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Wii u is apparently not supported by unreal engine 4

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#1 Eskimo_sam



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Posted 29 May 2012 - 03:12 AM

Latest news is someone from spike tv overhead the president or someone from unreal say at the last gdc that the wii u will be an unreal 3 engine console only.

Ok...... First of all that sux.

Second either Reggie is either a really good 2nd hand car salesman or it's all just another rumor and the wii u will really be the wii ULTIMATE

( please note I do like Reggie) so don't hate!!!

#2 Stewox



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Posted 29 May 2012 - 04:30 AM

Ahhh not again....

If this is true, it's not a technical reason, it's a buisness one, and even if that reason comes from the fact that porting UE4 on WiiU would not be practical from a feature support standpoint, it doesn't mean it's not possible and not doable, it would still bring advancementsl

That's the only reason, because you know why, it's not about the console's power, it's about the hardware features, and if the hardware doesn't have any features that would warrant UE4, and could well enough be done on UE3, then they won't make UE4 because it doesn't practically

STILL UE4 is technically achivable on WiiU as it is on X360 and PS3.
PLEASE GET THIS INTO YOUR HEADS. IF there is no UE4, it's EPICs reason, not the console's fault, not nintendo's fault, nintendo doesn't rely on 3rd party engines, but it's a bonus, ultimately it's EPICs sole decision, whether nintendo likes it or not.

Now hear this ... this is the source of confusion:
EPIC's engine is pretty unchategorizable, that's why all the confusing of the versioning, they're engine licensing company, like crytek, they've CONSTANTLY updated and rewritten parts of the UE4 engine, throughout many years, and it is pretty unsure how much UE4 is going to differ in pure performance advantage from rewritten code, as we can see UE 3.9 being mentioned, engine licensing requires LOT OF SUPPORT and that also comes with constant engine updates, not just bugs, but actual better code, and optimizations.

Just stop thinking the engine is your dad's grinding machine.

Code is logic and information, but you can't bend steel with a laptop and a screwdriver. Software is not something you buy in a supermarket, can people please get this everday pedestrian sterotype thinking out of their stupid heads, it makes me grumpy cause I'm sick of readin it. Software is not your mother's washing-machine, plug-n-play.

Perception perception perception , Wii i hate it.

So pretty much, EPICs decision will probably not be a stupid one, the end result is that we'll not be severely negatively impacted at all. It doesn't matter how the engine is called and what version it is. That's for UE's engines, and UE engines are going to be used by 3rd parties, which i don't even care about as a gamer, unless it's an exclusive and it's in the top of the quality scale, any of those multiplats i will just play on the PC as ID's software is not making another Rage mistake as we speak.

The second point in conclusion is, that pretty much all other developer who use their own engines will make optimizations and their tech better than UE3, such as ID Software, they don't rely on unreal and they don't care about licensing.

One last word:

Doom 4


First of all ... Geoff Keighley !!!!!

Second ... he says the next-gen demo ... and the only next-gen showed is supposably WiiU

Third .. he says GDC demo ... therefore only WiiU and PC are the possible platforms

Forth... We don't talk generations on PC, so if keighley does he's got his balls screwd up, PC is PC whatever 3rdparty engine releases whenever.

There has to be something else the reason and the PC. So if UE4 really is not on WiiU because of the reason i explained above, they will show the PC demo.

Unless Microsoft was lying about not showing hardware this year.

(lol im writting posts in response to replies not even posted faster hah ... this post is actually 3 posts in one)

Edited by Stewox, 29 May 2012 - 04:34 AM.

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#3 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 29 May 2012 - 04:36 AM

I say we wait and see at e3, he referred back to GDC when Nintendo had every developer quiet about the system. It is possible that Epic only have PC support for the engine at this time, and add console support later on.
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#4 Joshua


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Posted 29 May 2012 - 04:57 AM

I don't see how the Wii U cannot technologically support the UE4 engine, when that it is created specifically for next-gen.

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#5 Stewox



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Posted 29 May 2012 - 05:59 AM

I don't see how the Wii U cannot technologically support the UE4 engine, when that it is created specifically for next-gen.

Are you reading my posts?

Doesn't matter what gen it is, it matter's what hardware is in there, and what features, architecture and components the hardware has.

I dislike this mainstream buzz words such as "next-gen" it's a stupid word, it doesn't mean anything, it doesn't describe anything in detail and it's only a relative perception made-up attribute.

I say we wait and see at e3, he referred back to GDC when Nintendo had every developer quiet about the system. It is possible that Epic only have PC support for the engine at this time, and add console support later on.

Tech people don't wait, they have a lot of things to speculate and discuss. Normally those who want to wait, usually don't have much idea what we're talking about here. I don't even wait while ... im not sitting here looking at the clock, kids do that.

I don't even care about the pricing or release date, that's not an issue at all why would I worry about it, I'm a fan, i will buy it regardless of the cost, 50€ up or down.

It's still RAM, that's the main issue, if 2GB rumors are true, then all we need to confirm is how much is OS reserved in final, i don't want it to be above 256, heck, for multitasking ... they would need 100 MB or possibly more to keep browser(content) , video player , video chat, spectator, and stuff like that usable while the game is paused/suspended ... but this is stupid to lock it , i mean, why, the game should support the SUSPEND mode in a standard by nintendo that the game must release the data out of the RAM, and then would require to load it back in the memory while you go back, so you see how simple solutions solve, the suspended game doesn't require all the textures, models, sound and all that data on top to be sitting in RAM, they would be able to cut that OS requirement in half or even possibly more, but I guess it's a high reserve for now because multitasking is what is allowed you would probably have 3 apps open at the same time or more, but they can also alleviate that with an simultaneous app running limit ... or another solution.

Suspending would flush some RAM, but not Pausing, so if you must go do something else while you're in a middle of the game I WOULD gladly sacrifice the release of RAM and then wait a few seconds to load when I get back, it's not like you would want to do other stuf every minute jumping back and forth ... it's just accepable an acceptable loos, it's a console not a PC so this sacrifice is well worth the benefits, they won't need to lock as much OS mem.

It just needs time and thinking, and I hopefully can see they can bring more logic and software side, hardware is a sitting duck without software, I don't like rushing I hope they don't release it as quickly.

Edited by Stewox, 29 May 2012 - 06:12 AM.

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#6 Nollog


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Posted 29 May 2012 - 06:14 AM

Crazy thread! This isn't new news guys. When I interviewed Mike Capps at GDC for GTTV, I asked him on camera about whether UE4 was targeted for Wii-U, and he said that no, UE3 is more in line with Wii-U(or something like that). That's all I was referencing in the @ reply.

It's from Geoff Kneighley's reddit thread about the e3 Spike Special on UE4

Doom 4


First of all ... Geoff Keighley !!!!!

Second ... he says the next-gen demo ... and the only next-gen showed is supposably WiiU

Third .. he says GDC demo ... therefore only WiiU and PC are the possible platforms

Forth... We don't talk generations on PC, so if keighley does he's got his balls screwd up, PC is PC whatever 3rdparty engine releases whenever.

There has to be something else the reason and the PC. So if UE4 really is not on WiiU because of the reason i explained above, they will show the PC demo.

Unless Microsoft was lying about not showing hardware this year.

(lol im writting posts in response to replies not even posted faster hah ... this post is actually 3 posts in one)

UE4 is what Spike mean by "Next-Generation", I think we can safely assume this now.
Game developers develop on PC's.

Edited by Nollog, 29 May 2012 - 06:16 AM.

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#7 Stewox



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Posted 29 May 2012 - 06:24 AM

I haven't even scrached the surface of the software logic speculations, this is yet to come when we see the console. I hope smart programming will make WiiU quite practical and dynamical resource management is so much more important, 1080p is twice as big as standard x360 game so if you have twice as much RAM you're already hitting that with only higher resolution and better graphics, in reality of Wiiu that is half of what the machine will have give or take, so the other half of it has to be reserved for actually making the games better and bigger in scope, not just a few upped configs and textures.

2 GB is not that much of RAM when you think of 1080p @ 60Hz ,where does that leave all the juice for making bigger games or at least not cut down from what's on PCs in terms of design and creativity, such as complex big maps in Crysis. The fact why crysis 2 sucked is because it had to be compromised in map design

UE4 is what Spike mean by "Next-Generation", I think we can safely assume this now.
Game developers develop on PC's.

Doom 4 is not in relation of tha post, I have forgot to notify post split.

Spike is by no means professional, it's the mainstream crap from geoff keighley, the most annoying guy in the media industry. He paid a lot for the info he knows.

Edited by Stewox, 29 May 2012 - 06:26 AM.

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#8 Nollog


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Posted 29 May 2012 - 06:38 AM

Oops, it wasn't reddit.
I didn't realise Geoff posted on neogaf.

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#9 Keviin



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Posted 29 May 2012 - 06:38 AM


Well that sucks mayor balls. I hope Stewox is right and the Wii U isn't underpowered or some carp.

But still, this makes me wonder... Will Sony or Microsoft break their promise and reveal a new console after all? If so, I'm afraid for the reception of the Wii U.
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#10 MorbidGod


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Posted 29 May 2012 - 06:49 AM

@Kevin look that means nothing. I could say that the PS4 isnt confirmed to have UE4 support yet and no one will freak out. But the Wii U CPU is just ss powerful as any CPU on the market,and as long and they have a decent modern GPU they wont have any problems getting UE4 on ghe console (and from comments epic has said, that we arr going to be surprised by Wii U,, I dont think they will choose not to support Wii U)).
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#11 Stormage09


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Posted 29 May 2012 - 06:53 AM


Edited by Stormage09, 29 May 2012 - 06:59 AM.

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#12 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 29 May 2012 - 06:56 AM


#13 Chinomanila


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Posted 29 May 2012 - 07:13 AM


BTW Guy's the link says
Despite GTTV host Geoff Keighley Tweeting that Wii U won’t run Epic’s next generation Unreal Engine 4, the company has announced that they’ve yet to reveal their Wii U plans. Epic told CVG that while they’ve announced that Unreal Engine 3 will run Wii U games, the company “has not confirmed platforms for Unreal Engine 4 beyond PC”. Guess we will just have to wait until E3 next week to find out whether Wii U can run Unreal Engine 4

Edited by Chinomanila, 29 May 2012 - 07:48 AM.

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#14 Gameboysoadvance



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Posted 29 May 2012 - 07:24 AM

Let's let. Epic clear this up.


Ok now we have clarity. Now people E3 is 6 days away all will be revealed. If the Wii U specs are low we just have to deal with it. There's no changing it now. I buying a Wii U regardless of the rumors I just need E3 to show me what games will be available for me to snatch up at launch. I was sold on the Wii U since last E3. Either folks are going to buy it or not. Expect more negative rumors to float before E3 and after. Theses rumors are the only way that Sony/Microsoft fanboys and maybe even the companies themselves have at stopping the Wii U's momentum. Once E3 comes and Nintendo Unveils this new console all will be revealed. If you think that Nintendo's tight lips got you nervous just imagine how Sony/Microsoft feel. Nothing to copy off of because they don't have any info on the Wii U themselves. The only way to stop Nintendo is to shoot their plane down before it takes off. It's to late now. Any info on Wii U from this point until E3 should not be taking with a grain of salt but taking with a grain bag and tossed out the cart. There is no need for folks like Nollog,Tron, and Stewox to start educating us on CPU's, GPU's and other tech info because in 6 days real experts will introduce and explain this hardware at E3. Please just stop speculating and just wait a few days. Either your mind is made up that your going to buy a Wii U or your just waiting on more info at E3 to confirm your decision on whether or not to buy one. We've speculated and analyzed rumors for a long time and in six days we won't have to anymore. Only E3 can set our minds free now.

Edited by Gameboysoadvance, 29 May 2012 - 07:34 AM.

#15 Stewox



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Posted 29 May 2012 - 07:36 AM



Well that sucks mayor balls. I hope Stewox is right and the Wii U isn't underpowered or some carp.

But still, this makes me wonder... Will Sony or Microsoft break their promise and reveal a new console after all? If so, I'm afraid for the reception of the Wii U.

Do you even know what you've just linked to ... :)

Epic responded because it's probably not true, but ofcourse they didn't said it directly, the term "made no announcements" always leaves both options open, but you know, we live in reality, if one is ruled out by circumstances or any other factors such as this ... timely response ... you can only pick the other option from only two.

Edited by Stewox, 29 May 2012 - 07:37 AM.

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#16 Reaper Pin

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Posted 29 May 2012 - 07:54 AM

Never mind.
Or not, for some of you that were depressed by this news, there is still hope!
I think you guys need a SMASHING SONG OF PRAISE.

Edited by Reaper Pin, 29 May 2012 - 07:56 AM.

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#17 Nollog


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Posted 29 May 2012 - 08:40 AM

EPIC has indirectly responded to the previous rumour about no UE4 on wii u. yes it was a rumour cos Geoff is not a developer and hasn't really got ANY legitimacy to talk about the wii u hardware. he has demonstrated very recently in a gametrailers video that he doesn't know anything about any wii u news since last E3.



Edited by Nollog, 29 May 2012 - 08:40 AM.

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#18 Keviin



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Posted 29 May 2012 - 08:43 AM


Do you even know what you've just linked to ... :)

Epic responded because it's probably not true, but ofcourse they didn't said it directly, the term "made no announcements" always leaves both options open, but you know, we live in reality, if one is ruled out by circumstances or any other factors such as this ... timely response ... you can only pick the other option from only two.

Oh dang you're right, they're basically saying they haven't confirmed what platforms it will come for, not that the platforms themselves aren't announced yet... Well that's a relief.
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#19 Stewox



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Posted 29 May 2012 - 09:46 AM

Oh dang you're right, they're basically saying they haven't confirmed what platforms it will come for, not that the platforms themselves aren't announced yet... Well that's a relief.

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#20 Gnomishek



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Posted 29 May 2012 - 09:54 AM

Why did you even mention Doom 4 ?

Edited by Gnomishek, 29 May 2012 - 09:54 AM.

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