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Wii u 3rd party titles look better?

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#1 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 06 June 2012 - 09:40 PM

Have you guys been watching the gameplay videos of 3rd party titles for wiiu? I have and to me all of them look better. I could be just wanting to see this... So I ask for your thoughts. AC3, batman AC, and ninja gaiden. Can you guys looks and see and give me your opinions. Take a look first at assassins creed.


#2 10k


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Posted 06 June 2012 - 09:46 PM

ACIII was conformed to be a direct port by Ubisoft. 720p, 30fps, 2xAA with some better water effects and gamepad controls. Ubisoft did not take advantage of the extra ram the console has. Most third parties won't make the Wii U version the better until the other two consoles come out, as the Wii U may become the base console.

Batman had texture pop-in and looks worse due to unoptimization so far.
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#3 Nollog


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Posted 06 June 2012 - 10:12 PM

I thought you were trying to compare Nintendo's mini-game collections to ZombiU and the other third party games.

I'm pretty sure you're just seeing what you want to see.

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#4 Crackkat



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Posted 07 June 2012 - 04:10 AM

ACIII was conformed to be a direct port by Ubisoft. 720p, 30fps, 2xAA with some better water effects and gamepad controls. Ubisoft did not take advantage of the extra ram the console has. Most third parties won't make the Wii U version the better until the other two consoles come out, as the Wii U may become the base console.

Batman had texture pop-in and looks worse due to unoptimization so far.

links plz
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#5 Alph


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Posted 07 June 2012 - 04:52 AM

The only games from third parties that I'm excited about are Scribblenauts Unlimited, Rayman Legends and Assasin's Creed 3.

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#6 10k


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Posted 07 June 2012 - 05:59 AM

links plz


assassin's creed iii was also in the ubisoft booth, but it was only the mulitplayer. this was another capture the flag type thing. if you were in an area capturing and the other team showed up, you could only stun them. if another team showed up in your area, you could murder them. i had a couple of kills myself, although i took down many civilians on accident (assuming they were actually the other team). one guy did pretty well in stunning two of us, laying down a smoke bomb, and nearly vanishing before another guy from our team killed him. i liked the multiplayer.

as for the single player, i didn't see anything at the ubisoft booth, the microsoft booth, or the sony booth. the only single player game being played was one kiosk at the nintendo booth. and this was being manned by a ubisoft employee only so no one else could play. according to the guy at the booth, the wii u version is 720p, 30fps, and that is the same across all consoles. the game is the same across all consoles (aside from the gamepad stuff on the wii u), and it looks the same across all consoles.the single-player itself looks pretty nice. i jumped in with the second assassin's creed and was really unsure about the change in scenery, but after today, i'm more interested in seeing how it turns out. i thought it was cool how main character man escaped up a ship's sails, bouncing up the ropes to get there. i was worried that setting this new game in relatively new places like 100 year-old boston and new york would make for few rooftops and platforming to be done, but that appears not to be the case (mostly). i'll keep an eye on this as well.

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#7 Crackkat



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Posted 07 June 2012 - 07:13 AM


neither of these two links proved any of what you previously said, the first link is not from a reliable source and is based off personal opinion of an unfinalised game. the second article doesn't indicate the game looks worse on the wii u.
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#8 InsaneLaw



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Posted 07 June 2012 - 07:28 AM

10k's right about the texture pop-ups in Arkham City, it's a general UE3 problem though (Gears of war 1 and 2 do it all the time).

Textures on the thugs don't load properly = poor optimisation.

Edited by InsaneLaw, 07 June 2012 - 07:30 AM.

#9 10k


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Posted 07 June 2012 - 08:34 AM

neither of these two links proved any of what you previously said, the first link is not from a reliable source and is based off personal opinion of an unfinalised game. the second article doesn't indicate the game looks worse on the wii u.

Read the third link then in the quote box. Also, the topic title says will 3rd party games look better on wii u, and the answer is no, the will look the same. All articles state that.
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#10 neverwinteru



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Posted 08 June 2012 - 07:42 AM

i haven't found any games to look better, i think you just want to see it.

#11 Grooseland


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Posted 08 June 2012 - 08:30 AM

Eh... did anyone watch the Ubisoft conference? They demoed AC3 on PS3 and it looked terrible... They showed the snow level and there are a lot of texture pop-in and the shadows look blurry... well everything looked blurry.

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PS3 left, Wii U right

Keep in mind that the Wii U version is off screen and the PS3 is direct feed... Wii U version look a lot better if you ask me.

Edited by Grooseland, 08 June 2012 - 08:36 AM.

#12 Andy


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Posted 08 June 2012 - 10:42 AM

Eh... did anyone watch the Ubisoft conference? They demoed AC3 on PS3 and it looked terrible... They showed the snow level and there are a lot of texture pop-in and the shadows look blurry... well everything looked blurry.

Posted Image

PS3 left, Wii U right

Keep in mind that the Wii U version is off screen and the PS3 is direct feed... Wii U version look a lot better if you ask me.

When I bring it to full screen I actually do notice that it's a bit easier to make out the details on the trees in the background in the Wii U version. I can also see the individual columns for the railing on the balcony a bit easier.
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#13 Socalmuscle


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Posted 08 June 2012 - 02:47 PM

Have you guys been watching the gameplay videos of 3rd party titles for wiiu? I have and to me all of them look better. I could be just wanting to see this... So I ask for your thoughts. AC3, batman AC, and ninja gaiden. Can you guys looks and see and give me your opinions. Take a look first at assassins creed.


Nintendo historically has given the developers the most powerful console to work with (except for the original Wii).

that said, Nintendo also has NOT provided the best graphics in their games. Say what you want about Zelda, etc, it was never one of the more graphically demonstrative titles of any hardware era. Nintendo IP designed by RARE was better than Nintendo first party games. Remember the Turok series or the NFL QB CLub games on N64? Or Factor 5 on N64 and GCN? they blew Nintendo games out of the water.

You will see the Same thing again. Every generation, a different developer seems to get a great grasp of a systems hardware. with the N64 and GCN, it was Rare, Akklaim and FactorFive. With the PS and PS2 it was Square, naughty Dog, and Namco. With the 360 it was Epic themselves and with the PS3, Naughty Dog. With the Dreamcast, it was Team Ninja.

With the Wii U, we have no idea, but it should become apparent shortly.

All the Wii U thrid party PORTs are going to be barely a step up from the 360/PS3 because that is what they are designed to be. Batman in particular, look like they just bumped up the polys on Batman and Catwoman, used some custom Wii U GPU lighting effects on the characters only, and just directly plopped the rest of the game straight over from the 360. the textures are low res, they load badly, shifting horribly, because the Wii U is just muscling around code from a different hardware set because the game is still early. they had to put a lot of thought, time and effort into the Wii U GamePad and it paid off, so they deserve some slack. Assassins Creed is just going to be a port as well. No upgrades.

it's a catch 22 for gamers. They have to risk buying a game in which the develop put little time into for their specific system, or to not buy it due to its poor development and then risk the game publisher not wanting to do it again due to "poor sales."

Basically, any game developer looks to see where the action is and where the money is at. If Wii U proves popular and financially viable for developers, then that will be the starting point, and others will get dumbed down ports.

#14 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 08 June 2012 - 03:00 PM

Eh... did anyone watch the Ubisoft conference? They demoed AC3 on PS3 and it looked terrible... They showed the snow level and there are a lot of texture pop-in and the shadows look blurry... well everything looked blurry.

Posted Image

PS3 left, Wii U right

Keep in mind that the Wii U version is off screen and the PS3 is direct feed... Wii U version look a lot better if you ask me.

Well the PS3 Direct feed quality might have been rather bad and so taking a picture of it less than ideal picture of the ps3 that being said lets get down to buisness.

Ps3 even taking the fact that its Feed quality may have not been good does look worst either way than the wiiu version. This will come as no surprise to any Playstation 3 owners that love third parties as its Cell makes it hard for games to be ported on it. The playstation 3 has a history of having lower level textures than the 360 version when coming down to multiplats.

Another example of this being Far Cry 3 footage showed at sony e3.When I first seen it I thought they were showing off the psvita version of farcry It had awful screen tearing and strange shadowing and game rendering errors like you would see if you was trying to run a game on a old intergrated graphic cards like those on laptops a few years back.This does show something overall great and that wiiu must be easier to port to than the ps3 and I will assume the graphics of the wiiu Asscreed is the same as the 360.

Edited by The Lonely Koopa, 08 June 2012 - 03:02 PM.

#15 uPadWatcher2


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Posted 08 June 2012 - 03:54 PM

Eh... did anyone watch the Ubisoft conference? They demoed AC3 on PS3 and it looked terrible... They showed the snow level and there are a lot of texture pop-in and the shadows look blurry... well everything looked blurry.

Posted Image

PS3 left, Wii U right

Keep in mind that the Wii U version is off screen and the PS3 is direct feed... Wii U version look a lot better if you ask me.

Now I see the major difference. The Wii U graphics in Assassin's Creed III look better and shows clarity than the PS3 format. Although the U is an estimated three times the power Sony's current console, I hope that Ubisoft work harder on adding more RAMs, the framerate to go 60 fps, and improve their graphics engine. In conclusion, I'd say it's a great start for Ubisoft... especially when supporting Nintendo to the very fullest. Look forward to that game at launch for the U.



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#16 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 08 June 2012 - 04:05 PM

When I bring it to full screen I actually do notice that it's a bit easier to make out the details on the trees in the background in the Wii U version. I can also see the individual columns for the railing on the balcony a bit easier.

exactly what i have been saying. assassins creed 3 looks better on Wii U

#17 Soul



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Posted 08 June 2012 - 04:17 PM

long post

Remember that this was years ago Retro has hired people from Crytek and Naughty Dog so it may actually be on par. Nintendo has hired some new people too.

Edited by Sportsgamer, 08 June 2012 - 04:42 PM.

#18 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 08 June 2012 - 04:20 PM

Remember that this was years ago Retro has hired people from Crytek and Naughty Dog so it may actually be on par. Nintendo has hired some new people too.

I'm confused about your quote did you miss quote me since I have no idea what your talking about.

#19 Soul



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Posted 08 June 2012 - 04:41 PM

I'm confused about your quote did you miss quote me since I have no idea what your talking about.

yes lol

#20 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 09 June 2012 - 09:19 AM

Digital Foundry vs. Wii U at E3 has some better shots to compare.
I ordered them as PC, Wii U, PS3, and 360

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