Anti- zombiu
Posted 15 July 2012 - 08:45 PM
Posted 15 July 2012 - 10:43 PM
- Wonder Blue, Hamez, Robotic Sunshine Commander and 2 others like this
Posted 15 July 2012 - 11:45 PM
Don't discount a game simply because of it's rating. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, that is fine, but let other people enjoy it.
thats exactly right
and dont forget that its these games nintendo are hoping sell the console
- Expansion Pak likes this
Posted 16 July 2012 - 12:32 AM
Seriously, am I supposed to be scared? It wasn't scary at all. A 9 year old should definitely be able to play this.
A game that is miles ahead of being scary is Calling Wii. Seriously, can't play the first level of it and I've tried 4 times now

Don't discount a game simply because of it's rating. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, that is fine, but let other people enjoy it.
Yep, that's like saying don't play a mario games since it's for kids.
Edited by Hinkik, 16 July 2012 - 12:33 AM.
Posted 16 July 2012 - 12:51 AM
- Penguin101 likes this
Posted 18 July 2012 - 06:50 PM
The recent "Nursery" Trailer really gave me a scare. XD I haven't been freaked out by a game like that since the Hell hounds jumped through the windows in the 1st Resident Evil.
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Posted 19 July 2012 - 04:14 AM
Honestly, kids these days could care less. My guess is the 9 year old has seen worse than Zombiu. This generation just isn't scared as easily, which is why the survival horror genre has taken a hit.Okay I know most of you will buy this game, but is there anyone who's not buying the game? For me , I love the concept, but there's just too much blood and horror and I don't really play M games, plus blood makes me Squamish. I watched the trailer for zombiu with the pictures only, I was fine when I watched it the first time, but the second time I nearly wanted to throw up. What made it even creepier was that it had the song god save the queen playing.
Don't get me wrong, I love the concept and all but I'm more centered around family friendly games. I have a little nephew who wants me to get it cause he thinks it's 'cool' I am not letting a 9 year old play a zombie game.
Plus I have a two year old goddaughter to think about so... Yeah...don't want to scare her.
Anyways, it sounds like you are a hematophobiac (Science for afraid of blood

- Wonder Blue and Expansion Pak like this
Posted 19 July 2012 - 04:29 AM
^This. Nintendolover, the games that you SHOULD be worried about are games like Grand theft auto or Call of Duty(no offense to people to like those games) those games are more violent than ZombiU. There is a difference between killing zombies and killing people. Four words: Just Don't Buy It.Honestly, kids these days could care less. My guess is the 9 year old has seen worse than Zombiu. This generation just isn't scared as easily, which is why the survival horror genre has taken a hit.
Anyways, it sounds like you are a hematophobiac (Science for afraid of blood, so you really shouldn't get it if you aren't going to like it.
Edited by Koopaman, 19 July 2012 - 04:36 AM.
I shower you with coconut cream pies.
Posted 22 July 2012 - 07:36 PM

Posted 23 July 2012 - 10:36 AM

idk what im getting, but if i had to guess this is like, 8 on the list, with a few imaginary unannouced games inbetween
i do agree theres too much gun-em-down type games.
but the wii (and the wiiu) have had violent games, theres not really an in-between vfrog and wii except restricting what you buy, so yea
that sigs still scaring me

Posted 23 July 2012 - 02:06 PM
Scary face!
But I get what you guys are saying, I might watch a walk through of it online, just to see how scary it is. But it does sound interesting, but I'm more geared towards family friendly stuff, never been into M rated games that much.
Edited by Nintendolover21, 23 July 2012 - 02:10 PM.
Posted 23 July 2012 - 02:10 PM
Excellent. When you watch it the first time its scary.Scary face!
But I get what you guys a saying, I might watch a walk through of it online, just to see how scary it is. But it does sound interesting, but I'm more geared towards family friendly stuff, never been into M rated games that much.
I shower you with coconut cream pies.
Posted 23 July 2012 - 09:36 PM
I'm 14 and I watched that gameplay of it when they was walking around in some day care and killing zombies and getting killed by them.
Seriously, am I supposed to be scared? It wasn't scary at all. A 9 year old should definitely be able to play this.
A game that is miles ahead of being scary is Calling Wii. Seriously, can't play the first level of it and I've tried 4 times now
Yep, that's like saying don't play a mario games since it's for kids.
Almost missed the sarcasm there

And your comparison doesn't make any sense. What he's saying is clearly "Don't push your opinion on me", unless that's sarcasm too.
If it was, just call me stupid
Posted 24 July 2012 - 06:04 AM
Almost missed the sarcasm there
And your comparison doesn't make any sense. What he's saying is clearly "Don't push your opinion on me", unless that's sarcasm too.
If it was, just call me stupid
No sarcasm here it's not scary at all.
Posted 26 July 2012 - 11:37 AM
Posted 13 August 2012 - 11:38 AM
Edited by Dwarphkin, 13 August 2012 - 12:03 PM.

I sometimes wish life was like Fallout 3 ^-^
Posted 13 August 2012 - 12:02 PM
I don't understand why people think that games like this scare children. They might scare children under like 8, but I have yet to see any child I know be scared of a zombie game. Movies are different as they look real, but videogames don't look real. Long as they understand that it's not real, then it should be fine to let the watch. No letting them play is a different story. I wouldn't let any child under 13 play any game rated M. Personally I think that M rated games aren't all that M rated. TBH Some of them don't have that much profanity in them. Nor the Drugs or alcohol. It just blood and the nature of the game that make ESRB rate it M. That's my opinion though, and I already know some people are going to call me crazy for it. But there is a reason why people stay childish for so long.
I don't know how children work nowadays but there's a real chance of them becoming scared. They have very fluid imaginations, and hopefully haven't seen enough gore to get used to it yet.
I'm not saying it'll terrify or scar them forever, but they CAN get scared if their imagination train starts heading towards a zombie apocalypse and their family dying.
When I was young, I enjoyed horror but my imagination still got the best of me sometimes haha.

Posted 13 August 2012 - 12:16 PM
To tell you the truth, I just think that it depends on the child's frame of mind. I used to be one of those children that thought the idea of zombies was awesome. My Imagination is over active still, and I think it always will be. But if the children want to play or watch, I'd say let them do so. It's not like they can't get up and leave if they think its scary.I don't know how children work nowadays but there's a real chance of them becoming scared. They have very fluid imaginations, and hopefully haven't seen enough gore to get used to it yet.
I'm not saying it'll terrify or scar them forever, but they CAN get scared if their imagination train starts heading towards a zombie apocalypse and their family dying.
When I was young, I enjoyed horror but my imagination still got the best of me sometimes haha.
I don't see how videogames have anything to do with him acting his age.There is no need to get the game if you don't like it. And if your nephew disagrees tell him that he's too young for games like this. The kid needs to act his age.
Whats wrong about you brother letting his kids play these kind of games, its a video game.I want to get the batman game, never been a fan of assassin's creed though
There is a slim chance I might get it, but I would have to hide it for when my 9 year old nephew comes over. The thing is, he said he's played M rated games before, with my other nephew who is his cousin ( the cousin is 15 or 16 btw) and my brother just lets them play it... I just don't understand how my brother thinks letting a 9 and 16 year old play an M rated game is okay... I guess a16 year old understands it more then a 9 year old... But that still doesn't make it right

I sometimes wish life was like Fallout 3 ^-^
Posted 13 August 2012 - 01:48 PM
To tell you the truth, I just think that it depends on the child's frame of mind. I used to be one of those children that thought the idea of zombies was awesome. My Imagination is over active still, and I think it always will be. But if the children want to play or watch, I'd say let them do so. It's not like they can't get up and leave if they think its scary.
I don't see how videogames have anything to do with him acting his age.
Whats wrong about you brother letting his kids play these kind of games, its a video game.
I agree, I grew up with the Alien series basically being my childhood movie memories. I look at it like I see The Lion King. I fell in love with the Aliens and were sad when they were killed.

I'm just saying that some kids may get scared if they're prone to it.
But I ... sorta disagree on letting a 9 year old play an M rated game. I think you should at least wait until kids are 13 before you start corrupting their childhood with the whole "killing everything is fun" thing lol. Plus it helps if they have some experience with other game genres other than shooters. It sort of bothers me when I see young kids these days only playing shooters and stuff. What happened to JRPGs and games that made you think and hit you in your feels? lol

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