Why would you have an ir sensor bar with an ir camera?Ir led and ir camera are on both, and the wii u power on the one it needs only when it needs it!
And ir led is not a powersucker at all!
Do you really think that adding 2 ir led would bother the upad wich is powered to run a stream wireless data and a screen???!
and putting them on both is silliness.
Nintendo want to save some money here, not waste it like sony would.
I was comparing it to usual IR LED's.
An LED isn't designed to be on constantly, and the longer you want your beams to travel, the more power they draw.
Obviously it's not going to draw as much power as a 6 inch screen, but I wasn't saying that it was.
For such a small feature they can do fine with the gyro, it's a lot of money/power usage, along with an LED being on a lot decreases the lifetime.
I think the lifetime decrease is fairly moot if the console is going to be the usual 6 year cycle. Even the cheapest of LED's can last a decade being on a lot.