

Anonymous developers have been the source of a lot of accurate information in the past when its not the sort of information that some companies want released. How exactly does a legit developer release negative information about an upcoming console being launched? How many legit developers previously working on the wii said, this console we are working on is just a gamecube speeded up with a bit more memory bolted on. Did that ever happen? I don't remember it. Did a developer anonymously release information that it was a 720mhz powerpc chip with a 240mhz gpu identical to the gamcube in architecture...YES!

You need to move to North korea you would be an ideal citizen there. Your whole thinking process seems to be only positive thoughts allowed with no capacity to rationalise. You could sit in your tired house with lack of food just thinking how wonderful the leader is and never questioning it.

The Zelda Wii U demo proved that the Wii U is more powerful than the current generation. Almost no lines were visible, the lighting was phenomenal (better than Uncharted 3), and it was a rushed tech demo.

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#16 Meelow100


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Posted 28 April 2012 - 10:09 AM

Anonymous developers have been the source of a lot of accurate information in the past when its not the sort of information that some companies want released. How exactly does a legit developer release negative information about an upcoming console being launched? How many legit developers previously working on the wii said, this console we are working on is just a gamecube speeded up with a bit more memory bolted on. Did that ever happen? I don't remember it. Did a developer anonymously release information that it was a 720mhz powerpc chip with a 240mhz gpu identical to the gamcube in architecture...YES!

You need to move to North korea you would be an ideal citizen there. Your whole thinking process seems to be only positive thoughts allowed with no capacity to rationalise. You could sit in your tired house with lack of food just thinking how wonderful the leader is and never questioning it.

So because some anonymous sources where right every anonymous source is right?, devs already said it's more powerful so I Don't know why you keep pushing back, those two rumors where from GamingIndustry and guess what?, both of the rumors about it being weaker and Activision not supporting it is 100% FALSE.

#17 MorbidGod


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Posted 28 April 2012 - 11:46 AM

Okay Desert Punk, and let's sit down and think about this. First claim.... That the Wii U is less powerful then the current generation. I think that is really, really funny when Nintendo confirmed that the Wii U can play native 1080p while both the PS3 and Xbox 360 can't do that. I find that funny when it is confirmed that Nintendo is using a version of the POWER7 cpu which is a ton more powerful then what both the PS3 and Xbox 360 have inside. So it's funny you think that the Wii U will be less powerful.

And now let's look at the Wii.. The original Wii has outsold PS3 and Xbox 360. If you combine their sales, and yes the Wii is second place. But that doesn't change the fact the Wii was the clear winner last time around. So even if the Wii U is less powerful -- which I find unlikely -- Nintendo has. Shown they can see a system with less power.

Also, I we should note that I don't think the Wii U will be. More powerful then the Ps4 or Xbox 720. But the Wii U will be able to play the next gen. Tech which is all that matters.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#18 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 28 April 2012 - 11:59 AM

And now the power debate starts again.
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#19 Biohazard



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 12:15 PM

Anonymous developers have been the source of a lot of accurate information in the past when its not the sort of information that some companies want released. How exactly does a legit developer release negative information about an upcoming console being launched? How many legit developers previously working on the wii said, this console we are working on is just a gamecube speeded up with a bit more memory bolted on. Did that ever happen? I don't remember it. Did a developer anonymously release information that it was a 720mhz powerpc chip with a 240mhz gpu identical to the gamcube in architecture...YES!

The reason why most of us are doubting these anonymous "sources" is because they contradict each other. One of them claimed that the Wii U graphics aren't as capable as the current generation consoles, then another anonymous source claims that is capable as current generation consoles, but weaker in AI and physics. Anonymous sources have in fact been trustworthy in the past, but in this case, there is just too much room for doubt to invest any trust in them.

#20 Plutonas



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 12:19 PM

Are you saying Microsoft payed Crytek to not put Crysis 3 on Wii U?, and I don't want EA to be mad at Nintendo so I hope they made a deal with them somehow so they would keep supporting Wii U the way they where saying they where, I hope Nintendo got Steam on Wii U.

There is a rumor about it... yes.. I didnt search it much though, as crysis is a non importante title for me.

After all, microsoft and sony played durty in the current generation of consoles.. Several times... As for the steam or origin, whatever they poot in the far feature inside, it is still unrespectful to its customers. They cant make such a moves, if they want to be legit to their customers, and they dont want to loose them, before internet connection becomes a global free feature. Either ways, I dont trust my games to be like a bank account system... "deposit my money and get a download copy of it and when the machines come to an end, recycle it and loose all my money.. I am a collector.." there is no insurance about it and I will always support ONLY physical copies, legit ones.

If they want me to use digitals, they have to give them to me free.. as I consider them trash. Digital distribution for me is, classic games that I didnt have the chance to play them, many years ago and I CANT find them in the market anymore.. patches, stuff like that... NOT my legit and new games!!

Edited by Orion, 28 April 2012 - 12:26 PM.

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