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Wii U name change

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#1 The Gamer

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Posted 25 May 2012 - 09:33 PM

The Wii U is desperately due for a name change for three major reasons:

1. To prevent a repeat of the confusion that was caused with the 3DS launch where people thought it was another DS revision. To further my claims, many people I spoke too believed that the Wii U is just a slightly modified Wii and that Nintendo has created an image for themselves of hardware revisions. This could cause disaster for Nintendo's shareholders.

2. The name Wii U is not only a disservice to Nintendo fans; many casual people feel that the name is a joke. In North America and Europe the name is often referred too as a sexual innuendo.

3. The Wii brand does not at all serve what the Wii U does. In fact the Wii U primarily targets the hardcore as well as blending in the casual. The Wii pushed unwillingly pushed away the hardcore, there for the Wii brand is a very weak brand to market to the mass core gamers.

I strongly suggest that Nintendo renames the Wii U at their E3 press conference on June 5th if the core gamers are as important as they once claimed them to be. There are tons of great names to choose from, so listen to you fans and give the Wii U a name that it so willingly deserves.
Of course the name is not at all up to me though I suggest the name Nintendo "Nexus" as it would represent the online portal that many third developers speak so highly of.

Please sign out Petition @ https://www.change.o...ename-the-wii-u

Thank you

- The Gamer

#2 Blake



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Posted 25 May 2012 - 09:55 PM

I completely agree to this, but sadly it isn't going to happen.

Nintendo has made a Facebook page for the Wii U (recently). So why would they make a Facebook account for the console that they are going to rename?
To top this off, the leaked controller had the Wii U logo on it. Again, why would Nintendo make a redesigned controller and put the console name on it if they are planning on changing the name?

It is frustrating though. So many people judge the Wii U just because it has "Wii" in it's name. People just assume that it is going to be motion controls all over again, the graphics are going to suck, it is going to be too "childish", all this just because it has "Wii" in it's name. My cousins, who recently quit buying Nintendo products (they hated the Wii) did just this.
It really is frustrating.

#3 The Gamer

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Posted 25 May 2012 - 10:04 PM

This my friend is exactly why I am pushign for this. It doesn't mean that it will happen. It's the effort that counts, for Nintendo to know that a legion of their fans care for the success of the Wii U and that we do not want to see the same confusion of the 3DS befall it.

My plan is simple actually. Spread the word, hopeing that you guys will spread the word to 5 more people who spread the word to more till we reach out goal. The goal may say 10'000 but I'm aimming much higher. 10'000 will not change anything. That is yet a small faction that is not important to such a major company.

#4 Blake



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Posted 25 May 2012 - 10:08 PM

This my friend is exactly why I am pushign for this. It doesn't mean that it will happen. It's the effort that counts, for Nintendo to know that a legion of their fans care for the success of the Wii U and that we do not want to see the same confusion of the 3DS befall it.

My plan is simple actually. Spread the word, hopeing that you guys will spread the word to 5 more people who spread the word to more till we reach out goal. The goal may say 10'000 but I'm aimming much higher. 10'000 will not change anything. That is yet a small faction that is not important to such a major company.

Very true.
Posting this on this forum was a very good idea. I will try to spread this petition around.

#5 The Gamer

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Posted 25 May 2012 - 10:16 PM

Thank you friend

#6 Nin_Stream


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Posted 25 May 2012 - 10:49 PM

1st of all there is no name change. The leaked controller pic that got that dude fired basiclly seals the deal.

Your first point: The reason with all the confusion the 3DS had was cause they had so many versions of the DS. If it went DS, DSi then 3DS the confusion would have been avoided. But it goes Wii to Wii U thats nothing to worry about. Xbox went from Xbox to Xbox 360 but people didnt think the 360 was the same as the original. Same with PS1 to PS2 and PS3. But come E3 Nintendo will open everyones eyes. So this is not an issue at all.

Your second point: Sexual innuendo...really...what are they 12? Seriously grow up people. Its a name people got used to Wii so they will get used to Wii U.

Your third point: There were still core gamers on Wii...Zelda Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, SMG 1 and 2, Metroid Prime 3, and Other M, Donkey Kong Returns, Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Kart, Mario Party 8 and 9. Come on now. Unless you mean hardcores as in COD baboons in which case I have nothing to say to that. People need to realize using Wii in the name IS GOOD buisness. It lets people know that they plan to replicate the Wiis success but flip the coin and this time do it with the core gamers.

In short if a person refuses to get a system based on its name and not what its all about whether that be due to not wanting to be teased or they simply dont like the name then they are pathetic. They could call it the Nintendo Fluffy Bunny and I would still get it. Its a damn name get over it people. Its Nintendo you trust them you buy their stuff you have fun its that simple.

Edited by Nin_Stream, 25 May 2012 - 10:51 PM.

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#7 Keviin



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Posted 25 May 2012 - 11:11 PM

I completely agree to this, but sadly it isn't going to happen.

Nintendo has made a Facebook page for the Wii U (recently). So why would they make a Facebook account for the console that they are going to rename?
To top this off, the leaked controller had the Wii U logo on it. Again, why would Nintendo make a redesigned controller and put the console name on it if they are planning on changing the name?

It is frustrating though. So many people judge the Wii U just because it has "Wii" in it's name. People just assume that it is going to be motion controls all over again, the graphics are going to suck, it is going to be too "childish", all this just because it has "Wii" in it's name. My cousins, who recently quit buying Nintendo products (they hated the Wii) did just this.
It really is frustrating.

I agree. While a namechange could be better marketing, it's just a damn name people. Get over it!

While playing a game, do you really worry about the consoles name?
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#8 MorbidGod


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Posted 25 May 2012 - 11:27 PM

The thing is, if someone hates Nintendo products, it seems to me if Nintendo called there system Xbox or Playstation they still wouldn't buy it.

That's my biggest problem with your theory. And about the namecausing confusion, last year the confusion was only with people who didn't actually go to E3. I don't think the name had anything to do with that. No, it was that the console looked like the Wii and they only talked about a controller. They realized this mistake and it won't happen again.

Same with the 3DS.. Show me proof that it didn't sell because people thought it was a new revision. Even if they did, those usually sell well. No, it didn't sell because of games and price. That's why I didn't buy one until just now. Not because the name confused me but because my budget is limited so why buy something with no good games?

So no, I don't think the name needs changed. No more than I think i Don't need to change the Playstation brand name or Microsoft need to change the Xbox brand name. They don't and shouldn't. Nintendo finally had a brand name. They should use it.

Edited by MorbidGod, 25 May 2012 - 11:45 PM.

Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#9 ShadowVector



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Posted 25 May 2012 - 11:35 PM

I'm rather used to the name Wii U. Besides, it seems a bit late in the game to change the name anyway. I predict that there would be greater confusion if Nintendo were to change the name now than if they just left it as-is.

And as for point #2 with Wii's reference to #1...see what I did there? :D... it's pretty much old news. Even with the occasional joke now and again, most everyone seems to be used to the name and wouldn't have it any other Wii ("way" with a Scottish accent :laugh:).

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#10 Meelow100


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Posted 26 May 2012 - 05:28 AM

Nintendo removed the Wii U logo/name from there press site and facebook



#11 Keviin



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Posted 26 May 2012 - 06:38 AM

According to the rumors on that link, the logo is back.

PEOPLE, I'm telling you: Wii U is a name too stay. I'd bet my money on it. Ten days before E3 they launched a Wii U Facebook page. If they were to change the name, it would be smarter to launch it after E3.

I think a lot of people are mistaking Nintendo. I don't think the Wii U will be 100% hardcore. They want to use the Wii brand to let people know that there's a new accessible gaming device.

You might as well get used to it and quit whining over a damn name.
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#12 Nollog


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Posted 26 May 2012 - 06:48 AM

Get the Wii out.
If you don't like the name, shut the Wii up and explode.

Idiots like you with your pointless petitions about carp you don't like, trying to force unicorn tongue down my throat need to go away.

Learn to be an adult and accept things.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php:133) in /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 328

#13 Blasty



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Posted 26 May 2012 - 06:54 AM

Get the Wii out.
If you don't like the name, shut the Wii up and explode.

Idiots like you with your pointless petitions about carp you don't like, trying to force unicorn tongue down my throat need to go away.

Learn to be an adult and accept things.

I think you forgot the /s tag.
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#14 Nollog


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Posted 26 May 2012 - 06:57 AM

I think you forgot the /s tag.

/s ? As in sarcasm?
I wasn't being sarcastic.
People from 3dsforums.com told me about this idiotic petition last night and it got me fuming, I felt I owed an honest answer directly to the silly goose too.
They are an embarrassment.
(I am aware of the irony of the last line in that post though. :P)

Nintendo removed the Wii U logo/name from there press site and facebook



No they haven't.

Edited by Nollog, 26 May 2012 - 06:58 AM.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php:133) in /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 328

#15 Blasty



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Posted 26 May 2012 - 07:01 AM

/s ? As in sarcasm?
I wasn't being sarcastic.
People from 3dsforums.com told me about this idiotic petition last night and it got me fuming, I felt I owed an honest answer directly to the silly goose too.
They are an embarrassment.
(I am aware of the irony of the last line in that post though. :P)

Oh, okay. B)
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#16 Meelow100


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Posted 26 May 2012 - 07:13 AM

No they haven't.


#17 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 26 May 2012 - 07:33 AM

It was removed from there press site, but it came back. So basically we should all get over it and accept the name as it is. We can only hope Nintendo will know how to advertise the system. I think they can with how the 3DS is doing. I do agree it would help if Nintendo change the style of how the Wii in Wii U is written, but not too big of a deal for me.
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#18 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 26 May 2012 - 08:04 AM

I don't care about the name since it won't make Zelda games or any first party games any better or worse.

I think Nintendo should say the $350-$400 price and say it would have been $600, so people who think the $350 price is too high feel much better.


#19 Keviin



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Posted 26 May 2012 - 08:05 AM

Get the Wii out.
If you don't like the name, shut the Wii up and explode.

Idiots like you with your pointless petitions about carp you don't like, trying to force unicorn tongue down my throat need to go away.

Learn to be an adult and accept things.

Uhm you weren't talking about me right..? Like I need to accept people that don't accept the Wii U name..
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#20 MorbidGod


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Posted 26 May 2012 - 08:07 AM

@Kevin I agree Nintendo won't sell t he Wii U only to the hardcore, I think the name proves that. However I don't think they will try to sell to the casual market until the price is lowered. Nintendo knows it will be a hard sell. But if you need proof of there focus on the hardcore, look at what they are doing with Spike. The TV network known for men, and Nintendo decides to partner with them to show there nee system. Commercial free too. I bet that cost Nintendo a pretty penny.one prettier than you or me could afford.

So yes, Nintendo will sell to everyone. By they will be focusing on the hardcore.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

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