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PS4 tech demo E3 2012... book it!

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#41 Nin_Stream


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Posted 30 May 2012 - 06:07 PM

There wont be a PS4 at E3 this year. There might not even be one at all. This could very well be Sonys final E3. Anyone who has done abit of research will know Sony is in HUGE!!! trouble finacial wise.

They lost $6.4 Billion last year which is 1/3 of the entire Sony Companys worth. Sony said they predict that will happen again this year. Meaning in 2 years they lost 2/3 of their companies worth. If that happens they cannot recover. Sony Investors have lost all faith in Sony, not to mention Sony hasnt made a profit for 4 years in a row...

The Playstation 3 is still selling decently announcing a PS4 would cut the PS3 sales and people would wait for that. If they made the PS4 a powerhouse to destroy Wii U then it would be expensive as hell and would be a repeat of the PS3 launch. Sony would be shooting themselfs in the foot.

They need to MAKE money not shovel out more money to make a new console.

Also have you not heard that they plan on introducing IN GAME ADVERTISEMENTS! Your fighting a boss then all of a sudden an ad pops up. Your playing COD and your in a fight with someone all of a sudden on your screen you see "Catch the best romantic comedy of the summer" and a video starts playing...

Sony is in huge trouble currently THERE WILL NOT BE A PS4 THIS E3. They will focus heavily on Vita games. It will be a snooze fest again cause Sony people are like robots no personality.

Not to mention the heads of Sony and the Xbox division of microsoft have said numerous times WE DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO SHOW THIS E3 INVOLVING THE PS3's SUCCESSOR OR THE 360'S SUCCESSOR.

Edited by Nin_Stream, 30 May 2012 - 06:10 PM.

[E3 2012] Nintendo gets it's throne back.

#42 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 06:18 PM

There wont be a PS4 at E3 this year. There might not even be one at all. This could very well be Sonys final E3. Anyone who has done abit of research will know Sony is in HUGE!!! trouble finacial wise.

They lost $6.4 Billion last year which is 1/3 of the entire Sony Companys worth. Sony said they predict that will happen again this year. Meaning in 2 years they lost 2/3 of their companies worth. If that happens they cannot recover. Sony Investors have lost all faith in Sony, not to mention Sony hasnt made a profit for 4 years in a row...

The Playstation 3 is still selling decently announcing a PS4 would cut the PS3 sales and people would wait for that. If they made the PS4 a powerhouse to destroy Wii U then it would be expensive as hell and would be a repeat of the PS3 launch. Sony would be shooting themselfs in the foot.

They need to MAKE money not shovel out more money to make a new console.

Also have you not heard that they plan on introducing IN GAME ADVERTISEMENTS! Your fighting a boss then all of a sudden an ad pops up. Your playing COD and your in a fight with someone all of a sudden on your screen you see "Catch the best romantic comedy of the summer" and a video starts playing...

Sony is in huge trouble currently THERE WILL NOT BE A PS4 THIS E3. They will focus heavily on Vita games. It will be a snooze fest again cause Sony people are like robots no personality.

Not to mention the heads of Sony and the Xbox division of microsoft have said numerous times WE DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO SHOW THIS E3 INVOLVING THE PS3's SUCCESSOR OR THE 360'S SUCCESSOR.

Finally someone who knows what they are talking about! And it does not matter if thy sell Vita's because they are selling it for a 60$ loss already! They need to sell software and name one good title other than uncharted!

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#43 Hank Hill

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Posted 01 June 2012 - 07:22 PM

They need to sell software and name one good title other than uncharted!

Well, there's inFamous, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, LittleBigPlanet, God of War (or so I'm told, I personally don't see the appeal), Ape Escape, and I'm sure there's a few others.



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#44 ShadowVector



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 08:03 PM

We'll probably get one of those Sony tech demos that look nothing like what the final product will be.

The tech demo will have mindblowing high-end computer graphics but the final system will ultimately result in something that has slightly better/worse graphics than Wii U.

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#45 Keviin



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Posted 02 June 2012 - 07:20 AM

^I agree that it's not an unlikely scenario that the PS4 will be not (much) above the level of the Wii U. But we won't get techdemos this year I think..
No sig.

#46 Nin_Stream


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Posted 02 June 2012 - 12:39 PM

Of course I know what im talking about lol. And Uncharted isnt that great either. I call Uncharted 3, Unchanged 3.

Finally someone who knows what they are talking about! And it does not matter if thy sell Vita's because they are selling it for a 60$ loss already! They need to sell software and name one good title other than uncharted!

[E3 2012] Nintendo gets it's throne back.

#47 neverwinteru



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Posted 02 June 2012 - 08:59 PM

Of course I know what im talking about lol. And Uncharted isnt that great either. I call Uncharted 3, Unchanged 3.

if it aint broke don't fix.

#48 prmtyme


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Posted 03 June 2012 - 03:21 PM

sony console will go the way of the dinosaurs if they try that expensive route again ....microsoft better take note too because i wont spend my money on expensive console i rather get PC GPU that runs UE4 then a console that doesn't true story

#49 Socalmuscle


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Posted 03 June 2012 - 04:31 PM

I could bet that the next Xbox and the next PlayStation will have screens on the controllers.

They will.

Because the HAVE to now.

They would be seen as behind the times if they did not.

Nintendo dropped a bomb on the industry with that gamepad. that was "Fat Man."

The other side of that bomb will be shown this week. This will be "Little Boy."

#50 ShadowVector



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Posted 03 June 2012 - 06:05 PM

I could bet that the next Xbox and the next PlayStation will have screens on the controllers.

They will.

Because the HAVE to now.

They would be seen as behind the times if they did not.

Nintendo dropped a bomb on the industry with that gamepad. that was "Fat Man."

The other side of that bomb will be shown this week. This will be "Little Boy."

Watch Sony say a year from now: "We are the first to put a screen into a controller with buttons". Silly Sony, creativity is for Nintendo. :P

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#51 scorptile


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 05:45 AM

Watch Sony say a year from now: "We are the first to put a screen into a controller with buttons". Silly Sony, creativity is for Nintendo. :P

oh like the super smash brothers clone sony just tried to pull off as their original idea? or ps move as being an original idea. now microsoft is trying the whole copy thing did you see how they ar trying to link up their windows tablet to the xbox360? nintendo innovates and has original ideas the other two just follow. i agree with an earlier post though i personally think the ps3 and the vita is the last of sony's game hardware we see. they will exit the market in a crash and burn scenario and enter valve with steambox. but still dont see that lasting either. could sega possibly get back into the market? who knows but nintendo is gonna be around for a long time still. microsoft doesnt own the console market and never will.

#52 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 01:25 PM

Hey where is your PS4 now! WHERE IS IT! WHERE IS IT HUH?! :P

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#53 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 05 June 2012 - 01:52 PM

Obviously they didn't have to show it. Not one game for wii u looks close to level of graphics of ps3 best.

#54 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 01:59 PM

Obviously they didn't have to show it. Not one game for wii u looks close to level of graphics of ps3 best.

Uhhhh..... I dont know about you but ZombiU looked pretty good too....

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(Words from your local demon and leader of the army of darkness)

#55 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 05 June 2012 - 02:13 PM

Uhhhh..... I dont know about you but ZombiU looked pretty good too....

Yeah but compare the graphics to the last of us?

#56 neverwinteru



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Posted 05 June 2012 - 02:26 PM

agreed with tron whats the point of announcing ps4 if the wii u could barely keep up with ps3 games.

#57 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 03:22 PM

But how would Sony know beforehand that it would be inferior? And besides we have been confirmed that the Wii U is technologically superior to its competitors.

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In a world of Gray and black there is nothing here to take back...

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#58 ShadowVector



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Posted 05 June 2012 - 05:34 PM

I have no doubt that Nintendo can produce some jaw dropping graphics that are superior to whatever PS360 can do. They've already proved that at last years E3 with The Tech demo and Zelda. I was just hoping that they'd have a new demonstration for us at this years E3 because supposedly the console has undergone significant hardware improvements in preparation for Unreal Engine 4.

I think that for both Microsoft and Sony, they weren't planning on making their new consoles so soon, 7 years isn't really "soon" but for them it might be, but Nintendo goes to the beat of its own drum and is not waiting for its competitors to make the first move.

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#59 Reaper Pin

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Posted 27 June 2012 - 10:37 PM

I read the thread title after E3 2012.
I thought "Book it" was a pun because Wonderbook was shown, and there was no PS4 Tech Demo...

Never mind.
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#60 NinjaU


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Posted 28 June 2012 - 03:44 PM


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