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Guess the Specs

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#41 uh20



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Posted 03 July 2012 - 12:43 PM

^^^ thats actually a pretty smart guess, or am i stupid
edit: got in the page cutoff, was talking about penguins guess

Edited by uh20, 03 July 2012 - 12:43 PM.


#42 Penguin101


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Posted 03 July 2012 - 01:07 PM

^^^ thats actually a pretty smart guess, or am i stupid
edit: got in the page cutoff, was talking about penguins guess

That's what I'm hoping for, I mean I'd love it to have 12 threads, but I might be a little optimistic.

I see the two console's CPUs as sports cars. The Wii U has a top speed of 200MPH, and can do 0 - 60 in 2.3 seconds, with gas mileage of 50MPG. Where I see the xbox 8 as a sports car that has a top speed of 100MPH, but can do 0-60 in 1.5 seconds, and has a gas mileage of 80MPG . Or something of that equivalent.

PS: I am not a petrol head :P Although if a petrol head could post car equivalents of all the 7th and 8th gen consoles that would be awesome

Edited by Penguin101, 03 July 2012 - 01:18 PM.

#43 Socalmuscle


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Posted 03 July 2012 - 11:11 PM


#44 uh20



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Posted 03 July 2012 - 11:27 PM

heres a quote

"Other companies might launch a next-generation console with more power, but we don’t necessarily think that the difference between the Wii U and such console will be as drastic as what you felt it was between the Wii and the other consoles because there will be fewer and fewer differentiators in graphics," Iwata said. "Naturally some consumers are very sensitive about such a small difference in graphics so that we will make efforts to make the most of the performance of the Wii U to keep up with technological innovations and not to make the system out-of-date soon."

basically iwota's saying it out loud the wiiu will not reach the specs of the new consoles, but i absolutely loved how he said

consumers are very sensitive about such a small difference in graphics

that just hit it right there, it wont be very big, 30% loss at the very most, 15% more likely
although i still get the idea theres something up the sleeves of this console, or is it me again

Edited by uh20, 03 July 2012 - 11:28 PM.


#45 Penguin101


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Posted 03 July 2012 - 11:54 PM

heres a quote

basically iwota's saying it out loud the wiiu will not reach the specs of the new consoles, but i absolutely loved how he said

that just hit it right there, it wont be very big, 30% loss at the very most, 15% more likely
although i still get the idea theres something up the sleeves of this console, or is it me again

I think the big difference is that the xbox 8 will have a cloud service at launch, along with possibly AR games two years after launch. Nintendo don't like to outsource, so they'd have to invest money they just don't have into building their own cloud servers with a business model they don't know will work yet. I however do hope that the Wii U Gamepad gets a camera attachment so it can play AR games.

PS: I know it's the wrong topic, but does anyone else want an AR version of the original Zelda on the 3DS?

#46 Soul



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Posted 04 July 2012 - 10:10 AM

How would the NES one work in AR.

#47 Penguin101


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 10:49 AM

How would the NES one work in AR.

It would be a 3D (top down) remake. In which you could view the map from any angle. I'm still trying to work out the kinks because the world of Hyrule is HUGE and requires the camera to scroll. Meh maybe it wouldn't work, but a guy can dream of a holographic Hyrule in one's own living room

#48 Soul



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Posted 04 July 2012 - 10:58 AM

I think a nintendo 64 game would be better for AR. 3d link in your living room.

It would be a 3D (top down) remake. In which you could view the map from any angle. I'm still trying to work out the kinks because the world of Hyrule is HUGE and requires the camera to scroll. Meh maybe it wouldn't work, but a guy can dream of a holographic Hyrule in one's own living room

#49 Hamez



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Posted 03 August 2012 - 08:00 AM

I think there'll be 1 GB of RAM. You don't need a whole lot to run only games. 1 GB is still over 11 times as much as Wii had, and 4 times as much as PS3. It's still good. 2 GB is still reasonable, but I don't think it is truly necessary.
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#50 3Dude



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Posted 03 August 2012 - 10:18 AM

I think there'll be 1 GB of RAM. You don't need a whole lot to run only games. 1 GB is still over 11 times as much as Wii had, and 4 times as much as PS3. It's still good. 2 GB is still reasonable, but I don't think it is truly necessary.

Devkits have been confirmed to have 3 4 GB, so retail will be 1.5 to 2.

The newest devkits are pretty much the ball park we are looking at.

Probably only 2 to 3 times ps/360. Even if the specs got a last minute bump to 4x its completely irrelevent in the big scheme.

Looking at the confirmed durango and orbis specs, we arent having a 40~50 times performance jump.

We arent getting a 10x jump.

Confirmed devkit leaks put durango at about 5~6 times 360 performance.

Thats about 2x wii u.

To put that into perspective, the cube was roughly 8x more powerful than the ps2.



#51 thehappening



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Posted 04 August 2012 - 12:12 AM

il go with gpu cpu ram and disc drive and wifi and other bits and bobs

#52 00stevo


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 11:24 AM

To put that into perspective, the cube was roughly 8x more powerful than the ps2.

Honestly,where do some of you guys get your 'info' from?

The GC had as far as i can remember,48mb ram vs PS2's 32mb.

The GC had a slightly faster GPU.

Its CPU was dubbed 'Gekko' and ran @485mhz,vs 300mhz on PS2.

How that equates to 8x as poweful ill never know. Link to source or GTFO.

On topic:
Tri or quad cpu,2.5-3.0ghz,2 threads per core.

2GB ram.

AMD 6670. (not 6770)

The rest is already confirmed,the specs i stated above are the most important for graphics/processing performance.

#53 3Dude



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Posted 07 August 2012 - 08:32 AM

Honestly,where do some of you guys get your 'info' from?

The GC had as far as i can remember,48mb ram vs PS2's 32mb.

The GC had a slightly faster GPU.

Its CPU was dubbed 'Gekko' and ran @485mhz,vs 300mhz on PS2.

How that equates to 8x as poweful ill never know. Link to source or GTFO.

Might want to take a look at what TYPE of ram, and not just the difference in capacity.

Maybe you'll find the cube had mosys 1tsram for the main pool and gpu cache that had a sustainable latency of 6ns vs the ps2s craptastic dram latency 30-40 ns or likely worse.

Might want to take a look at the respective processor caches between the cube and the ps2.

Might want to see how not having s3 texture compression support affects system performance.

Might want to remember clock speed has diddly to do with comparing performance across different architectures. Yes, the cube could perform more cycles a second than the ps2, but thats irrelevent in the face of how many more complex instructions per cycle the cube could perform over the ps2.

Might want to consider the gecko was an out of order processor.

Might want to consider the cubes fantastic branch prediction unit.

8x wasn't used to make anyone think 'oh damn, the cube was so much more powerful than the ps2'.

It was to make people realize how completely insignificant such a small difference in power is to graphical output.

Re4 is a great example, re4 ps2 is a SERIOUSLY downgraded port. Especially graphically.

Most people never even noticed.

Generation jumps typically consist of 40-50x or bigger leaps in power. 8x is practically nothing. less than that is less than nothing.



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