Count your games!
Posted 29 December 2010 - 05:50 AM
To start off, I will count mine.
PS3: 18
PSN: 2
PS2: 12
PSP: 10
NGC: 3
GBA: 6
NDS: 19
Wii: 25
PC: 34 (I didn't play one of those in the last 3 years...)
Total: 129
Posted 29 December 2010 - 11:55 AM

PS3: 21
PS2: Too many, too count
NGC: 7
GBA: 2
GBC: 6
360: N/A
DS: 23
Wii: 11
PC: 17
SMD: 8
Total excluding PS 2... around 82
Posted 01 January 2011 - 02:19 PM
Wii: 6
N64: 7
Game Boy: 3
Game Boy Advance: 1
Gamecube: 10
DS: 4
NES: 2
Posted 05 January 2011 - 07:38 AM
Wii: 9 (3)
PC (CD-ROM): 9 (2)
PC(download): 7 (0)
Yeah... I prefer online games. They're easier to hide, by switching tabs.
My parents are unaware of the existence of tabs. ;P
These are my dragon persona Darren's parents. Or Darrents, if you will.
Posted 11 January 2011 - 12:32 PM
PC: way to much to count. I guess that it will be more than 100.
Wii: 53
GC: 18 (sold much)
DS: 39
GBA: 35
N64: 8
SNES: 15
PS3: 5
PSP: 35
PS2: 39 (sold much)
PS1: 8 (sold much)
XBOX 360: 21 (sold much cuz Box is dead)
Xbox: 38 (sold much)
Sega Dreamcast: 14
Sega Saturn: 14
Sega Mega Drive: 14
Sega Master System: 10
Sega Game Gear: 4
Atari Lynx: 4
Gizmondo: 5
Mac Games: 18
I have also a Atari 2600 Game system with i don't know how much games. An Amiga 2000 and an Atari ST with games are also here.

Best regards.

Posted 19 January 2011 - 10:19 AM

Damn. When i look at my list i guess i am playing way to much. :shock:
Best regards.

Posted 19 January 2011 - 02:12 PM
PS1- 4
XB 360- 9
Xbox- at least 20

Like a Boss
Posted 19 January 2011 - 08:00 PM
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Damn. When i look at my list i guess i am playing way to much. :shock:
I haven't replied yet because it'll take me a while to count up my game collection. But holy crap, yours is friggin' incredible, Goose. You should take some pics of it for us.

Posted 20 January 2011 - 03:17 PM
SecondedNo other replies?
Damn. When i look at my list i guess i am playing way to much. :shock:
I haven't replied yet because it'll take me a while to count up my game collection. But holy crap, yours is friggin' incredible, Goose. You should take some pics of it for us.
Posted 21 February 2011 - 11:21 AM
Nintendo ds: 11
Nintendo wii: 16
Gamecube: 16
ps1: 8
ps2: 10
wii shop:12
I can't think of any other games consoles
my new blog all about Nintendo so go and have a look though its not just as good as here but go for a look and sign up to the forum if you want
Posted 21 February 2011 - 11:39 AM
Wii: 13
PSP: 7
DS: 7
GBA: 2
Posted 05 March 2011 - 09:35 AM
Huh, an important-sounding milestone. I should do something to celebrate this. ;P
These are my dragon persona Darren's parents. Or Darrents, if you will.
Posted 25 April 2011 - 11:46 PM
N64: 10
GC: 14
Wii: 14
GB: 3
GBA: 3
DS: 22
3DS: 2
Total: 68
I didn't count PC games because I've played a LOT of free MMORPGs and other free games. Also, I had a huge collection of CD's from a games magazine, but I've thrown away the majority because they took too much space and weren't good enough - I only collect games that are worth their money.
Posted 03 June 2011 - 03:34 PM
GBA: 3
DS: 6
3DS: 5 (including preloaded games (e.g. Face Raiders and AR Cards))
Home consoles:
NES: 2
N64: 8
GCN: 13
Wii: 19
WiiWare: 4
Total: 64
How could I have so much? A lot of people have more, but if I was asked to estimate on how much games I have before I counted, I would have guessed around 30!
Posted 03 June 2011 - 03:37 PM
Posted 13 June 2011 - 08:52 PM
SNES: 12
N64: 6
PS2: 31
Wii: 25 (48 with WiiWare and VC)
DS: 32
3DS: 2
PC: I dont know..
Posted 13 June 2011 - 08:58 PM
DS: 5
3DS: 1
Wii: 1
Gamecube: 2
PSP: 2
I really suck at keeping games with me as the years go by.
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